Life Happens

As my daughter and I snuggled together for a bedtime chat, she shared some of her “adulting” struggles, needs, and frustrations.  My silent tears filtered into her hair as I said, “I wish I could make things easier for you.”  Her response was so quintessentially her… “If life was easy, then I wouldn’t be the strong person I need to be.  But (insert a sigh here) I wish things could be easier too.”  I heard the tears in her voice. I did what my Mama’s heart knew to do, held her tight and whispered encouragement. Together, we laid our burdens at the feet of the One who told us not to worry about tomorrow.  But still, my heart ached for all she was facing.

Do you ever feel like that blow-up boxing toy that gets hit and keeps coming back for more? Sometimes life is just hard.  There’s no pat answers; pretty platitudes don’t make it better.  Easy fixes are a rarity and it’s a lot easier to plop down and whine than stand strong and throw some smack talk at your circumstances!  It’s in those turn-tail-and-run moments that I need to be held… Held by the One who could take away my struggles, but knows that enduring them will make me stronger.


The Lord takes no delight in watching us struggle with life.  His heart breaks when we reap pain from the choices we make or others make for us.  He grieves with us when the blows of circumstances sideswipe normalcy.  How He longs to draw us into His embrace and allow His peace and comfort to flow into all the rough and hurting places in our heart.   Matthew 11:28 encourages us, “So everyone, come to me! Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” (TPT)

The Lord, however, does take delight in watching us grow and thrive as a result of being willing to journey through those difficult places.  He will hold us and allow His tears to mingle with ours as we press on.  When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is there and His light will lead us out!  It’s not easy; but it will be worth it.

You might feel tired, depleted, and on the verge of knockout.  But…

Don’t stay in the valley~~~~keep walking!

Don’t plop down in despair~~~~rise in determination!

Don’t journey alone~~~~align yourself for success!

Life happens… sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it’s not.  So, if it’s not, take heart… you’re not in the final chapter.  My Father says that all the events of my life will work together for good because I love Him and He has a purpose for me! (Romans 8:28) The same goes for you… So, if It’s not good, it’s not over yet!


Stand strong!  Throw some smack talk back at your circumstances!  Remind them that God has good plans for you!  He treasures you! He likes you, He really likes you!

Dear Father, Bless this reader, I pray.  Strengthen them where they feel weak, guide them where they feel unsure, heal their hurting places.  Restore and refresh them with the joy of knowing they are deeply loved and created for amazing purposes!  Be their Daddy, their Champion, their Counselor, their Provider, their Healer, and the Keeper of their heart.  Thank You, Faithful Father!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Dive Deeper: Psalm 37:3-9, Psalm 103, Ephesians 3:14-21

Live Loved,

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To Hope Again…

This week was a rough one at school.  Each passing year seems to bring us an increase of defiance and a decrease of initiative. The deep emotional, educational, and physical needs of our students overwhelm their desire for knowledge and hinder their ability to learn.   Our administrators have more need of running shoes than fashionable heels.  And the teachers… we wear exhaustion and discouragement like a water-logged cloak.

That was our week… and truth be told, we endure many weeks just like this.  At lunch, we share our war stories and roll our eyes at some of the funny and not-so-funny antics we’ve been forced to endure.  This week, like a dark stain, I felt their hopelessness—my hopelessness–creeping up to steal the breath from my typically resilient heart.

I wonder… is it worth it?  Will my efforts really impact the future?  Will the students understand all that I’m trying to share through my words, my attitude, my compassion?  Will any of what I am teaching really translate to a positive future for them?  I wonder…

What about you?  Have you wondered if what you are doing matters? Does your hard work seem hopeless?  Do you feel like giving up? Has your sense of confidence been slipping?  Do you, like me, wonder if we are just plodding up the same hill again and again with no signs of successfully reaching the other side?


As I wondered…  these are the words I felt God whisper into my heart:

Don’t become weary of doing what is good… there will be a harvest if you don’t give up! (see Galatians 6:9)


Like a breath of fresh air, I felt hope rush in!  Sowing and reaping is a natural law! When I sow into the next generation, there will be a harvest!  Just like a farmer, my sowing requires steadfastness, consistency, and commitment.  I’m “planting” life and truth through my words and actions and I can be confident that good is going to come as a result.  The best part is that I don’t have to do this alone! The Holy Spirit functions as a coach, shouting encouragement from the sidelines and strategically aligning others to work along with me.

It’s time to hope again!  Whatever struggles are sapping your energy and peace, it’s time to refocus the eyes of your heart! Whatever your career path, whomever your life impacts, do it for the glory of God and go full tilt knowing that you will harvest great rewards!  Refuse to give up or back down!  After all, you and I, we are not quitters!

Stand strong, leaning into the voice of the One who created you to excel!  It is through His instruction that we find our footing.  It is His grace that weaves through our actions the very fabric of hope that will bring us through the difficult days.  It will be worth it… and we will find out just how much… if we don’t give up!

As my feet hit the floor on Monday morning, my mind will ring out this anthem: “I am a prisoner of hope!  I refuse to give up!  I will see the goodness of the Lord in my life and world!”

Dive Deeper:  Psalm 27:13-14, Romans 5:1-5, Galatians 6:7-10

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Live Loved,