Surrendering Our “Little”

Sitting beside my grieving uncle, I listened as each person stopped by to pay their respects for my Aunt Kate.  As one put-together woman walked away with tears in her eyes, my Uncle Dan said, “She was an addict on the streets and your Aunt Kate ministered to her day after day.  Look at her now.  Your aunt was amazing!”

As the Memorial service progressed, person after person testified regarding the impact that my aunt had on their lives, families, and churches.  For me, the jaw-dropping moment was when my uncle stood up.  He told us that my precious aunt didn’t even believe she had any gifts!  She saw herself as simply there to serve my uncle in his ministry role.

But, oh, what a powerful gift she had!  Authentically encouraging and loving each person that the Lord placed in her pathway.  Much like the widow’s response to Elisha’s* question, “What do you have in your house,” my aunt looked at her skillset and said, “I have nothing at all… only a little bit of oil.”  But that oil, when submitted to her Savior, became the answer that so many needed!  That oil of submission became the kindness, grace, truth, and encouragement she daily poured out on others.

What about you?  What do you have in your skill set?  What can you give?  You may not carry the gift of singing, the anointing for preaching, or the grace of a Sunday School leader… but you bring a uniqueness simply by being who God designed you to be!

Each one of us has been blessed with something… some skill, some talent, some ability, some strength.

Your “little bit of oil” may be covered in a layer of fear.

It could be buried in the closet of insecurity.

Or hidden by walls of destructive lies.

It may be a well-hidden treasure yet to be found!

No longer!  Today is the day of discovery!

Quiet yourself before your Savior… Let Him unearth the treasures He has placed inside of you!  Listen to His whispers; follow His prodding; allow Him to pour His anointing on what you discover!

Walk free from fear and insecurity in the knowledge that you are designed to reflect the image, or character, of your Creator!  (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 139:14)  His creativity knows no bounds!  Dig deep to discover what He wants you to give… today, now, to those in your realm of influence!  When you are faithful with your “little,” He will give you more!**

Aunt Kate may have thought she gave little, but what she gave was all!  The Lord multiplied her surrender creating a harvest that far exceeds what my gentle aunt could ever have imagined!  For her, it was as simple as being an authentic friend.  For you, it may be baking cookies for the lonely, weeding someone’s garden, smiling at the grumpy, or reading to the elderly.  The world needs YOU!  Give your all, sweetly surrendering, your “little bit of oil,” knowing that our God is one of multiplication!

Declaration: Lord, I ask that You would open my eyes to see what gifts You’ve placed in me to bless those in my realm of influence.  Help me to walk in boldness, freedom, and truth, knowing that You have created me in Your image!  Thank You for the gifts You give.  Enable me to hear You clearly and obey You completely!  I love You, Lord!  Thank You for your strength, anointing, and grace!

Dig Deeper: Romans 12

*II Kings 4

**Matthew 25:14-23

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Live loved,

My Precious Aunt Kate! Kathleen Hall Lewis, loved by many and loved many!