Soundtrack Savvy

It happened again yesterday…

I was minding my own business when one of those songs came on. You know the ones, you haven’t heard it in 15 or 20 years, but suddenly you’re singing along with it like it’s a current hit. If you’re like me, you surprise yourself with how well you remember the words! (And often they aren’t the most uplifting lyrics.) Your mind may even flick to a memory that includes that song or the car you were driving in when it was a top ten hit.

Lyrics and tunes… for centuries the art of music has impacted the world; for decades (a few anyway!) it has impacted mine. Music has the ability to calm, agitate, uplift, restore, celebrate, annoy, and unite. Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.1 There’s power in music; there’s power in lyrics.

Music has never been more readily available than it is today. Literally, music is a tool at our fingertips that can be used as a melancholy, pity party tune or a stand tall, dig deep anthem.

What soundtracks do you have on repeat?

“Lyrics don’t matter.” I’ve heard this more times than I can count. But I beg to differ. Remember that song you haven’t heard for 15 years but you remember the words? Me too. Lyrics do matter and they stick in your mind for much longer than you’d imagine. When you find yourself in challenging circumstances, when you are feeling at your wit’s end, when you feel like no one else knows how you feel, music will draw you in… and it will either lift you up or drag you down.

Today our worship team sang an oldie but a goodie: Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture. As I sang along, the lyrics flowed out of me with such boldness, joy, and peace! My confidence came from 2 sources:

  • I have lived through a few things and have seen God come through on my behalf!
  • I recognized the lyrics as simply a poetic reassembling of the Truth found in God’s Word.

Take a few minutes and listen in: Your Love Never Fails. Listen and lean into the lyrical Truths found in this song2:

Nothing can separate (Romans 8:31-39)
Even if I ran away (Psalm 139:7-12)
Your love never fails (I John 4:7, I Corinthians 13:8)

I know I still make mistakes (Romans 3:23, Romans 2:4)
But You have new mercies for me every day (Lamentations 3:22-233)
Your love never fails

You stay the same through the ages (Hebrews 13:8)
Your love never changes (James 1:17)
There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)

And when the oceans rage
I don’t have to be afraid (Psalm 112:7, Isaiah 43:1-2)
Because I know that You love me (I John 4:10)
Your love never fails

‘Cause You make all things work together for my good (Romans 8:28)
You make all things work together for my good2

Personally, I find that music has helped heal my heart, rejuvenate my faith, and put a spring in my step when I desperately needed it. Instrumental songs have their place and provide a soothing backdrop for me when in work mode. However, songs filled with lyrics of truth affirm my confidence in a faithful God and open the door for intimacy with my Heavenly Father. Other songs simply bring joy and reminders that the world still has a lot of good in it! Either way, I get to choose the soundtracks that roll around in my head, heart, car, and home!

If you’re reading this, you are old enough to make your own choices regarding what you will listen to. Choose wisely! Choose well for your soul, choose well for the other listeners in your home. Be encouraged to fill your heart and mind with music that uplifts and lyrics that inspire!

Live Loved,

P.S. If you enjoyed this, please share on social media and include your favorite uplifting song! 🙂


2 Songwriters: Anthony Warren Skinner / Christopher Andrew McClarney

Your Love Never Fails lyrics © EMI Music Publishing

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