I rarely watch the news; the hate-filled acts across the world leave me heart broken and frustrated. Have you ever, like me, wondered… Why is there so much hate in the world?
Is hate caused by pride? Self-righteousness? Anger? Self-loathing? Pain? Fear?

Most likely, it’s a combination of these and more.
But maybe you feel “hate” is too strong a word for the pervasive disregard and lack of decency we see on the news, in the store, in schools, in our neighborhood… regardless, there’s a grass roots effort to perpetuate this hatred.
The enemy of our soul is the source of hatred; Satan (meaning adversary), roams around on the earth delighting in causing death and destruction (John 10:10). Again, why?
Biblical passages indicate that Lucifer, now known as Satan, became prideful, wanting to be like God or even above God.1 You see, angels were created by God, but they were not made in His image or to be like Him.
But who IS made in His image? You and me! How Satan must have raged when He realized that God was creating man-male & female-to reflect His heart, His mind, and His nature! God gave us what Satan couldn’t have, His likeness. No wonder Satan is on a rampage to destroy us! His jealousy fuels his hatred of all mankind.

Satan and his minions have diverse tools of destruction at their disposal. Sadly, many of those tools we put straight into their hands through our own decisions or lack of decision. But the greatest tool he wields is that of identity stealer!
How does he steal our identity? Lies, whispered lies, constantly flowing through the media, through others, through our own self-criticism. Lies that lead to pride, self-righteousness, anger, self-loathing, pain, and fear. His lies are meant to convince us that we are nothing like God, that we are alone, that we must fight to get what we want. Ultimately, these lies are meant to steal our God-given identity: Loved one.
When the enemy’s lies block out the truth of who we are, we become victims of a stolen identity!
Victims of stolen identity malfunction in thinking and in relationship. They may think themselves better than others or never good enough. They may feel entitled or victimized. They fear those who look, act, think, or believe differently than themselves. Victims of stolen identity struggle with emptiness and confusion that ultimately leads them to hurt others. Does any of that sound familiar? It does to me!
The solution? A journey of discovery! Destination: Identity Restoration!
In an atmosphere of love, children thrive! They are free and expressive. Ask them who they are and they declare their name and age. Ask them who they belong to and they’ll throw their arms around a loving adult in their life. Children play with any other pint-sized person that crosses their path, never requesting political leanings, portfolio proof, or family history. They have not yet been branded by the lies that steal confidence in who they are.
That childlike confidence is still possible for you and me! It’s a confidence born of trust in a Loving Father who created us to look like Him. He looks on us in delight, even in the middle of our mess, because He sees in us, His own reflection! Don’t get me wrong, He doesn’t delight in our poor choices. They grieve His heart in the same way our children’s painful choices grieve us. Yet, we as parents, look beyond our child’s actions and see the child, our child, precious and irreplaceable! Why would Daddy God look at us any differently?

This is the basis of our identity: We are His beloved creation! That’s right! No matter who you are, what you believe, what skin you’re coated in, where you live, what you’ve done, what’s been done to you, how you dress, who you sleep with, what you’re addicted to, or how angry you are… God loves YOU! He is deeply smitten with you, His beloved image-carrier! Your true identity is found in Him! I’m sorry if anyone has made you feel less than loveable. It’s not true! You are worthy of being loved just because you are made in the image of God!
I challenge you… go on a journey of discovery! Ask God to help you sense His love and develop a deep revelation of His love for you! Look for Him in the burst of sunrise, the fragrance of a flower, and the sweet smile of a child. Search the Bible for the truth of His love for you!2 Allow your heart to blossom to the reality that you have an amazing identity: God’s image-carrier! You were designed to be a child of God. As you turn your heart towards Him, you will find security and confidence in His love for you. Your identity will be restored!
“And I pray that He would unveil within you the unlimited riches of His glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with His divine might and explosive power.
Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of His love will become the very source and root of your life.
Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!” Ephesians 3:16-19 (tPt: the Passion translation)
If you are struggling to know and believe God’s love for you, please leave me a note and I will pray for you! You are not alone in your journey!
Live Loved! You truly are!

P.S. Please share on social media if this encouraged you! 🙂
1Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezekiel 28:11-19, I Timothy 3:6
2Jeremiah 29:11 & 31:3, John 3:16 & 15:13, I John 4, Psalm 139:1-18