Ephesians 4 challenged us to take a hard look at our ourselves… are we making choices that demonstrate maturity in Christ. In Ephesians 5, Paul doesn’t hold back! He gives clear instruction to help us know HOW to demonstrate the maturity of the previous chapter.
And so I ask, Are you reflecting…?
The quick answer is, “Yes!” We are all reflecting something or someone. So, the better question is: What or whom are you (and I) reflecting?
We reflect the actions and beliefs of the things and people that we spend the most time focused on.
Let that sink in…
Who or what does your life revolve around? Politics? Social media? A hobby? An addiction? A person? A job? An idea? A dream? A disappointment? Whatever dominates our thinking, our feelings, and our time will impact our life choices.
Ephesians 5:1 instructs: Imitate God as beloved children in everything you do… So simple and yet complex. It makes me think of a child following mom or dad around and mimicking the actions they see. To imitate someone well, you need to watch and learn. To imitate God, we will need to spend a lot of time with Him and focus our attention on Him and what He values.
Paul lets us know what not to imitate too… he specifically speaks to areas that we are prone to struggle with: passion, pleasure, power, and people. If you feel inclined, you can write down the list of behaviors addressed in Ephesians 5 and pin it on your fridge as a reminder of what not to do.
But, might I suggest a better strategy? Instead of focusing on the edge of the cliff… you know, the area just before the “sin drop-off”… we can focus on moving closer to our Daddy King! The closer we draw to Him, the more we learn of His ways, and the deeper we connect to His heart, the farther we will move away from the “danger zone” of sinful ways.
Of course, we all miss the mark at times. But Paul is addressing a lifestyle of sin that will prevent us from having any inheritance in the Kingdom of God (verse 5)! I sure don’t want any part of that! I want to walk as one who is wise, not wasting time, but rather living in the light with Him! When we live that way, we will see our desires align themselves with the Father’s heart. Our relationships will reflect His ways. Our priorities will fall in place with His!
Are you reflecting your Heavenly Dad?
There’s so much more in this chapter, go check it out!
Live Loved,