What if you and I were sweet yet savory people? Crazy idea, huh?! What if followers of Jesus purposed to live in a way that offered those around us a “salty sweet” presence that reflected who we are and Whose we are? Let me explain…
It was Jesus who declared you and I the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13). What is the purpose of salt? In a nutshell… this is what salt does1:
Preserves quality
- Enhances flavor
- Removes bitterness
- Provides nutrients
- Binds together
- Increases brightness
Now apply those characteristics to personal interactions. Do you and I bring good things to the table? Do we preserve others, enhance conversations, remove bitterness, speak wisdom, promote unity, and brighten lives? Wow! When I consider the characteristics of salt, I sense a strength, an authenticity even, that presents itself while engaging with others. It’s living and interacting in an integral way that brings glory to God.
So where does the sweetness come in?
Colossians 4:6 reminds us, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” I believe the sweetness comes through us in the form of grace! Grace takes mercy to a whole new level!
Mercy is when we don’t receive consequences we deserve. Grace is when we not only don’t receive what we deserve, but we are blessed with something we don’t deserve and didn’t earn! Grace is the ability to treat others with kindness and value regardless of whether we feel it is deserved. It allows us to answer anger with gentleness; to give blessing to those who curse us; and to forgive the ones who break our hearts (Prov. 15:1, Matt. 5:44,18:21-22). In a nutshell… Grace brings a sweetness to interactions, even if they are in painful or uncomfortable situations.
Sweet and salty, grace and strength… a powerful combination, a recipe even. As ambassadors representing the Kingdom of God, when our interactions with others are patterned with salty qualities and the sweetness of grace then wrapped in God’s love, we will walk in favor and influence like we never have before! Each personal connection is an opportunity to love others, be encouraging, dismantle bitterness, and promote goodness!
What a powerful opportunity for us! Sweet yet savory! Be a life well-seasoned! I’m up to the challenge, how about you?
Live Loved,
P.S. Please share your thoughts by clicking the reply button! I appreciate your input.
P.P.S. Try one of my favorite salty sweet combinations here: Rolo Pretzel Turtle Bites
What an wonderful reminder! To be the salt of the earth, to stand up for right even if you have to stand alone!
Thanks Joy! Awesome
Amen! But sisters never have to stand alone! Of that, I’m thankful! <3 Thank you for your "sweet" words!