To the Point Tuesday: Is Your Heavenly Dad Proud of You?

Have you ever wondered if God is proud of you? As parents, we tend to tell our kids that we are proud of them for working hard, accomplishing a goal, or making wise choices. Agreed? As children of the Heavenly King, it makes sense that we’d want Him to be proud of our choices and efforts, right?

A quick dive into the Word of God reveals the following:

  • When God created man, He looked at His creations and said, “They are very good.” (Genesis 1:26-27)
  • We are to “walk” through life in a way that is pleasing to God. (I Thessalonians 4:1)
  • We have right-standing before God in Jesus. (II Corinthians 5:21)
  • God loves us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)
  • He declares that He delights in us. (Isaiah 62:4)
  • Our Father will lift us up if we choose to walk in humility (I Peter 5:6-7)
  • He rejoices over us with gladness and singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
  • We are blessed when we give praise to the Lord. (Psalm 89:15)

So, I don’t know if God is proud of you and me. But I do know this….

We are blessed when we choose His ways!

He loves us deeply and unconditionally because we are made in His image!

The righteousness of Jesus covers us giving us access to His presence!

When we love Him, walk in obedience, and love others, He is pleased with us!

He adores us and rejoices over us!

Let those thoughts roll around in your spirit! Your Daddy delights in you! Why wouldn’t we want to live in a way that lights up His face with a smile?

Live Loved,

All Embracing Love… Really?

Tolerance… it’s what our society is calling for…

Tolerance is the willingness to tolerate or allow the existence of someone else’s beliefs or opinions. That means we tolerate other opinions about sexuality, politics, parenting, finances, and even the best pick-up truck. It’s reading someone’s political post or raging social commentary and allowing their thoughts to stand.

If society is calling for tolerance… what are believers called to do?

Well… is God tolerant? Did He allow Adam to do what he believed was right in the Garden of Eden? Did the Lord entertain Moses’ opinion on saving Sodom & Gomorrah? Did He permit the Israelites to have a king that He never wanted them to have? The answer to these questions is “Yes.” Then the implication is that God is tolerant of our opinions and beliefs. Why? Because He outfitted us with the ability to decide for ourselves and He is faithful to His word in allowing us to choose, even when we choose wrongly! Believe it or not… He wouldn’t even block us on Facebook!

There’s a boatload of difference between tolerance and approval. We can tolerate the beliefs and opinions of others without extending our approval. That works out fairly well as most people have no interest in gaining our approval anyway. But somehow, we still find ourselves in the place of trying to decide if we do or don’t approve of someone.

Please, stop… don’t bother with that internal conversation any longer!

Instead, ask yourself, what does Jesus see in this person?
I believe that He would not only tolerate them, but He would embrace them! He DOES embrace them! He embraces us! He steps into our mess and wraps His arms around us… warts and all… our laziness, bad choices, addictions, unfaithfulness, complaining, cussing, sensuality, political rhetoric, prejudices, sports-obsessions, and self-righteousness. Jesus is not standing back deciding whether or not to offer His approval. He purposefully steps towards you and I, opens His arms, tells us He loves us, and asks us to follow Him!

Jesus came as Light and Life so that He could pour into us and send us forth as light and life to a lost world… even a social media world. (John 1:4-5) The precious people in our realm of influence experience His embrace through us!

Skip Morgenson, right, says a prayer while embracing other congregation members during a prayer vigil for the Charlottesville victims at Cornerstone …

We are called to love! Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time for correction, teaching, and wisdom… but most often those opportunities come AFTER relationship is established (and not via social media!) If we cannot embrace others in their mess, we will never get to the point of relationship when we have earned the authority to speak into their lives. Without love, our well-meaning rhetoric grates the ears like clanging symbols! (I Corinthians 13:1-8a)

This embracing love is effectively demonstrated when we don’t see eye to eye with someone we encounter… when their beliefs or opinions don’t line up with ours. Yet, we can still look them in the eye and value who they are simply because they are made in the image of our Heavenly Dad.

Social media is a tool that can drive wedges in relationships or a tool to build bridges of relationships.

Don’t waste your time with foolish arguments; redeem the time for His Kingdom! Be passionate about people, because our Daddy is!

Dig Deeper: II Timothy 2:20-26, I Corinthians 13, Colossians 1:9-14

Please share your thoughts by clicking on the bubble beside the title!

Live Loved,

Want to read more? Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement, Unoffendable

Want to hear more?  Listen here: Designed to Impress