Do you ever feel like that blow-up boxing toy that gets hit and keeps coming back for more? Sometimes life is just hard. There’s no pat answers; pretty platitudes don’t make it better. Easy fixes are a rarity and it’s a lot easier to plop down and whine than stand strong and throw some smack talk at your circumstances! It’s in those turn-tail-and-run moments that I need to be held… Held by the One who could take away my struggles, but knows that enduring them will make me stronger.
The Lord takes no delight in watching us struggle with life. His heart breaks when we reap pain from the choices we make or others make for us. He grieves with us when the blows of circumstances sideswipe normalcy. How He longs to draw us into His embrace and allow His peace and comfort to flow into all the rough and hurting places in our heart. Matthew 11:28 encourages us, “So everyone, come to me! Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” (TPT)
The Lord, however, does take delight in watching us grow and thrive as a result of being willing to journey through those difficult places. He will hold us and allow His tears to mingle with ours as we press on. When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is there and His light will lead us out! It’s not easy; but it will be worth it.
You might feel tired, depleted, and on the verge of knockout. But…
Don’t stay in the valley~~~~keep walking!
Don’t plop down in despair~~~~rise in determination!
Don’t journey alone~~~~align yourself for success!
Life happens… sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it’s not. So, if it’s not, take heart… you’re not in the final chapter. My Father says that all the events of my life will work together for good because I love Him and He has a purpose for me! (Romans 8:28) The same goes for you… So, if It’s not good, it’s not over yet!
Stand strong! Throw some smack talk back at your circumstances! Remind them that God has good plans for you! He treasures you! He likes you, He really likes you!
Dear Father, Bless this reader, I pray. Strengthen them where they feel weak, guide them where they feel unsure, heal their hurting places. Restore and refresh them with the joy of knowing they are deeply loved and created for amazing purposes! Be their Daddy, their Champion, their Counselor, their Provider, their Healer, and the Keeper of their heart. Thank You, Faithful Father! In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Dive Deeper: Psalm 37:3-9, Psalm 103, Ephesians 3:14-21
Live Loved,
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