It’s the nature of our lives in the current culture.
Jobs, families, chores, meals, church, sports, clubs, school, hobbies, fitness…
None of it is bad, but it all requires time. And no matter how old we are, how rich we are, or how dedicated we are, we only get 24 hours each day.
Busyness can be physically and emotionally draining. What’s more, it can drain your relationships too. The sense of being overwhelmed can lead to forgetfulness, frustration, and even physical discomfort. That was my reality not long ago as chest pains, choking sensations, and tension headaches became nearly a daily occurrence. As I looked at my responsibility “plate,” there was very little that I could abandon. Yet, I wasn’t content to tolerate my “new normal.”
Let me first say that you cannot underestimate the power of partnership or the power of prayer! I’m so thankful for family and friends that prayed and continue to pray with me and for me! There are days I feel like Moses with a battle at my feet. Yet, I’m blessed with people to hold me up through the “fight!” (Exodus 17)
In an effort to conquer my stress, I talked with the doctor, pursued natural methods, and took steps to lower my salt intake.* But I also knew that my body was calling out for rest! There’s a reason that Our Creator chose to rest on the 7th day. He modeled rest for us, not because He needed it, but because He knew that we would!
On a side note**: Choosing to push ourselves beyond reason seems noble… but in reality, it is a symptom of pride. Does any of this sound familiar? “If I want it done right, I have to do it myself.” “It’s just easier to do it alone.” “I don’t want to bother anyone with my needs.” “I don’t have time to show someone how to do this.” While all of these might be true, there’s something humbling and heartening about asking for help and enjoying the reward of working alongside another to achieve a goal! And in all truth… there are other people who can do what we do just as well if not better! (Check out Jethro’s wisdom for Moses in Exodus 18.) **There is no extra charge for this challenge side note! 🙂
During this season I felt the Lord say, “I’m issuing a call to rest! Come sit here with Me and rest!” I knew this was not just a word for me, but for all of us who are expending loads of energy just to keep everything afloat. In the book of Mark, the disciples were so busy with the people that they didn’t even have time to eat. Jesus called to His friends, “Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Sit & Listen… Can you hear His call to you and me in the midst of life’s busyness? “Come to Me and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
- Soak your feet
- Read a book
- Take a walk
- Paint a picture
- Listen to music
- Enjoy a power nap
- Savor your coffee (or tea)
- Embrace the sunset
- Watch animals at play
- Gaze at the stars
When we choose to rest in Our Father’s presence, it restores our mind’s focus, rejuvenates our body, and feeds our spirit. A day free of responsibility is fabulous, but rare. So, be tenacious about finding mini-chunks of rest scattered through your busy days. Listen as He whispers your name, calling you to rest with Him.
Just as a note of rest on a music sheet ushers in a sweeter tune, your time of rest will bring a sweeter, resounding sense of strength to complete what lies ahead.
Live Loved,
*God is so faithful! Those symptoms are gone and I’m making wiser choices even in the midst of my still busy days!