Mercy triumphs over Judgment!

It was like a kick to the gut….

Hearing that a precious young woman, a family friend, had been sexually assaulted. As I listened to the story unfold, my chest ached with the knowledge of the painful blow that had been dealt, physically and emotionally, to this dear girl and her family too. Aware of the need, I asked if counseling was in the works. Thankfully, it was; however, she had requested a non-Christian counselor because she didn’t want to be “preached at” instead of counseled. This perception of Christians, coming from a young lady who had been raised a believer, deeply grieved my heart.

I asked the Lord, “Why?” “Why do Christians… literally “Christ-like” people… have such a bad reputation in many people’s minds?” Almost immediately, I felt Him say, “My people do not understand that mercy triumphs over judgment.”

Whether we are believers or not, it’s so easy to judge. We look at the car someone drives, the clothes they wear, the way they wear them, the bag they carry, the job they work, the hairstyle they sport, the words they speak… and we judge, sometimes rightly, sometimes not. But when we choose to make judgments, we are setting ourselves up as unauthorized judges instead of effective ambassadors of Kingdom love.

Let’s look at these two versions of James 2:12-13 for deeper perspective on God’s desire for His people.

  • So speak, and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of freedom. For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. NASB
  • So we must both speak and act in every respect like those who are destined to be tried by the perfect law of liberty, and remember that judgment is merciless for the one who judges others without mercy. So by showing mercy you take dominion over judgment! TPT

You and I as believers are judged by the law of freedom. Are you familiar with the law of freedom? This is the law that sets us free: It is the law of love! Matthew 22:37-40 tells us that all the laws are summed up in these two: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself!  We learn more about the law of love in I John 4:17: Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world [Carriers of love!]. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. (emphasis mine)

When Jesus walked the earth, the people weren’t afraid of Him because love and mercy exuded from Him! He set an amazing example for us! He demonstrated mercy over judgment in His encounters even though He had the right to judge!

  • When the adulteress woman sat before Him, He was merciful.
  • When a cheating tax collector sought His company, He was merciful.
  • When an unclean woman touched His clothing, He was merciful.
  • When approached by the lame, the blind, the wounded, the possessed, Jesus showed mercy!

Consider Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4. Even though He spoke about “all she had done,” she did not feel condemned, but rather she felt known! She was drawn to His mercy and compassion and the result was many in the village believed! What power when we choose mercy over judgment!

Judgment Vs. Mercy!! Who Will Win?

You enter a room and there’s a jug of milk spilled on the floor… as it glugs out you get to choose:  judgment or mercy.  Judgment demands to know who knocked the milk over, why it happened, and who’s going to pay for it. On the contrary, mercy jumps into action, helps to clean up the mess, and comes up with ways to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Mercy doesn’t negate consequences, but offers a compassionate shoulder to lean on while journeying through the consequences.

  • Judgment assumes guilt, mercy offers grace
  • Judgment looks to blame, mercy looks to set things right
  • Judgment looks at the actions, mercy looks past the actions to the person
  • Judgment disregards humanity, mercy accepts humanity
  • Judgment values self-righteousness, mercy values redemption
  • Judgment looks at the past, mercy looks at the future
  • Judgment focuses on the mess; mercy helps clean the mess up

James declares the winner when He states: Mercy Triumphs over judgment!

Jesus judged by the law that sets us free! How can we do any less?

If we choose to judge by the law of Moses, that’s the law we will also be judged by. I sure don’t want to be judged under the law of Moses, but rather the law of freedom!

The world is filled with self-righteous, self-appointed judges. Jesus gave His life so that we could be judged by the law of freedom! You and I as carriers of His Spirit must be agents of mercy in our interactions with others. It is the Father’s desire that we be Kingdom ambassadors demonstrating a love that casts out fear of judgment and paves the way for the law of His love!

Jesus stated that His mark on our life would be demonstrated in our love towards one another (John 13:35). This is the reputation that needs to be associated with Christians: a reputation of truth wrapped in compassion, mercy, and love! A people who are willing to help clean up messes and value redemption! This is the type of love that will lead others to the Father.

When our agenda is to demonstrate the heart of the Father, all of Heaven will back us up!

I’m so thankful that mercy triumphs over judgment in the Kingdom of God!

Live Loved,

Faith Over Fear: A Practical Guide to Mindset Management

It seems that unless you are living in a cave, you, like me are being inundated with talk, texts, or posts about COVID-19.  My social media world is comprised of parents, teachers, pastors, and young adults trying to come to grips with making decisions in the light of constantly changing information and directives.

If we are not careful, our curiosity, boredom, or just need to be “in the know” will reap a harvest of fear, uncertainty, and paranoia.  For some of my readers, you may already be there! 

This is no time to fear!  Throughout history, when times of stress, trauma, war, and upheaval have come, it’s then that heroes emerge, leaders arise, and problem-solvers create!  Instead of seeing COVID-19 as a curse, it’s time to view it as in impetus! When we look back on this time in history, what will you and I have done to make our world a better place? When we reflect on these world events, will we be able to see beauty arise from the ashes? If we want to be part of the beauty, we will need to conquer the fear!

Overcoming Fear

So, how do we tackle the fear?  It’s all about our Mindset!  Circumstances can help assuage our fear, but they will not alleviate it long-term.  Sure, several rolls of toilet paper can help you breathe a sigh of relief, but that relief only lasts as long as the loaf of bread, or the jar of peanut butter, or the money in the bank.  There will always be a circumstance that can rear its head and thrust us right back into fear. Only managing our mindset will enable us to maintain peace regardless of our circumstances.

Mindset Management 101

  • Be thankful! When your heart and mouth are filled with thankfulness, it becomes hard to complain! Start each day by listing 10 things you are thankful for… clean water, eyes that see, food in the cupboard, fresh air… you get the idea!  Model thankfulness for those around you.  They will catch on. 🙂 When you are thankful, your mindset shifts from complaining to celebrating!1
  • Be busy! Jammies are cozy, the couch is comfortable, relaxing is important! But set boundaries for yourself (and your kiddos!). Get dressed, go for a walk, clean out a cupboard, play a game, learn a language, create, build, read! When you are engaged in life, your mindset shifts from problems to productivity!2
  • Be purposeful! Do you remember that old saying: garbage in=garbage out? It still holds true today.  What you allow into your eyes, ears, and heart will determine what your mind focuses on.  Shut off the 24 hour news loop! Stop reading all those fear-inspiring articles on the internet.  Change a complaining conversation into a constructive one.  When you are purposeful about guarding your home and head, your mindset shifts from cluttered to centered!3
  • Be kind! This should go without saying, but when the world goes topsy-turvy, sometimes our priorities get scrambled and we forget that we are not the center of the universe! Everyone has trials they are navigating; avoid judging journeys that are different than your own.  Smile more, criticize less. Post an encouraging word. Make a “just because” phone call.  Share a square. 🙂 When you are kind, your mindset shifts from self-centered to other-centered!4
  • Be positive! This is a big one, so bear with me! I know that we all have different personalities.  Some of us tend to look at life with rose-colored glasses, while others of us can’t seem to get the dark shades off.  But YOU are in control of YOU!  You can choose to swing your tendency from negative vibes to positive ones.  This will probably be very challenging for those who are chronically negative. Determining to find and focus on the positive may require you to enlist some help.  Ask a family member or friend to help you identify negative ideas and phrases as they come out of your mouth.  Then consciously rephrase your thought to reflect a positive idea.  When you’re tempted to point out the faults in others, pause and look for good instead.  As you grow in this process, you will feel like the sun shines a little bit brighter, people seem somewhat kinder, and the sky really isn’t falling!  Build your positive focus by listening to uplifting music, reading biographies of social heroes ( and practicing looking for the good around you. When you focus on the positive, your mindset shifts from barrenness to beauty.5
  • Be faith-filled! Being positive is big, but finding faith is foundational! There are not many things in this world worth trusting. People fail, systems fail, finances fail, marriages fail, contracts fail, doctors fail. But my God has never failed me!  There were times when I felt lost or forgotten; but He has never left me.  It has taken me much of my adult life to grasp how deeply and unconditionally my Heavenly Father loves me! I trust in that love.  It’s my faith in His love that enables me to punch fear in its face! If you are struggling to find faith in this season, you’re not alone!  And I happen to know that God loves you deeply and unconditionally. Ask Him to show Himself to you, He will show up for you right where you are! When you begin to grasp how deeply the God of Heaven and earth loves you, your mindset will shift from fear to faith!6

No matter where you find yourself on the fear to faith spectrum, you are never stuck there unless you choose to be! Circumstances may appear to be out of control, but you are not without power! Proactively manage your mindset and find peace… then share it with those around you!

Live loved!

1I Thessalonians 5:18

2Luke 16:10

3Isaiah 26:3

4Romans 12:10

5Philippians 4:8

6Psalm 36:5-7, Ephesians 2:4

Favorite Music Friday-Soothe the Savage!

Stress… that’s my savage beast!

Life is stressful!  Even when things are going well, stress is par for the course.  But there are times when the stress is more intense and managing it becomes a priority.  One of my anti-stress go-tos is music!

The two songs I’m posting today offer truths that compliment one another….  “Don’t worry” & “Pray till your breakthrough breaks through the ceiling!”  Both can be summed up in Philippians 4:6-8!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

As you listen to these songs, let that prescription soak in: Don’t worry, Give thanks, Pray, Believe the good report!  God is always “Right on Time!”  Here’s Aaron Cole & TobyMac:

“I know your problems seem God sized
If you can see ’em through God’s eyes (take a looksie)
Yeah, he’s right on time, right on time!”1

Follow that great advice with this from Unspoken: “Don’t you give up on a miracle! You’ve got to speak to the impossible. You’ve got to pray till your break through breaks through the ceiling, keep on believing! Don’t you give up, don’t you give up on a miracle!”2   

Hope these songs speak to your soul too!

Live Loved!

1Lyrics from Right on Time by Aaron Cole

2Lyrics from Miracle by Unspoken

I’m Not Afraid of the Dark… Anymore!

I’m excited to share that Strong & Courageous Women Magazine has featured me on their blog this week!  I’ve written an article about faith triumphing over fear in my life.  Read it here:  I’m Not Afraid of the Dark… Anymore!

What “dark places” have you struggled with and how did you overcome it?  It’s exciting to know that God loves me so much, that He will come through for me especially in the difficult times!  Please share your thoughts below!

Live loved,

Surrendering Our “Little”

Sitting beside my grieving uncle, I listened as each person stopped by to pay their respects for my Aunt Kate.  As one put-together woman walked away with tears in her eyes, my Uncle Dan said, “She was an addict on the streets and your Aunt Kate ministered to her day after day.  Look at her now.  Your aunt was amazing!”

As the Memorial service progressed, person after person testified regarding the impact that my aunt had on their lives, families, and churches.  For me, the jaw-dropping moment was when my uncle stood up.  He told us that my precious aunt didn’t even believe she had any gifts!  She saw herself as simply there to serve my uncle in his ministry role.

But, oh, what a powerful gift she had!  Authentically encouraging and loving each person that the Lord placed in her pathway.  Much like the widow’s response to Elisha’s* question, “What do you have in your house,” my aunt looked at her skillset and said, “I have nothing at all… only a little bit of oil.”  But that oil, when submitted to her Savior, became the answer that so many needed!  That oil of submission became the kindness, grace, truth, and encouragement she daily poured out on others.

What about you?  What do you have in your skill set?  What can you give?  You may not carry the gift of singing, the anointing for preaching, or the grace of a Sunday School leader… but you bring a uniqueness simply by being who God designed you to be!

Each one of us has been blessed with something… some skill, some talent, some ability, some strength.

Your “little bit of oil” may be covered in a layer of fear.

It could be buried in the closet of insecurity.

Or hidden by walls of destructive lies.

It may be a well-hidden treasure yet to be found!

No longer!  Today is the day of discovery!

Quiet yourself before your Savior… Let Him unearth the treasures He has placed inside of you!  Listen to His whispers; follow His prodding; allow Him to pour His anointing on what you discover!

Walk free from fear and insecurity in the knowledge that you are designed to reflect the image, or character, of your Creator!  (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 139:14)  His creativity knows no bounds!  Dig deep to discover what He wants you to give… today, now, to those in your realm of influence!  When you are faithful with your “little,” He will give you more!**

Aunt Kate may have thought she gave little, but what she gave was all!  The Lord multiplied her surrender creating a harvest that far exceeds what my gentle aunt could ever have imagined!  For her, it was as simple as being an authentic friend.  For you, it may be baking cookies for the lonely, weeding someone’s garden, smiling at the grumpy, or reading to the elderly.  The world needs YOU!  Give your all, sweetly surrendering, your “little bit of oil,” knowing that our God is one of multiplication!

Declaration: Lord, I ask that You would open my eyes to see what gifts You’ve placed in me to bless those in my realm of influence.  Help me to walk in boldness, freedom, and truth, knowing that You have created me in Your image!  Thank You for the gifts You give.  Enable me to hear You clearly and obey You completely!  I love You, Lord!  Thank You for your strength, anointing, and grace!

Dig Deeper: Romans 12

*II Kings 4

**Matthew 25:14-23

Please share your thoughts by clicking on the bubble next to the title!

Live loved,

My Precious Aunt Kate! Kathleen Hall Lewis, loved by many and loved many!