Welcome to 2022! It’s a fresh page in the newest chapter of your life! The Lord has preloaded experiences, events, and encounters into each day of this new year (Ephesians 2:10). He designed each day specifically for you and with your best interests in mind (Psalm 139:13-170)! It’s important to have faith in His plans and purposes because not all of those experiences, events, and encounters will be easy.
As you embark on Day 1 of whatever year this is in your journey, can I encourage you to grab ahold? Grab ahold of a promise of God that speaks to your heart and will sustain you through the difficult times! It doesn’t have to be the same promise all year; in fact, God wants to give us “fresh bread” a.k.a. “fresh Truth” each day. You see, when the river of life begins to churn and feel more like white water rapids than a docile stream, we NEED to have an anchor to cling to! That anchor is found in the Truth of God’s Word and in the Truth of His character.
Let me connect two verses for you that I hope will encourage you to dig afresh into God’s promises for you!
In Jeremiah 1:12, the Lord tells the prophet “for I am watching to see that My word is fulfilled” (NIV). When the Lord makes a declaration, He is committed to follow through on His Word! That’s exciting!
Now check out II Corinthians 1:20: “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God” (NIV). Imagine a child that has an earnest desire and climbs up on daddy’s lap to make her request knowing that the answer is already a “yes.” That child has no fear or trepidation, only confidence in what is to come!
With the heart of that child, we participate in the process by identifying God’s promises and then affirming them with an “Amen” in our lives! Sure, God can do things on His own, but He wants to partner with us in this journey! He wants to build our confidence in His faithfulness (Hebrews 1:21).
Each new year, I pray for a word to help me embrace what the Lord has planned for me. This year, He gave me the word “hope” with Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (NIV). I don’t know what experiences, events, and encounters even today holds, but I know Who holds me every step of the way and my hope is in His faithfulness!
Reach out for a Word from your Daddy, a promise1 from His heart, and know that He is faithful to bring it to pass! He is not sending you into 2022 with a handshake and pat on the back, He walks with you every step of the way. Grab ahold of a promise, grab ahold of some Truth, grab ahold of HIM each moment of every day and watch Him fulfill His promises to you!
Live loved,

1 There are many, many promises God has given us in His word. If you are unsure where to start, here are some resources for you. When you read one that causes your spirit to jump, that’s a great starting point!
- 15 Promises of God with Scripture https://chasingvibrance.com/promises-of-god-in-the-bible-to-claim-everyday/
- 160 Promises of God A free printable resource: https://outuponthewaters.com/160-promises-of-god-from-scripture/
- More about God’s Promises: https://busyblessedwomen.com/what-are-the-promises-of-god/
- 52 Weeks of God’s Promises: https://www.lwf.org/promises-of-god
As always right on time ! Joy💜
Just listening and obeying! Happy New Year, Sister of mine! <3