Lately, I’ve felt compelled to dig into the book of Ephesians. I armed myself with multiple versions, a notebook, and my favorite colored pens. After digesting the first chapter, I had to ask you, my readers…
Have you ever?
Have you ever felt chosen? wanted? pursued?
The truth is, no matter how you’ve felt, you are all of those things!!
You are Chosen! You are Wanted! You are Pursued!
In Ephesians 1, the Holy Spirit assures us that before the very foundations of the world, before Adam and Eve listened to lies, before sin became the norm, God designed a plan to restore our relationship with Him!
ALL OF US! Please don’t miss the ALL!* God knew what you were going to be like before your first breath. He knew about my struggles before I was formed. He knew the good, the bad, and the ugly about all of His creations before Adam and Eve opened their eyes.
Yet, He wants to have a relationship with us! He delights in us! You see, the same love He has for Jesus, He has for ALL of us. He longs to have relationship with each and every person He created. We are His kids, made in His image!
Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are adopted and restored as His very own. He has co-seated us in the Heavens with Jesus! This is just a taste of what we are invited to participate in! Dig into Ephesians 1 for yourself! Ask the Lord to stir a hunger for a deeper relationship with Him.
Live Loved,

*John 3:16, II Peter 3:9, Romans 10:12
So good and powerful!!! <3
Thank you! <3
Great word, Joy. Powerful. Love you.❤
Thanks so much! Love you too! 🙂