I love this promise and needed to hear it today. I crave His guidance and need His healing strength! I know that God is faithful and He will give me everything that I need.
But… if I focus on my needs, I will miss His heart in the process!
To fully enjoy the promise of His presence and provision, we need to embrace His heart, His passions! So, what is God’s heart passionate about? Look closer at Isaiah 58:6-12. God talks to us about what brings Him delight, and as a princess daughter, I want to please my Father! So, what brings Him delight? When we:
- Correct injustices
- Enable others to find freedom
- Help those less fortunate
- Are present/engaged with our family
- Lighten the burdens of others
- Are a source of grace and peace
As we are purposeful to invest in others, we bring light to the dark places! Our world is filled with darkness, and Jesus told us that we are the light!1 But our light doesn’t shine just because we show up… it shines because we show Jesus when we show up!

When we bless others, He will bless us! Isaiah continues in verse 9 saying, “Then when you call, the Lord will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ He will quickly reply.” Not only that, but He will come to our rescue, heal us, protect us, restore us, strengthen us, and lead us forward! Wow, those are some serious benefits!
Is it a fair trade? No way! It’s far more than we deserve! Jesus summed up this trade when He said, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”2
That’s a trade worth investing in! Light up someone’s darkness today!
This world needs you!
Live Loved,

1Matthew 5:14
2Matthew 6:33 NLT
Read more about injustice here: Food for Thought
I really like this line…
But… if I focus on my needs, I will miss His heart in the process! It’s kind of what I said last week.
We make a great team! 🙂 Thanks for faithfully reading, supporting, and encouraging me!