Last week, I asked you… Have you ever felt chosen? Ephesians 1 declares that ALL of us have been chosen to have relationship with God. Ephesians 2 takes us further and so I ask…
Did you ever?
Did you ever accept the invitation to live in grace? It is God’s grace that allows us to truly live and be reconciled by the sacrifice of Jesus. And it’s only by grace… not anything you or I can be or do.
Many people, like me, grew up with the “pull yourselves up by the boot-straps” mentality. Our motto is: We can accomplish what we set our minds to do. So, it can be challenging and humbling to realize that there is no way that we can achieve salvation on our own. But it is also freeing! Because if we can’t gain it on our own, then we can’t lose it on our own either! Our Salvation rests in what Jesus has already done for us and our willingness to accept the invitation to live in God’s grace. Wow!
Yes, it’s that simple and yet profound! Say “yes” to the invitation to live in God’s grace… there’s an abundant supply of His mercy and grace available to you. When you realize how very much God loves you, you’ll stop wondering if you are “good enough” to be His kid or “bad enough” to even need Him. Instead you’ll rest in the knowledge that you are His workmanship, His masterpiece, His poetry! And then you’ll want to get to know Him better and learn the desires in His heart for you. (vs. 10)
There’s so much more to learn in Ephesians 2! Read on to learn about how the blood of Jesus:
- Gives access to the Father through the Holy Spirit
- Brings unity
- Fulfills the requirements of the law
- Break downs the walls of prejudice
- Abolishes ethnic barriers
- Makes us citizens of Heaven!
“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.” Vs. 13
I hope you say, “Yes!”
Live Loved,