Our delve into Ephesians has already challenged us:
- to realize that we are chosen by the Father as beloved children!
- to understand that when we acknowledge His plan for our lives, we become citizens of His Kingdom!
- to grow in our relationship with Him to better understand that He loves us deeply and unconditionally!
How amazing are these Truths!?! They are a necessary foundation to what the Holy Spirit addresses through Paul in Ephesians 4. This leads me to the question: Are you really… ?
Are you really living a life worthy of the calling you’ve received?
“I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling” (Ephesians 4:2 TPT). In other words, are you living your life in a way that clearly indicates who you are (a follower of Jesus) and Whose you are (a child of the King of kings)?
This verse makes me think of the movie Princess Diaries1 in which a girl-next-door finds out she was actually born a princess. The story line follows her as she abandons her commoner mentality in favor of royal thinking and behavior. Ultimately, she learns to walk in the “royal calling” she has inherited while still maintaining her uniqueness and personality.
As followers of Jesus this is what we must do! We need to “grow up” in the faith, walking as royalty with a divine calling, living out the love of Jesus in our every day lives. Notice that Paul focuses more on character–be humble, gentle, patient, and loving with one another– than on doctrine here. Why do you think that is? It’s not that understanding the truth of God’s Word isn’t important; but rather that our character (and maturity) is foundational in how we live out our divine calling!
The antithesis of being mature can be inferred throughout Ephesians 4: being proud, impatient, dishonest, opinionated, unbending, apathetic, divisive, greedy, self-righteous, and a careless talker. Oh my!
Wait, by accepting the offer to become royalty (children of the King) we are expected to act like royalty?
Absolutely! You and I are royalty! More than that, we are ambassadors, carrying the Kingdom of Heaven inside of us. Ambassadors officially represent the character, priorities, and opinions of our King (truly dying to ourselves3). The only way we can represent Him well is to spend time with Him and His Word, growing in maturity as followers of Jesus.
I appreciate that Paul reminds us that we are not alone in our journey to mature! We are recipients of supernatural grace in Jesus and part of the body of Christ designed with giftings to build one another up in unity and faith! He goes on to outline what being a mature believer looks like in verses 15-32. Take some time to dig in and hash it out. Be willing to look harder at yourself (the beam in your own eye) rather than looking at the faults (or specks in the eyes) of others (Matthew 7:3). Hint: that is one mark of maturity!
One resource that I’ve used to build my understanding of Ephesians 4 is a teaching by Jennifer Toledo called Mature.2 Grab a notebook, a pen, and a humble heart and I know you’ll glean challenging truths that will take you deeper in your royal walk with the King.
So, again I ask, “Are you… am I… really living a life that represents our high rank and divine calling?” Let’s be willing to grow together in maturity so that we can be trustworthy, anointed, loving ambassadors for the Kingdom of God!
Live Loved,

1Princess Diaries: https://youtu.be/G3jzLo31DTk
2Toledo, Jennifer. 2021. “Mature” Expression 54 Church. https://youtu.be/GTOutgUX34s
3Luke 9:23, Galatians 2:20, 5:24
🙂 Thank you! Blessings!