Have you heard this song? Has it gripped your heart like it has mine?
The beauty of this song is that it is a simple, yet powerful, Truth!
“‘Cause Your name is power Your name is healing Your name is life Break every stronghold Shine through the shadows Burn like a fire”1 (Additional lyrics below)
When we speak the name of Jesus, there are ripples of power that radiate through the spirit realm!
Evangelist Steve Hill testified that at his lowest point, proclaiming himself an atheist, in the midst of drug-induced convulsions, he called out the name of Jesus until minutes later, he found himself sitting upright, completely delivered! There’s power in the name of Jesus!
When I think of how the world abuses the name of Jesus, it grieves my heart. How it must hurt the ears of the Lord! Conversely, imagine the oil of beauty that flows over His ears when we speak the name of Jesus in faith and confidence! Imagine the joy that fills His heart when we ascribe honor and glory to His name! How that must bring a smile to His face!
Jesus! What an incredible name! What a glorious name! What a powerful name2! The authority inherent in the name of Jesus is available to us! We are welcome to come boldly before His throne, ask in His name, and stand in faith believing that He will meet us right where we are!
Live loved,
1Songwriters: Jesse Reeves / Dustin Smith / Abby Benton / Raina Patt / Kristen Dutton / Carlene Prince
I was minding my own business when one of those songs came on. You know the ones, you haven’t heard it in 15 or 20 years, but suddenly you’re singing along with it like it’s a current hit. If you’re like me, you surprise yourself with how well you remember the words! (And often they aren’t the most uplifting lyrics.) Your mind may even flick to a memory that includes that song or the car you were driving in when it was a top ten hit.
Lyrics and tunes… for centuries the art of music has impacted the world; for decades (a few anyway!) it has impacted mine. Music has the ability to calm, agitate, uplift, restore, celebrate, annoy, and unite. Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.1 There’s power in music; there’s power in lyrics.
Music has never been more readily available than it is today. Literally, music is a tool at our fingertips that can be used as a melancholy, pity party tune or a stand tall, dig deep anthem.
What soundtracks do you have on repeat?
“Lyrics don’t matter.” I’ve heard this more times than I can count. But I beg to differ. Remember that song you haven’t heard for 15 years but you remember the words? Me too. Lyrics do matter and they stick in your mind for much longer than you’d imagine. When you find yourself in challenging circumstances, when you are feeling at your wit’s end, when you feel like no one else knows how you feel, music will draw you in… and it will either lift you up or drag you down.
Today our worship team sang an oldie but a goodie: Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture. As I sang along, the lyrics flowed out of me with such boldness, joy, and peace! My confidence came from 2 sources:
I have lived through a few things and have seen God come through on my behalf!
I recognized the lyrics as simply a poetic reassembling of the Truth found in God’s Word.
Take a few minutes and listen in: Your Love Never Fails. Listen and lean into the lyrical Truths found in this song2:
Nothing can separate (Romans 8:31-39) Even if I ran away (Psalm 139:7-12) Your love never fails (I John 4:7, I Corinthians 13:8)
I know I still make mistakes (Romans 3:23, Romans 2:4) But You have new mercies for me every day (Lamentations 3:22-233) Your love never fails
You stay the same through the ages (Hebrews 13:8) Your love never changes (James 1:17) There may be pain in the night But joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)
And when the oceans rage I don’t have to be afraid (Psalm 112:7, Isaiah 43:1-2) Because I know that You love me (I John 4:10) Your love never fails
‘Cause You make all things work together for my good (Romans 8:28) You make all things work together for my good2
Personally, I find that music has helped heal my heart, rejuvenate my faith, and put a spring in my step when I desperately needed it. Instrumental songs have their place and provide a soothing backdrop for me when in work mode. However, songs filled with lyrics of truth affirm my confidence in a faithful God and open the door for intimacy with my Heavenly Father. Other songs simply bring joy and reminders that the world still has a lot of good in it! Either way, I get to choose the soundtracks that roll around in my head, heart, car, and home!
If you’re reading this, you are old enough to make your own choices regarding what you will listen to. Choose wisely! Choose well for your soul, choose well for the other listeners in your home. Be encouraged to fill your heart and mind with music that uplifts and lyrics that inspire!
Live Loved,
P.S. If you enjoyed this, please share on social media and include your favorite uplifting song! 🙂
I don’t know about you, but when I’m alone in the car, I talk out loud… I talk to the Lord, I talk to the other drivers, I talk to myself, and I talk to the radio!
It’s possible that I looked a little cray-cray when I heard this song on the radio the other day! The beat grabbed my attention, but the lyrics…. Oh my! The lyrics resounded loud in my spirit and I couldn’t help pumping my fist in agreement!
Native Tongue by Switchfoot is a powerful statement about who we are and Who we came from! If we marry these two verses, you’ll see what I mean:
God is Love + God created mankind [us] in His image (I John 4:8, Genesis 1:27)
We were created to look like our Dad! He is love, He speaks love, He functions in love! Love is our native language! Take a listen: Native Tongue
We are born with the capacity to function in love and demonstrate love, but too often we are taught to function out of self-preservation, pain, and judgment. It’s time to go back to our native tongue!
Back before we learned the words to start a fight Back before they told us that the haters were right He spoke the truth, “let there be” and there was Love is the language, love is your native tongue
My heart is a beating drum My head in oblivion My soul, such a long way from My lips, my lungs, my native tongue
My friend, where did we go wrong? My Lord, we forgot our sound My soul, such a long way from My lips, my lungs, my native tongue
So sing it loud, get loud, get Louder than the voices in the crowd, yeah Even when they tried to drown you out, eh Your lips, your lungs, your native tongue
So sing it out, get loud, get Louder than the darkness and the doubts, eh Louder than the curses and the shouts, yeah Your lips, your lungs, your native tongue
What a challenge! Lord, Take us back to the Place where we were created from: Your heart! Teach us to communicate like You! Help us to function as You created us to, out of love, instead of pain, judgement, or pride! Help us to “get louder than the voices in the crowd!”
Live Loved! And you will impact those around you with love!
P.S. If this blessed you or encouraged you, please share on social media! Drop me a comment too! 🙂
Waiting… It can be one of the hardest things to do. While waiting, we have little control over the timing or even the outcome. Think of the family sitting in the hospital anxiously, hoping to hear good news or the small business owner sitting, phone in hand, hoping to hear from the bank on a much needed loan. Sometimes we feel like professional waiters! The Word of God is filled with promises that are rarely fulfilled instantly. We spend a lot of time waiting to see the realization of what our hearts crave come to pass.
And yet, there’s beauty in the waiting.
Think of the bride waiting for her wedding day. She is not complacent in the waiting, she is planning, preparing, creating, and dreaming! The wedding day will be even richer for the those seemingly unending moments of anticipation!
Waiting… we spend much of our lives in the wait mode. If we are not careful, our waiting will become filled with all the wrong things: impatience, laziness, frustration, jealousy, bitterness.
How can our wait become a season of beauty? One in which we grow and thrive?
First, look back… I know, we think that we should never look back, right? Forget the past and push on! But wait! Think on the story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan in Joshua 4. After that miraculous crossing, God had the people set up an alter as a testimony of His mighty works for the generations to come. We want to look back with thankfulness for the blessings we’ve already seen come to pass in our lives! Create a “memorial” to remember all that God has done for you and your family!
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord: yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” Psalm 77:11 NIV
Journaling creates a tangible “monument” to God’s faithfulness!
Then, look forward! What are the dreams God has placed in your heart? What are you anticipating coming to pass? What promises have you been declaring over your life? God is the Dream-Giver and He doesn’t place desires for good gifts in your heart without a purpose. Look forward in faith! If your dreams look possible without Divine help, then maybe they’re too small. Dream big with the faith that what you can’t see can truly be! Write down your dreams and lay them at the feet of the Father in faith.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Now… be present in the now. What is the Lord’s plan for you in the now? What will you do in the waiting? As you look back in thankfulness and forward in faith, I dare to declare that your present will be filled with grace for the season you are walking through! God’s grace will sustain you to not just survive, but thrive! He will give you what you need to yield fruit today, now, in your present circumstance. Trust Him! He has created you for His Kingdom purposes long before you stood in this place.1 He is faithful in your today, no matter what it looks like. Be patient in the waiting!
“I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.” Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 NIV
Consider these lyrics from Hillsongs’ Seasons, so encouraging!
“I can see the promise
I can see the future
You’re the God of seasons
And I’m just in the winter
If all I know of harvest
Is that it’s worth my patience
Then if You’re not done working
God I’m not done waiting
You can see my promise
Even in the winter
Cause You’re the God of greatness
Even in a manger
For all I know of seasons
Is that You take Your time
You could have saved us in a second
Instead You sent a child”2
God designed us to live in the present, but not without the benefit of the past or the blossom of the future! Look back in thankfulness, forward in faith, and live in His grace for the now, knowing that there is beauty in the waiting.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
Live Loved,
P.S. You are not alone in your waiting! Others are waiting too… comment and share this encouragement on social media! 🙂
OK… fangirl post! From the early days of DC Talk’s hit Heavenbound to his new release, TheElements, dropping today, TobyMac has been at the T-O-P of my favorite artist list! As I was thinking about this blog, I tried to choose my favorite TobyMac tune and I have to confess, that was not an easy endeavor! Some songs stand out because of their artistic wow-ness while others have lyrics that go deep… and that’s without factoring in the Christmas songs!
DC Talk, Then and Now
But before we go to the favorites, here are the top 10 reasons that I think highly of TobyMac. (No, I don’t know him as a person, but the fruit of his walk is evident to anyone who pays attention.)
Top 10 things I appreciate about TobyMac:
10: DC Talk brotherhood: In this age of “no one stays together,” TobyMac, Michael Tait, and Kevin Max demonstrate that brotherhood is still a priority even while pursuing solo careers. Jesus Freak
9: Gotee Records: Toby formed this label with two others when they were unable to find a label deal for Out of Eden. Today, you’ll find diverse and talented artists such as Aaron Cole, Hollyn, Capital Kings, and Relient K on Gotee’s roster! Right on Time by Aaron Cole
8: Commitment to People: TobyMac is in his 10th year of sponsoring Run for Hope, a local school in his area. Additionally, he sponsors Camp Electric which is an interactive worship and rock & roll camp. He values his community in Franklin, Tennessee, purposefully frequenting the local businesses. This Christmas
7: Christmas tunes! I love what TobyMac brings to Christmas… A fresh perspective of the delight and beauty found in celebrating Jesus’ birth! O Come, All Ye Faithful
6: Promotes others: I know that TobyMac must have a strong business sense and most likely take seriously the blessing of providing an inheritance for his children’s children. But kudos to the guy for investing in others by lending his talents to their songs and coming alongside others to help make their vision a reality! Check out this Citizen shop. Hold Me by Jamie Grace
5: Artistic creativity: Do I need to explain this? Every album: same signature voice in outrageously creative, diverse tunes! It doesn’t get old! This is Not a Test
4: Passion about diversity: You don’t have to listen long to pick up on TobyMac’s passion for diversity. Not only does he sing about it, but he even named his band Diverse City! Colored People, Wanna Be Loved (both by DC Talk), Diverse City, City on Our Knees, One World, all point to his desire to see love trump hate, differences, and division.
3: #SpeakLife Movement: After TobyMac’s song Speak Life hit the airwaves, its popularity inspired the #SpeakLife movement encouraging positive, life-giving words that shine His light to a hurting world. (Ephesians 4:29) Speak Life
2: Spiritual growth: From my perspective, TobyMac demonstrates new spiritual depth with each successive release. His songs seem to reflect an increasingly deeper personal connection with His Heavenly Father. In his words, “I try to lean into God and say ‘What’s up? Watchya want me to say, Daddy*?'” when he is in the writing process. As listeners, we feel his growing understanding of walking out this faith, grappling with real life issues, and pressing through the fire to find victory. I Just Need U
1: Commitment to family and faith: It’s clear, this man loves and values his family! And He loves his Heavenly Father! He purposes to show that in the choices he makes and the songs he writes and sings. What a blessing! Lose My Soul, Family, Steal My Show
Okay… I tried to come up with my favorite, but that was a no-go, so here are my favoriteS by TobyMac and Diverse City:
P.P.S.: Andy and Caleb met TobyMac, Jon Micah (of Kutless), and Mark Stuart (formerly Audio Adrenaline) at Grove City College in Pennsylvania in 2005. After a rousing game of stick ball, the artists gladly posed for some fan shots! Here’s a throwback shot!
Disclaimer: I own the rights to none of these songs or videos.
Oh no, that was not a typo! Planetboom’s new song Lemme TellYa is topping my list of favorite’s this week. Why? Powerful lyrics married with incredible beats! Turn up that volume…
As a teen, I remember the debate over “Christian Rock.” Many in the older generation thought that it couldn’t be a good thing, after all, think about the reputation of the rock ‘n’ roll world, right?! Today, there are many who decry rap, hiphop, metal, reggae, or any music involving more than piano and guitar!
My stand then, is the same as today… What about the lyrics? What are they alluding to or outright saying? Are the lyrics positive or negative? Uplifting or degrading?
Music itself is a vehicle that delivers; the lyrics are what impacts the mind and even beliefs. Regardless of style… the lyrical quality determines the impact value of the song!
Want to bring more dance inspiring tunes into your day? Here are two more of Planetboom’s tunes that are definitely worth a listen!
True confessions… I’m not a dancer! Oh, I look like one in my mind! I enjoy beboppin’ around the house, trying those dance moves that my daughter makes look so easy! I’ve had my moments of “River Dancing” right along with Michael Flatley and I can do the Cupid Shuffle with the best of them! But… I’m probably the only one who thinks that what I’m doing is actually dancing! (At least I’m having fun, right?!)
Regardless, dancing competitions and cool dancing videos are popular around our house. Miranda showed me this video the other day and I was captivated! The incredible talent and synchronicity of this group blew my mind! In fact, I used it in a lesson on teamwork with my students yesterday! I liked it so much that I decided I had to share it with you!
But… that’s not the only reason this song caught my attention. After watching the dancing video, we watched the lyric video of the song, Lazarus. Trip Lee tells a story of coming to life spiritually in such a creative and unique way! I turned to Miranda and said, “That’ll preach!” Her response: “It already is!” And she is correct! The truth of God’s faithfulness, how He rescues us, and restores our spirits can be “preached” in so many ways! God’s power is at the heart of Trip Lee’s Message:
“Hopped up out the grave, thriller style
They ain’t think that He could do it, but He did it now
I mean the Captain, the almighty Lord
Setting captives free, all aboard, all aboard
Can’t stop Him when He got His mind made up
He don’t like that grave? Sayonara, see you later
He made the blind see and got the lame up
So it’s no surprise He can raise us
Wake them up now
Believers when your life is looking tough now
When you’re at your all time low
Don’t forget that power that He already showed”1
God has shown His sustaining power and His faithfulness to me in so many ways! I see it in His provision on a daily basis. I hear it in the voices of those I love. I feel it in His grace that carries me through the difficult days! I can’t help but celebrate who He is whenever I get the chance!
Our God is amazingly creative and we are just like Him! How do you share Your Father’s faithfulness with those around you? Singing, writing, drawing, posting, sculpting, dancing, chatting, giving, loving? You were designed to paint His reflection on your world! You have a story to share and someone needs to hear it!
I’m a good ol’ classic rock and roll kind of girl! My teen years were influenced by a mix of Journey, Petra, Foreigner, DeGarmo & Key, the Eagles, and more. Today, Skillet tops my list of bands that inspire the radio to be up and the windows down!
Those who know and love Skillet will recognize the name of this new band: Ledger! Ledger is front lined by Jen Ledger, the talented drummer of Skillet.
Ledger is currently on tour opening for Skillet. Their EP is available for download at https://ledgerband.com/. Some of the great tunes on the album include: Bold, Not Dead Yet, and Warrior.
Listen to my current favorite Ledger tune, Bold, now!
“All this time
I have believed the lie
That I wasn’t made to fly
My wings were bound, stuck to the ground
But I hear truth remind me
You are right behind me
Go ahead and break the mold
I’m gonna be bold
Gotta hold my head up
‘Cause I know when I get up
There’s a victory I already hold
I’m gonna be strong
Gotta get my fight on
‘Cause I know Whose side I’m on
Got a heart like steel, a faith like gold
I’m gonna be bold
Take a breath
Faith builds within my chest
Spirit in every step
I’m made for this and so I rest”1
What is it that you are facing? What circumstance is trying to make you cower in fear or frustration? Look it square in the face, let your faith build and believe that you have a heart like steel and a faith like gold!
Yes, you busted me! It’s actually Saturday! But yesterday, focusing on my firstborn’s birthday was a priority, so here we are with slightly late Favorite Friday!
I’m not sure what your “religious paradigm” involves, but I was raised in a non-conservative denomination with solid faith foundations that I am very thankful to have embraced. However, as I explore the difference between Kingdom Culture as evidenced in the life of Jesus, outlined in the Word, and confirmed by the Holy Spirit and America’s version of Christian culture, I realize that much of what I was raised with is definitely rooted in the latter instead of the authentic Kingdom Culture.
I could give you various examples of how historically many cultures have translated Kingdom culture through the lens of their own culture, but I will give you this biblical example: When the Gentiles joined the rank of believers, the Jews felt that they should be circumcised because that was Jewish law. However, Paul contended that under the New Covenant, it was a circumcision of the heart God expected, not the physical body (Romans 2). Physical circumcision was Jewish culture; heart circumcision (spiritual submission to the Lord) is Kingdom culture!
All that to say, that I was raised believing that dancing was not appropriate in the Christian culture unless you were dancing “in the Spirit” (II Sam. 6:14). Sound familiar? As I’ve grown as a person and a believer, I understand that while dancing in the Spirit is a very valid (and biblical) act, dancing in and of itself is not wrong either! I love that! I love that we can worship the Lord with dance (Psalm 149) and we can also just have fun dancing (Jeremiah 31:4)! Dancing is healthy for our minds and bodies!1 (Caveat: like anything else, dancing can become negative but that’s not the subject of this blog!)
Then I stumbled upon this song by MercyMe in one of my playlists:
Love it!
“We’ve got reason to get up
Reason to get down
He done traded our sin for joy
And now, that joy wants out”2
Don’t wait! Play the song and jump out of your chair to dance!
“It’s okay, to cut loose
Oh, it ain’t about how you move, but what moves you
We’re so consumed with what we think we’re supposed to be
That we stop living like we know that we’re free”2
One of my most frequent requests of the Father is this: Let Your Kingdom Come! (Matthew 5:10) I often pray this over my marriage, my children (biological and bonus ones), my metron (realm of influence), my church family, and the church of God as a whole.
Lord, Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done! I’m passionate to see Kingdom Culture established here on earth! You just can’t go wrong praying for His Will to come and to be done in your life and circumstances!
So, when Stars Go Dim’s new song hit the airwaves, I was captivated by it! The tune is catchy and the truth of the lyrics was a delight to declare! Here are just some of those lyrics:
“In my heart, let Kingdom come
Not my will but Yours be done
Take my life and let it be
Set on fire for all to see
Break me down, build me up again
Don’t leave me the way I’ve been
Take my heart into Your hands
Come and finish what You began
‘Til I seek Your kingdom first
‘Til I shine, shine
Like Heaven on earth
Like Heaven on earth
Help me move when I should move
Help me rest when I should rest
Help me give what I should give
All of me, nothing less
Help me speak with grace and truth
Help me fight for those who can’t
Help me love the way You love
Never holding nothing back (yeah like Heaven on earth)”1