The other day I was listening to a catchy new song when the chorus line caught my attention. “Dream Small” the artist sang, causing me to suddenly become alert to what was playing. Dream small? Wait… what?
Are you nuts? No, no, no! We should dream big, huge, ginormously!
Not wanting to judge quickly, I listened to the verses and chorus again. I discovered that the song writer wanted people to realize that ministry need not wait for global opportunities but can happen daily by simply being kind, giving, listening, being faithful, and living well.
I agree, please do ALL of those things, but DON’T.DREAM.SMALL!! Don’t sell short the impact of what those “small” things can do!
Anyone who has read a few of my posts or has heard me preach or teach knows that touching people in our realm of influence is a theme I’m passionate about! I wrote about impacting others in All Embracing Love as well as being Sweet and Savory. Touching the lives around us is a desire that is close to God’s heart too. We hear His encouragement sprinkled throughout Scripture:
- Be kind to one another (Ephesians 4:32)
- Be generous (Proverbs 11:25)
- Be thankful (Colossians 3:15)
- Be peaceful (see above)
- Be gentle (II Timothy 2:24)
- Be patient (I Thessalonians 5:14)
And above all this, we are to pursue, go hard after, be purposeful about, deliberately love (I Corinthians 14:1).
To the untrained eye, these “random acts of kindness” may indeed seem small. It may feel like we are just making a dent in the work of reaching a hurting world. BUT GOD!
When we reach out to touch others with compassion and kindness, it is no small thing! Have you ever tossed a pebble into a lake? That “small” piece of rock causes a ripple effect, sending out multiple rings of movement on the lake’s surface and even below as it descends.
As we are faithful to impact our realm of influence, God is faithful to send others to water or harvest the seeds we planted (I Corinthians 3:6-8). Or maybe we are those that water; we may even have the opportunity to reap! What you and I do when we are kind, faithful, consistent, patient, and giving… creates a ripple effect in His Kingdom because God gives the increase.
Don’t dream small! Act small… sowing acts of grace towards others… then, Dream big!!! Believe that the ripple effect from your kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness will reach farther than you ever imagined! After all, it’s our Father, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who gives the increase. And He is really good at multiplication!
Close your eyes… well, read this and then close your eyes… picture in your mind a big, loveable, dog who has just jumped into a vat of blessing. Climbing out, it excitedly gives a full-body shake that spreads droplets of blessing on everyone in a 20 feet radius. That blessing-sharing character is you! Jump into your Father’s love, soak up some blessing, and go shake it all over everyone you meet!
Live Loved, it makes loving others easier!
Please comment and share on social media! We are blessed to be a blessing!