Regardless, dancing competitions and cool dancing videos are popular around our house. Miranda showed me this video the other day and I was captivated! The incredible talent and synchronicity of this group blew my mind! In fact, I used it in a lesson on teamwork with my students yesterday! I liked it so much that I decided I had to share it with you!
But… that’s not the only reason this song caught my attention. After watching the dancing video, we watched the lyric video of the song, Lazarus. Trip Lee tells a story of coming to life spiritually in such a creative and unique way! I turned to Miranda and said, “That’ll preach!” Her response: “It already is!” And she is correct! The truth of God’s faithfulness, how He rescues us, and restores our spirits can be “preached” in so many ways! God’s power is at the heart of Trip Lee’s Message:
“Hopped up out the grave, thriller style
They ain’t think that He could do it, but He did it now
I mean the Captain, the almighty Lord
Setting captives free, all aboard, all aboard
Can’t stop Him when He got His mind made up
He don’t like that grave? Sayonara, see you later
He made the blind see and got the lame up
So it’s no surprise He can raise us
Wake them up now
Believers when your life is looking tough now
When you’re at your all time low
Don’t forget that power that He already showed”1
God has shown His sustaining power and His faithfulness to me in so many ways! I see it in His provision on a daily basis. I hear it in the voices of those I love. I feel it in His grace that carries me through the difficult days! I can’t help but celebrate who He is whenever I get the chance!
Our God is amazingly creative and we are just like Him! How do you share Your Father’s faithfulness with those around you? Singing, writing, drawing, posting, sculpting, dancing, chatting, giving, loving? You were designed to paint His reflection on your world! You have a story to share and someone needs to hear it!
Live Loved,
1Lyrics from “Lazarus” by Trip Lee