I’m so thankful for a Heavenly Dad who gives us more than enough! He is not stingy with His love, His comfort, or His healing. He is the Redeemer who goes above and beyond to bring us restoration! He gave His life for us so that we could spend eternity in fellowship with Him!
But He didn’t stop there! Because Our Redeemer is a “more than enough” God! He provides healing for our souls too (Psalm 34:22). Healing from difficult hurts often takes much longer than you and I would like. Sometimes we feel like we should be able to slap a bandage on life’s pain and when we pull it off a few days or a week later, “Tada!” all signs of the wound are about gone. However, emotional healing is a more lengthy and rather inglorious process. Even years into my own healing process, I found that certain memories were tainted. Something simple like a location or an innocent comment would trigger a painful memory.
So it was the other night when I drove past a particular road. The enemy tried to blindside me with painful thoughts and I squashed them down as I’ve learned to do. Just then, I felt a prompting to stop by a friend’s house in that same area to drop something off. After that quick errand, I started to drive away and saw a lovely work of art in the sky! I felt like the Lord said, “See, I am still redeeming what you thought you’d lost!” Right then, He blessed me with a new memory! It’s not the first time He’s done that and I know it won’t be the last. He is the Abundant Redeemer! He will fully restore all that the enemy has stolen!
“O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption (Psalm 130:7 NKJV).” The Passion Translation of this verse says this: “O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting, and keep waiting on the Lord, for He is tenderhearted, kind, and forgiving. He has a thousand ways to set you free!”
My “more than enough” God has a thousand ways to set me free! He has and will redeem painful memories, hurting relationships, and the bruises of a tender heart. What He does for me, He will do for you too! Do you need some things in your life redeemed? Have you had memories stolen or dreams smashed? Have you had relationships ripped apart or peace obliterated?
Then borrow some of my faith and latch onto these truths:
God restores the soul! (Psalm 23:2
He redeems our mind, will, and emotions (Psalm 69:18)
Our Dad heals the brokenhearted! (Psalm 147:3)
The King of kings creates beauty from ashes
He trades a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:1-3)
Our Lord will fill you with joy! (Psalm 16:11)
He is a good God and a good Dad! He loves you and wants to abundantly redeem all the hurting places in your life! How deeply I love my Heavenly Dad! He continues to show Himself faithful!
Live Loved,
If I can agree with you in prayer for a healing in your life, please let me know! I would be honored to pray for and with you!