You are Enough!


You are enough!  Yes, you, the one reading this… a unique, divinely created, inspiring, talented person!  The world has a one-of-a-kind spot that was designed for you alone!  And you are enough… right now, just as you are… to fill it!



You were born with an innate sense of worthiness!  Who took it away?  At what point did your 4-year-old “I can conquer the world” confidence begin to dwindle?  Who convinced you that you don’t measure up?

Most likely it wasn’t a “who,” but rather a series of events or experiences that compounded through the years, sending you a message that you eventually believed.  You… and I… came to the conclusion that we are not enough.  We are not worthy of just being loved and accepted.  We have decided that we need to do more, be more, give more, and change more in order to be enough.

We’ve fallen victim to a lie!

In reality, you and I were created in the very image and exact likeness of the God of the Universe!  He created us and blessed us!  He gave us dominion over the earth.  He looked at us, His creation, and said that we were very good!  He lovingly crafted us to look like Him, to reflect His nature, His character, His integrity, His worth.   We are worthy of being loved because God deemed it so!  He IS love and created us to be love as well!

Our worth is not found in what we do, but rather in who we are and Whose we are.  We are creations, images even, of the Living God!  It’s time that we look in the mirror and see what the Creator sees! No matter the journey life takes us on, the mistakes we make, the hurts we endure…  we will always be made in the image of God, His creations and reflections!  Nothing can change that!

God is perfect!  And we are not.  That truth exists as well.  But it is not to be the basis upon which our worth is determined.  Why can I so confidently declare this truth?  Because I know that Jesus willingly gave Himself up for me…!

In fact, Hebrews 12:2 says this: “for the joy set before Him, He {Jesus} endured the cross.”  What was that joy?  I believe it was two-fold… the privilege to do the will of the Father and the knowledge that by His sacrifice, all mankind, present, past, & future could be reconciled to our Creator!

As Jesus walked the rocky road to Calvary, dragging the roughly hewn cross, He was not focused on the pain He was enduring.  His mind searched through the haze of blood for the eyes of the ones for whom He was giving His life!  His eyes saw through the ages, capturing snapshots of you and me!  WE are the joy for which He endured the cross! 

Jesus’ loving heart as portrayed by Bruce Marchiano

You are enough! Had you been the only fallen soul on earth, Jesus would still have endured the cross for you alone!  He would have given it all for me alone! Oh, to be able to wrap my mind around that truth!  How could I not love the One who has loved me since before time began?  The One who lovingly crafted me in His likeness?  My heart is captured by His grace and passion for me!  I am enough!  You are enough!

Dive deeper: Hebrews 12:1-2, I John 4:7-21, Isaiah 62:3-5

Lord, I pray that each person reading these words would feel Your loving presence right now!  Embrace them with Your all consuming love and whisper your delight in their ears!  Enable them to grasp the knowledge that they are lovable and worthy of love! Take them deeper in their relationship with You so that Your love will surround them and flow through them!

Thank You, Jesus!

Live Loved… because you truly are!

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What is Steampunk Again??


Hi!  My name is Joy… and I’m a Steampunk Junkie!  I can’t find a support group because… well, I can’t seem to find many other SP Junkies like me!  In fact, most people ask me to define Steampunk, and I mumble a few adjectives such as industrial, futuristic, Victorian, eclectic…  and then promptly show them an image or two on my phone!

So, why do I enjoy this creative style?  I’m glad you asked! I’ve asked myself that same question!  What is it about the rusty, copper-colored menagerie of gadgets and gizmos that make my pulse stir?

When I look at a Steampunk piece of art, my creative juices begin to bubble!  My imagination flourishes and my desire to create an original work of art goes into overdrive!  Before long, I have a pile of odds and ends, glue, paper, and trinkets just begging to be set into place.

Steampunk art… Unique… colorful… intricate… and NOT perfect!  It’s an art filled with discarded tools, torn edges, crumpled papers, broken chains, and stained pieces.  Yet, when a designer puts those components together, they become a beautiful, one-of-a-kind display of art.

Steampunk art is a reflection of me!  It’s an outward display of the intricately woven ribbons of my life.  Torn moments, wounded memories, delightful snapshots, discarded choices, bursts of color and dreams, all threaded together by the Master Designer into a masterpiece!  I confess, sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty when the work is in process.  The chaos and brokenness just don’t seem usable.  However, that’s all the more reason to trust the Master Designer!

Your life is also a work of art in progress!  The Master Designer began that work the day you were conceived. He has not forgotten you! He promises to take all the torn and broken pieces and merge them with the beautiful, glittery ones in creating a complete and precious work… if you allow Him to!  “…being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”  Phil. 1:6 NKJV

This Master Designer, the Creator of the Universe, the Lover of your soul, Jesus…  go to Him, lay it all at His feet in surrender and watch Him begin to piece the threads of your life together into the work of art that is you.  You won’t be disappointed!

Dig Deeper! Genesis 45:3-7, 50:19-20, Romans 8:18-28

Make a Declaration:

Lord, You are a faithful God and the Master Creator! You are also my Father.  Help me to trust You and Your plan for my life.  Take all my broken pieces, my hurts, my mistakes, and weave them together into the good You promised for my life.  I love You, Lord!  Thank You that You’ve called me according to Your purposes.

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Live loved,