About Joy


I am a work in progress just like you!

I love the Lord…

adore my husband and kids!

enjoy coffee!

thrive on reading and writing!

crave chocolate and berries!

and want to be more like Jesus every day!


Joy is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, but most importantly, a Princess daughter of the King of kings!  She is learning to “live loved,” being confident that all she needs can be found in a relationship with her Heavenly Dad! Everything else in life is icing on the cake!

Joy started working with toddlers at the age of 12 and life has taken her through a variety of venues since then.  She has 28 years of professional teaching & training.  Her experiences as a coach, teacher, and trainer stretch from preschool through adults.  She has worked in the arenas of private and public schools, churches, behavior modification, and theatre production.

Her desire is to encourage others!  She accomplishes this through teaching, training, speaking, writing, and sharing. She hopes that her words will always be ones that build others up and encourage them to fulfill their destiny.  Joy desires that each reader & listener would experience the blessing and confidence of “living loved” by a Gracious Heavenly Father.