Go Ahead and Name It… But Don’t Stop There!

Have you ever felt just… off? Like there’s something wrong, but you just can’t pinpoint what it is? That nagging feeling won’t leave you alone and you rack your mind to identify it. Sometimes the source is as simple as a bill needing paid but at other times it’s a more complex emotional issue that will eventually need to be addressed.

When that “Aha” moment comes and you settle on the source of your angst… there’s a bit of relief from naming it: anxiety, grief, anger, attention deficit, clinical depression, discontent, compulsive behavior, fear, exhaustion, addiction, loneliness, frustration… or something else just as discouraging. But once you’ve slapped a label on it, in the words of Journey, “Where do we go from here?”

This is where I found myself… not so long ago. I felt frustrated and misunderstood. My feelings were raw, my heart sensitive, and yet, not much around me had changed. Because I couldn’t identify the source of my emotions, I didn’t really know how to talk to anyone about it. I stayed trapped in that place of edginess until I decided to stop wondering about it and went to the One who made me! I’m so thankful for the truth deep in my spirit that God loves me and knows exactly what is going on in my heart!

After some prayer and heart-searching, I realized that an old foe had come back for a visit… its name: rejection. From childhood, this has been a source of pain and through the years, layers have been added. I also feel like layers have been removed through healing and a deeper understanding of who I am in Christ. But life happens and we get knocked back onto our proverbial backsides at times.

But THIS is what I want you to hear… when you and I have come to the place where we are able to name our struggle, that is not the end! It is just the beginning of our journey (no pun intended )!  

Too often we settle for simply naming our issue and then we allow it to manage us:

  • I deal with anxiety, so I can’t …
  • The grief is too much, I guess I’ll always feel this way.
  • Yes, I have ADHD, that’s why I …
  • No one gets me, so I don’t even try
  • I have anger issues, that’s just who I am.
  • I wish I could travel, but I’m too nervous to go anywhere

Just because you and I name our struggle does not give us an excuse to not address it! Where do we go from here? We go from naming our challenge to dealing with it and then overcoming it!

These struggles are REAL issues and often can be traced back to painful experiences. However, no matter how valid your pain and discomfort, do not allow it to hold you captive! Do not allow it to limit who you are or what you can do! Grab ahold of the label, look it in the eye, call it by name, and get ready to live your life well… in spite of it!

Here are some weapons that helped me effectively subdue my “label.”

  • Talk to someone you trust and ask for their support. Bringing feelings, circumstances, concerns, and fears into light brings a measure of freedom in and of itself.
  • Do an online search for practical strategies relating to your label. There are tried and true ways to manage executive dysfunction, grief, addiction, and just about anything you can label!
  • Therapy… Patient, objective support and input from a therapist is valuable. Some employers even offer free sessions as part of a healthcare package.
  • Research natural healing: magnesium for stress, exercise for attention deficit, essential oils for anxiety, etc. (Be sure to check with your physician if you are taking medications.)
  • Speak positive declarations over yourself! Refuse to make your struggle your identity! You are created amazing! Declare truths over yourself out loud on a daily basis. If you are unsure of your value or identity, check out these blog posts: Stolen Identity and Worth by Birth.

Do what you can in the natural and then ask God to put His SUPER on the natural!

  • Understand that the Name of Jesus is above EVERY name! Jesus above every label, diagnosis, emotion, and trauma! The promises of God are true and sure. If God is for us, who (or what) can be against us? He is greater in us than any label on us. Check out: Ephesians 1:18-23, Philippians 2:9, Romans 8:31-35, I John 4:4. Let this song be your declaration: I Speak Jesus.
  • Hide the Word of God in your heart, place it on your fridge, play it in your car… The Truth of God’s Word will help you deal and defeat what life has sent your way.

Is overcoming a life-challenge easy? Of course not! Rarely is anything worthwhile accomplished without effort. But is it worth it? YES! Not only will you grow in strength and wisdom, but your successful journey will serve to inspire others. Go ahead and name your challenge and then tell it to shut-up and sit down! You are an Overcomer!

Live Loved

PS: If this blog post encouraged or challenged you, please share on social media! Blessings!

Strength for the Struggle

Related imageLife can be exhausting!  At times, I feel like that circus plate spinner… you know who I mean…  The one who has numerous poles with plates on top and runs back and forth between the poles, rotating them in order to keep the plates spinning so they won’t fall and shatter.  My plates are probably similar to yours: family, finances, job, classes, friendships, health, chores, volunteering, etc.  All are valuable and all are demanding!  Mix in a few stressors (conflicts, unexpected expenses, health issues, changes) and we feel like we are one misstep away from plate shattering chaos!

The struggle is real! Some days, the struggle seems too real!  I’m tempted to run someplace safe and curl into a ball with a blanket and pillow and hope that the world will run smoothly without my help.  Am I alone in my urge to hibernate from life??

Sigh… so do I hibernate or put on my big girl pants and keep pressing on?  It’s not really much of a choice, is it?  Life goes on and we either grab ahold and ride along or it will drag us behind it!

I have good news and better news!  The good news (depending on how you look at it) is that the world really does need you and I!  Each of us are valuable, unique, and loved by someone who would not be the same if we chose to hibernate indefinitely!  The better news is that there are ways to help us cope with the chaos that has our heads spinning with those plates! There is strength to be had if we know how to tap into it!

As I have been wrestling with my own sense of plate-spinning panic, I’m realizing that I can make some choices that enable me to not just survive the struggle, but to even thrive in it!

Rest: “Ummm, when am I supposed to rest?” I know, it seems like an impossible feat, right?  But the truth is, if you don’t find time each week to rest, your body will get to the point where you have no choice in the matter.  Rest can be sleep, but it is not the equivalent.  Sleep is physical rest; but your soul needs rest too.  For me, soul rest involves choosing to think about positive concepts, creative ideas, and exciting dreams.  It may include reading a book, crafting, exercising, or chatting with someone I love. It might involve a family adventure or quiet time to write.  No matter what you choose to do, strength is found in giving yourself a “brain break” from the responsibilities that pull at you.

Rejuvenate: Different than rest, rejuvenate is to bring new life to something.  What in your life needs a little rejuvenation?  What dreams have you set aside that need revisited?  What relationships have you put on the back burner that need to become a priority?  Ask yourself what makes your heart jump and infuse some of that into your life again!  If traveling brings you joy but finances and time are a hinderance, take a day trip someplace you haven’t visited before.  If time with friends lights up your world, then arrange a game night soon! Strength is found in rejuvenating dreams.

Relegate: Not everything in our lives is of equal importance.  In fact, the things in our lives demanding the most attention are often not those that are the most valuable.  If I’m not careful, my responsibilities as a teacher can run roughshod over the valuable relationships in my life (FYI: Rarely do teachers accomplish all their work at school, thus the evenings of grading and writing lessons!).  It’s not that my teacher responsibilities are not important, but rather that my family and friends are more important in my life and deserve whole hearted attention.  Sometimes we have to relegate the less important to its proper place!  Take a few minutes to examine your priorities.  If your relationship with the Lord and with the precious people in your life are not at the top, it’s time to relegate!  Strength is found when you say “no” to what may be good so that you can say “yes” to that which matters most!

Redistribute:  This is the opposite of micro-managing!  When you redistribute, you are passing out some of your spinning plates so that you can better focus your time & energy!  It may be time to enlist some help to keep things in order.  My wise friend, Sarah Lehmann, calls herself an “opportunity maker!”  She values teamwork and realizes that there is strength in inviting and enabling others to take ownership in a process, project, or goal.  There’s truth in the statement: “Teamwork makes the dream work.”  So, rewrite the chore list, reduce your volunteering, share the cooking load, say “no” to a request.  Redistribute and you will find strength that enables you to be more effective and find the rest your soul needs.

Remember:  Remember the “why” and the “Who.”  This requires taking a step back and looking at the big picture.  This choice was a big boost for me and I’m thankful for the people in my life who propel me on!  Remember your “why”…  Why are you doing what you are doing?  Is it your calling, your dream, or your family?  Bringing your “why” into focus will help you find the strength to face each day’s demands.  Then, more importantly, remember the “Who”… Who is it that has called you and me and enabled us to do what we are called to do?  When I remember who I am and Whose I am1, I find myself focusing on all the things I am thankful for instead of all the things I can’t control.  It is a shift in thinking from the negative to the positive, from looking inward to looking outward, and from looking around me at the physical realm to looking up into the spiritual realm!

Do you remember who you are and Whose you are?  Write it down and post it on your mirror!  You are a child of the Living God!  You are anointed, enabled, capable, and equipped!  You and I can do everything He has called us to do!

I am grabbing on to this truth today as a face a new school year, in a higher grade level, with a new team, deeper standards, increased expectations, and a different classroom.  I am going to hold onto the truth that I truly can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)! I will actively pursue these “strength tools” as I navigate this new journey.  I hope you will too!

Lord, I pray that You would bless and strengthen this reader!  Give them wisdom to navigate all that is before them and make choices that allow them to rest as well as fulfill demands.  Enable them to see the people in their lives who will come along side them and help them stand strong.  May they feel your love wrapped around them today!  Thank You, Father!

Live Loved,

Read more encouragement here: I Just Can’t… or Can I? and Life Happens

1All I Need