- But that’s the way we’ve ALWAYS done it…
- We can’t change that, it’s tradition!
- The way we did it last year is fine; if it’s not broke, why fix it?
- At our old church (school, office, etc.) we did it this way…
Do any of these sound familiar? Have you introduced an idea just to have it cast aside in favor of “the way we’ve always done it?” Or are you the one who has been shaken up by the idea of doing something different than you have in the past?
As humans, we are habitual creatures. We sit in the same seats at church, our morning routines are consistent, and we buy the same spaghetti sauce we always have. So, when the Holiday season rolls around, it’s not surprising that we tend to celebrate in the same ways, give to the same charities, and attend the same events that we have each year before. There’s something to be said for embracing family traditions that build unity and a sense of stability. But when traditions hold you captive and stifle growth and change…
It’s time! It’s time to shake things up! Look for new direction! Explore possibilities that we have ignored till now! Why? Simply put, we need freshness in our lives! We need to see the world around us with a new perspective from time to time!
More clearly, we need to see the world around us with HIS perspective! After all, it is the Lord that we should be focusing our thanksgiving on… And it is His birthday that we are celebrating! Do you think that maybe He has some ideas about what He wants us to do? Could it be that He has plans for how He wants to spend time with us?
I do! I think He has some great ideas! I think He has some people on His heart that He would like us to bless; or maybe He wants us to open our hearts to be blessed by others. I imagine that He would like to show us some clear ideas of what His heart holds. I’m thinking that there’s a new song He’d like to hear and a fresh opportunity He’d like to present to you and your family. But how will we ever know if we are so caught up in doing things the way we always have? If we are locked into routine and tradition, we leave no opening for the Lord to give us His perspective.
As time marches us towards this special time of year, explore new possibilities! Embrace fresh perspective, listen for clear direction, and open your eyes to new opportunities! The Lord is an endless Source of dreams, visions, and ideas! When you turn your ear in His direction, He will pour out His heart and share His passions! He will whisper to you the delight He takes in spending time with you and how it blesses His heart when you share His love!
Dive Deeper: Proverbs 2:6-11, Hosea 10:12

I could give you some ideas… but I suspect you won’t need my suggestions!
As for me… I’m already feeling inspired to drop some bits of blessing in a new way this year!
Please share your thoughts and ideas to inspire others by clicking on the bubble near the title!
Live Loved,