After several weeks of digging into Ephesians, we’ve arrived at chapter 6! The Armor of God is probably the most well-known and often-taught portion of Ephesians.
Now I ask: Are you ready… truly ready… for today? I’m sure you got dressed or will soon, grabbed a bite to eat, and sipped some coffee or tea. But are you spiritually ready for today?
We are reminded in Ephesians 6:11-12 that we have an enemy, one that has already designed a set of plans to bring us down! The devil has nothing but time on his hands and he chooses to use it to destroy all he can. When we think about the struggles we face in our lives, we tend to focus on what we are aware of in the natural: our bank account, our health, our relationships, our dilemmas. But we are not called to deal with those things in the natural; we are told (yes, it is a command!) to put on His armor and to battle spiritually!
With that thought in mind, I’d like to share a prayer of preparedness with you. As you get dressed in the morning and prepare for the events of the day, add this prayer to your routine. When we stand as commanded in verse 13, literally wearing HIM, we can trust that the Lord will put His “super” on our “natural” and know that He has the power to back it up!
“Lord, I believe that Your Word is true and that You are faithful to do what You have promised!1 Today, I put on the whole Armor of God according to Your Word. I put on the Belt of Truth, committing myself to walk in Your Truth, speak the truth, and discern truth. I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness knowing that by the blood of Jesus, I am in right-standing with You! I commit to make choices that reflect Your heart and ask You to fill my heart with Your love.
On my feet, I put the Shoes of Peace, standing firm and ready to reflect and share the Shalom-complete peace-found in Jesus. Over all of these pieces, I cover myself with the wrap-around Shield of Faith, that I know can and will extinguish every flaming dart the enemy shoots at me. Thank You, Lord, that Your glory is behind me as my rear guard.2
On my head I place the Helmet of Salvation to protect my mind from lies of the enemy3 and as a reminder that in Christ I am a beloved child and co-heir with Jesus.4 I firmly grasp the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God on which I base my life. I commit myself to constant conversation (prayer) with You throughout my day.5 Help me to discuss the ups and downs of my day with You as well as listen to and respond to Your Holy Spirit.
I go forward today as a prince/princess warrior doing the will of my Father. And You will crush Satan under my feet!6 I love You, Father! Thank You for going before me and with me through this day!
Adapted by Joy Morey
Praise God for His armor! We sure wouldn’t go into our day physically naked. So, let’s not go out spiritually naked either! If you don’t have time to read the above prayer, be sure you’ve committed the pieces of God’s Armor to memory so that you can “strap” them on whenever the Holy Spirit reminds you. I encourage you to add physical motions to your words as you put on His Armor. There’s something about action that engages our mind and activates our faith.
There’s a song trending on the radio about putting on His Armor. As a teacher, I assure you that singing something helps solidify it in your thoughts, so check it out: E6 by Evvie McKinney
Live Victoriously!

1Hebrews 10:23
2Isaiah 52:12
3John 8:44
4Romans 8:17
5Ephesians 6:10-18
6Romans 16:20a