When life is tough, your attitude can make or break your day!
A few days ago, I {finally} relaxed on a massage table as I used the gift card my husband gave me last Christmas. As the therapist started working on the knots in my shoulders, I actually had to work at calming my mind and letting go of my “To-do” list as well as my “Problems to solve” agenda. As I listened to the soothing music, I began to talk to the Lord. I thanked Him for my job, even though it’s stressful. I thanked Him for my home, even though it needs some upkeep. I thanked Him for our cars, even though the payments are coming due. I thanked Him for my family, even as I wondered how I was going to budget Christmas. I thanked Him for His goodness, even though I know I don’t deserve it.
By the time the therapist got to my hands, I felt overwhelmed with thankfulness! But this thankfulness was different. I was thankful for simply having all 10 of my fingers! I began to think of not just what I have, but also what I don’t have… an insurance claim for a house lost to a fire, a doctor’s appointments for a terminal condition, or an addiction to manage. I don’t have empty cupboards or a home infested with pests. I don’t have to visit a family member in jail today or a missing loved one to file a police report on.
Is life perfect? Not for anyone! But if I don’t choose thankfulness, what’s left to choose from? Complaining, whining, bitterness, self-pity, jealousy. None of those sound particularly pleasant. In fact, all of those attitudes will make me a less than enjoyable person to be around. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we need to “vent” to an understanding ear. But if we stay in that place of perpetual complaining, our attitude {and facial expression} will scream #sourpuss, no t-shirt necessary!
The other day, my friend said, “We can complain ourselves right out of a victory!” That statement was an eye opener for me! The reality is that life feels like a battle at times. What will my battle cry be? #whyme? #Idon’tdeservethis! #lifeisnotfair! These battle cries will lead to discouragement and failure. Our battle cries should be declarations of victory! #Icandothis #blessed #Godisgood #endurewithgrace #thankful!
I am thankful! I have the best Dad ever! He is a faithful God and trustworthy Father. Even when life sends me spinning, I know that He has me in the center of His Hand. If you need that same confidence, turn your face heavenward! God created you and He loves you! He IS love! He has good things in store for those who trust Him! Hebrews 12:28 in the Passion translation says, “Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakeable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights His heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe.” Your right to an unshakeable kingdom comes when you acknowledge God as your Father, Healer, Deliverer, and Savior!
Please comment and share what you are most thankful for today!
Live loved!
P.S. My husband just walked in and told me what the chickens are thankful for: they are not turkeys! 🙂