It’s developing a habit, really… Choosing to look at circumstances from all sides as if you were inspecting a possible purchase. What looks awful from one side may look beautiful from another. I’ve been accused of looking at life through rose-colored glasses. I’m not offended by that… in fact, I think everyone should have a pair!
You and I can view life through the lens of trials or through the lens of opportunities. It’s all in our perspective, really… consider Mary and Martha. I’d venture to say that both women loved Jesus and both were most likely hard workers. Yet in the scenario in Luke 10:38-42, we find them at odds with one another. Why? They had differing perspectives of Jesus’ visit! Martha saw the problem; Mary saw the Provider. Martha saw the duties; Mary saw the Deliverer. Martha saw the situation; Mary saw the Savior! Martha wanted Jesus to feel comfortable; Mary took comfort in the presence of Jesus. Jesus knew what Mary and Martha needed… Himself! Martha just hadn’t figured it out yet (I’d like to think she caught on soon!).
Consider the scenarios in your life. How easy it is to focus on the problems and needs! But, oh! When we lift our vision higher, we focus on the Provider, the Comforter, the Divine Orchestrator whose very presence fills our lives! We can sit at His feet, leave our burdens there, and find the comfort that only He can offer. Yes, there is still work to be done! No, we cannot abdicate our responsibilities. But, we can keep our eyes on the One who knows what we need, opens the door of access to the Throne room, and whispers His perspective into our spirits!
Sure, sometimes circumstances drain the pep from my step, but if I am purposeful to readjust my focus, I get a peek of the Son shining through life’s clouds! Slip on those rose-colored glasses and lift your vision higher! There’s life to be found in every situation!
Dig deeper: James 1:2-6, Psalm 34:8-18, Philippians 4:6-8
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Live Loved,