“Do you remember that time that you _________ (fill in the blank with any poor choice)!”
How painful it is when someone reminds us of our past mistakes! Just when you think life has moved on and your royal screw-ups have been forgotten, someone pulls out their shovel and digs it up again. We wish that memories could be wiped clear and clean slates were mandatory.
Back in the day, there was a Christian music artist that I didn’t care for… not because of her style or voice, but because she had allowed herself to be sponsored by a disreputable company. Recently, I heard her name in connection with a current project and immediately that memory surfaced, along with my dislike. The Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, “When do you allow someone to grow past their errors?”
His voice was so gentle, but I felt the strong conviction of truth. I knew that the Lord was challenging me to go to a new level in my desire to be more like Him.
It’s human nature, really. Whether we’ve been personally hurt by someone or their reputation leaves a bad taste in our mouths, rarely do we allow our opinions of someone to change, even years later.
- We still think of the high school bully as an adult bully.
- We still imagine that the man caught in moral failure continues to be unfaithful.
- We still believe that the person who stole in the past is a thief today.
- We still consider that wild girl from college as promiscuous.
- We still look at the man down the street as the punk teenager who was disrespectful.
- We still remember the hurtful words spoken even after the apology.
When will we allow others to grow past the errors of youth, ignorance, stupidity, and selfishness?
It’s time to make like Elsa and let it go!
People change! But even if they don’t, you and I are responsible to move beyond the status quo and offer grace and forgiveness. Just as God gives us new mercies every morning*, we can offer others a clean slate in our minds and hearts.
Now don’t get me wrong… God gives us wisdom! If a neighbor stole money from me last year, I’m not going to leave my purse open for their perusal. If a family member negatively impacted a child in the past, I’m not going to give them unguarded access again**. Caution isn’t a wrong choice, but assumptions that people can’t, don’t, or won’t change is.
Forgiveness isn’t a prize we present. Grace isn’t a reward given to the worthy. They are non-negotiables for those who call themselves followers of Jesus. How you and I view others does not ultimately affect them; it does, however, reflect the condition of our hearts.
If we call ourselves Believers, followers of Jesus, the Body of Christ, then we are called to a higher standard, to live a life worthy of our calling as Kingdom Ambassadors. Ephesians 4 challenges you and I to:
- Think humbly
- Treat gently
- Love generously
- Embrace unity
- Reflect righteousness
- Be honest
- Choose rightly
- Speak encouragingly
- Offer kindness
- Release anger
- Forgive consistently
There are no boundaries placed on these expectations… we don’t get to pick and choose who we treat this way! In fact, we are to even treat ourselves this way!
Do we still think of our own failures as permanent stains on who God intended us to be? Again, when will we allow others, and ourselves, to grow past the errors of youth, ignorance, stupidity, and selfishness?
Today is the day to let it go!
Ask the Lord for a new lens, a lens of love and forgiveness, with which to view yourself and others. You may not see the results of that new lens in the lives of others, but you will see the effects in your own heart. As compassion, peace, and thankfulness well up, you can’t help but reflect the heart of the Father to others! This is the life of the Kingdom culture that will impact our world and bring Heaven to earth!
Live Loved,

*Lamentations 3:22-23
**God never intends for us to place ourselves or others in a place to be repeatedly hurt. You can offer forgiveness and grace and still set boundaries that limit the access of others to your life. Learn more about being a powerful person in the book “Keep Your Love On” by Danny Silk.