A humorous moment from the 1998 version of The Parent Trap has Natasha Richardson’s character launching into a stress-induced tirade and declaring, in her beautifully British voice, “I can’t handle this!” (Insert your best British accent here!) She is about to come face to face with the father of her children whom she hasn’t seen in 11 years. She follows that comment with the statement, “I’m not mature enough for this!” As her rant continues, her fussing reflects her insecurities.* While the scene provides us some chuckles, the reality is that I’ve had a few tirades like this myself!
There have been times in my life when I’ve felt the same exasperation and thrown my hands up declaring, “I just can’t handle this!” I can’t forgive like I should. I can’t embrace the struggle I face. I can’t ignore the difficult people I encounter. I can’t meet the demands in my mailbox. I can’t juggle the balls being thrown my way. I just can’t!
And I’m not supposed to… alone!
You see, we weren’t designed to face these challenges alone. Even Jesus, in His greatest time of need, sought the Father’s help and asked His disciples to pray with Him (Matthew 26:36-39). In His wisdom, He realized that He didn’t need to face His destiny alone. So, why do we try to manage life on our own?
In the world, independence is a sign of maturity. But the Kingdom of God is upside down! The more we depend on God and His faithfulness, the more maturity is evident in our lives. If you’ve been around Biblical teaching for long, you’ve probably heard of the 10-finger prayer found in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!” The Amplified version brings a deeper clarity to this declaration (but you’ll need more fingers!):
“I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him Who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]”
You and I are ready for anything and equal to anything through Christ because He infuses us with inner strength and confident peace! That’s a revelation that I need to grab and embrace! We truly can do it! We can face each day’s challenges because of our confidence in who He is and what He can do! It’s not us, but Him IN us that enables our “can.” His grace is sufficient to see us through the challenges each day presents (II Corinthians 12:9).

Through Holy Spirit strength, we can forgive. Through Him, we can embrace. In Him, we can ignore, we can meet demands, and we can juggle whatever balls life throws in our direction.
Don’t misunderstand, facing our challenges will not be easy, simple, short, or painless. But it is do-able! We can do it!
Allow this truth to sink deep in your spirit! You CAN handle it! He promised to never leave you… so, whatever you encounter, you are not alone. You CAN handle it because His strength infuses you!
There is an old gospel song by Cristy Lane that said it well,
“One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That’s all I’m asking from You.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday, what I have to do.
Yesterday’s gone, sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord, help me today, show me the way
One day at a time”**
- Pause in the midst of your pain.
- Stop when the stress comes rolling through.
- Delay when the demands are overwhelming.
Whisper His name and invite Him to come to you in the midst of your challenge.
Look back at the victories, then look forward in faith!
When we focus on His Word, His presence, and His love for us, we find ourselves infused with confidence and peace that will enable us to be equal to whatever our day brings. You Can Handle It!
Phew… I really needed to be reminded of this truth! Live Loved,

Please share your thoughts below!
*Her character invites her butler/friend to accompany her for support. Spoiler alert: In the end, she and the father reconnect!
**Enjoy Lynda Tait Randle’s rendition of One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus.