Maybe you’ve heard someone say, “I can’t wait for the new year, I’m ready to be done with this one!” We celebrate each January 1st as a new beginning and a fresh start. It represents an untouched opportunity to explore, grow, and change.
But why wait? By waiting for the close of the official calendar to evoke freshness in our lives, we are missing the blessing of each new day! Too often we wake up in the morning just to have our minds flooded with the happenings of yesterday… missed opportunities, frustrated moments, forgotten commitments, harsh words… all stains that should stay with yesterday but are allowed to bleed into today. Don’t begin today by writing on yesterday’s page. Each new day is a new beginning. You were designed to open to a fresh page when your eyes embrace the morning light!
The Prophet Jeremiah experienced loss, anger, and frustration, yet he reminded himself (and us), “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.” (Lamentations 3:22-23, NLT)
What are these mercies that are new for us each morning?
His faithfulness-Isaiah 30:18, I Thessalonians 5:23-24
His unconditional love-Psalm 103:11, I John 4:9-10
His forgiveness-Micah 7:18-19, I John 1:9
His strength-Isaiah 40:28-31, Philippians 4:13
His grace-Psalm 84:11, Romans 5:20-21
His peace-Psalm 29:11, John 14:27
As you step into your new day, what is it that you need today… His faithfulness, love, forgiveness, strength, grace, peace? All of those things? Me too! And they are all found in our Savior! He is never further than a whisper away! Don’t wait for a new year to gain a fresh beginning; start each day with a new page!
Don’t stop there though, as you experience God’s faithfulness, love, and forgiveness, extend those gifts to the others in your life! Offer forgiveness that isn’t requested; give grace to those who offend; show kindness that is undeserved. Freely you have received it, so freely give!
Our Father is a God of new beginnings! He promises to forget our mistakes and help us clean up our messes. Our eyes and feet point forward because that is how God designed us to move… forward into what He has for us today without clinging to the stains of yesterday. Let each day unfold on a fresh page, purified and ready to reflect God at work in you and me.
Live Loved, because you are!
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He is so faithful! I just love how He begins a new thing in and through us. Recently, before my eyes are open the verse, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it,” plays in my being. Grateful and so very thankful! Keep writing Joy! It is glorious to see your gift in print 🙂
That’s a good reminder! Thank you and thanks for those encouraging words!
This was great for the new year, but especially going to be needed in 6 months! 😉
So many good things are coming!!