The Ripple Effect

In our area, we are truly blessed to have not only one, but three, wonderful Christian radio stations.  I love to turn the volume up and sing along (even when I don’t know all the words).  I enjoy the various DJ personalities, join in with the discussions (though they can’t hear me!) and appreciate the moments of prayer.  Many times, songs have ministered to my heart with words that just touched me right where I was at in my journey.

The other day I was listening to a catchy new song when the chorus line caught my attention.  “Dream Small” the artist sang, causing me to suddenly become alert to what was playing.  Dream small?  Wait… what?  Are you nuts? No, no, no! We should dream big, huge, ginormously!

Not wanting to judge quickly, I listened to the verses and chorus again.  I discovered that the song writer wanted people to realize that ministry need not wait for global opportunities but can happen daily by simply being kind, giving, listening, being faithful, and living well.


I agree, please do ALL of those things, but DON’T.DREAM.SMALL!! Don’t sell short the impact of what those “small” things can do!

Anyone who has read a few of my posts or has heard me preach or teach knows that touching people in our realm of influence is a theme I’m passionate about!   I wrote about impacting others in All Embracing Love as well as being Sweet and Savory.  Touching the lives around us is a desire that is close to God’s heart too.  We hear His encouragement sprinkled throughout Scripture:

  • Be kind to one another (Ephesians 4:32)
  • Be generous (Proverbs 11:25)
  • Be thankful (Colossians 3:15)
  • Be peaceful (see above)
  • Be gentle (II Timothy 2:24)
  • Be patient (I Thessalonians 5:14)

And above all this, we are to pursue, go hard after, be purposeful about, deliberately love (I Corinthians 14:1).

To the untrained eye, these “random acts of kindness” may indeed seem small.  It may feel like we are just making a dent in the work of reaching a hurting world.  BUT GOD!

When we reach out to touch others with compassion and kindness, it is no small thing!  Have you ever tossed a pebble into a lake?  That “small” piece of rock causes a ripple effect, sending out multiple rings of movement on the lake’s surface and even below as it descends.


As we are faithful to impact our realm of influence, God is faithful to send others to water or harvest the seeds we planted (I Corinthians 3:6-8).  Or maybe we are those that water; we may even have the opportunity to reap! What you and I do when we are kind, faithful, consistent, patient, and giving… creates a ripple effect in His Kingdom because God gives the increase.

Don’t dream small!  Act small…  sowing acts of grace towards others… then, Dream big!!!  Believe that the ripple effect from your kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness will reach farther than you ever imagined!  After all, it’s our Father, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who gives the increase.  And He is really good at multiplication!

Close your eyes… well, read this and then close your eyes… picture in your mind a big, loveable, dog who has just jumped into a vat of blessing.  Climbing out, it excitedly gives a full-body shake that spreads droplets of blessing on everyone in a 20 feet radius.  That blessing-sharing character is you!  Jump into your Father’s love, soak up some blessing, and go shake it all over everyone you meet!

Live Loved, it makes loving others easier!

Please comment and share on social media!  We are blessed to be a blessing!

Favorite Music Friday

I enjoy music… I sing it, learn it, play it (on the radio!), share it, and engage with it!

I like rock & roll.      

I like rap.

I like worship.

I like soul & R & B.

I like piano.

And this list goes on: gospel, pop, kid’s music, etc. etc.  (Note only the purposeful omission of opera & country!)

So, I thought I’d share a song that is speaking to me, right now!  It’s called Lovely by Hollyn:

The lyrics that pop out to me are:

“But You call me lovely
You say I’m wonderfully made
Your river floods me
Your words feel like a serenade
I love that You are thinkin’ of me
All of those voices fade away
When You call me lovely
Lovely, You call me lovely
You call me lovely
And I’ma soak in it
And I’ma soak in it
And I’ma soak in it”1
I’m hoping this song blesses you!  Share it with another lovely woman in your life!
Live Loved and Lovely!
1 Lyrics from Lovely by Hollyn



Life Giving Treasures



It’s a small wooden trunk, a simple box really, but every time I glance at that trunk, it brings a smile to my face!  It’s not the box itself, but the knowledge of what resides in it.  Words… so simple, yet quite profound.  My wooden trunk is filled with the words of others… words of thanks, words of love, words of encouragement.  That trunk is a “thesaurus,” literally, a treasure of words that speak to my heart.



You may be familiar with the Five Love Languages™ introduced by Gary Chapman.  These “languages” are the primary ways that people tend to give and receive love.  Words of affirmation are appreciated by most everyone, even if it’s not each person’s top love language.  For me, it ranks near the tippy-top!  So, when I receive a card that includes a note of blessing or affirmation, it touches a place deep within me and replenishes my “love tank.”

Words of affirmation can be simple “good jobs!” or “You’re great!” But that’s truly just the start!  Life-filled words stir sparks of hope in disheartening situations.  They bring inspiration in the midst of discouragement.  Words of affirmation provide comfort in hurt, light in darkness, and peace in the fearful places.

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

Life-giving words are tools that build others up.  They may be declarations of a positive future, celebrations of character qualities, or sharing of proud moments.  We are made in the image of our Creative Father God!  He enables us to find creative ways to use our vocabulary of “life” words to build up those in our realm of influence.  One of my “treasure cards” includes 10 truths that a precious sister wrote about me.  What a creative way to build up a friend!

The beauty of written words is that you can revisit them often.  However, spoken words are precious drops of blessing as well.  Encouragement and life spoken to or about someone in the hearing of others strengthens hearts and heals souls.  Ephesians 4:29 reminds us to use our talk to build others up according to their need at that moment.

Life goes fast, often dragging us behind…  It’s time to press pause and ask ourselves, “How can I build others up today?” “What word of encouragement can I speak to a service worker?”  “What positive declaration can I make over a difficult situation?”  “In what way can I celebrate my spouse, child, or co-worker?”  The opportunities are unlimited!  All that’s required are life-building words and a heart to bless!  II Corinthians 4:7 declares that the Treasure that’s inside of us longs to pour light and life on those in our world; and YOU and I get to be a part His plan!

Dive Deeper: Proverbs 18:21, II Corinthians 4:6-7    

Live Loved,

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