Passion and Purpose


“Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.” Gilbert Chesterton’s observation is more true than starry-eyed newlyweds would want to consider.  Ask any couple who has journeyed through some years together and they will admit that the dance of married life is not without a few battle scars.

Thirty one years… that’s how long our dance has been going!  What a joy it is to celebrate another milestone of marriage!  As I reflect on our journey, it’s not unlike most others… ups and downs, sickness and health, maybe a bit more poor than rich, some better, some worse.

However, it’s our own one-of-a-kind love story as well.

This dance of marriage has had moments of closeness and distance.  At times life has moved fast with the driving beat, at other times, slow with the cadence of grief.  We’ve had times of holding each other’s hands tightly and moments of drifting apart.

At our last ladies’ retreat, I posed this challenge:  State 3 words that make your marriage strong and lasting.  The answers were almost as varied as the women!  Communication, patience, forgiveness, grace, whoopie, laughter, compassion, wine!  Many of these are answers I’ve given when asked that same question.

Today while thinking about our (thankfully) thriving marriage, I felt fresh words whisper across my heart. 

Deep, lasting, authentic, rich marriages are established by passion and purpose.


Of course, physical passion is a valuable and desirable part of marriage and I hope you picked your spouse on purpose. 🙂  But I’m thinking of passion and purpose in a different light.

Passion is a strong or compelling desire for someone or something while purpose is a steely-eyed resolve to follow through on commitment.  Marriages are the joining of two individuals who have their own ideas, agendas, and protocols.  We all come into marriage with a boatload of “stuff” and along with our baggage, we bring expectations of married life that are typically unreasonable and unattainable for two fallible people.

So how do we manage to negotiate the minefields of marriage and come through on the other side somewhat intact?

Passion… that strong and compelling desire… is needed to establish the heart culture of God in our home. This heart culture is one where failure encounters forgiveness, weaknesses encounter grace, and love never fails.

The passionate pursuit of God’s love will establish a culture of Godly love in our marriage!  Ideally, both a husband and wife passionately pursing this life of love, will experience Kingdom culture in their home.  That’s not to say that one spouse cannot accomplish it alone!  God is faithful and will follow through on His part as we pursue His heart of love for our spouse (I Corinthians 13:4-8a).

Purpose… that steely-eyed commitment… is needed to stand strong when the storms of life batter our marriage.  God established you and your spouse as a single unit to work as one (Genesis 2:24). No, it’s not simple, or easy, or convenient.  Sometimes it’s painful, and confusing, and scary.

But set your eyes, not on your spouse, but on the Lover of your soul!  Link your arm in His and purpose to stand strong for your marriage.  Pursue God’s heart and seek His wisdom for you and your spouse.  Seeing God weave your marriage into a tapestry of love, healing, and restoration is worth the struggle!

There’s a plethora of marriage advice available out there if you feel yourself faltering in your journey together1.  That advice can be helpful; but one of the greatest blessings for Andy and I was when we sought the help and support of others who’d been through some battles themselves.  There is no perfect duet… get close enough to any thriving married couple and they may share some of their battle scars along with their victory stories.  Learn from others, grow in your relationship skills, be willing to find authentic people who will invest in you as you invest in your marriage.  Purpose and passion, passion and purpose.  “Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does.” I Corinthians 14:1 (MSG)

Live Loved,


P.S. My heart is to encourage others!  If this blog encouraged you, please share on social media. 🙂  If you would like me to pray for your marriage or that of another, please message me!  I would be honored to pray with you!

1Rejoice Marriage Ministries is a great resource:

Abundant Redemption

Have you ever gone to a restaurant where they are rather stingy with their condiments?  They give you one ketchup for your large fries or a little sauce cup for 10 nuggets.  At the bottom of your bag is a single napkin already touched with grease.  The “just enough” service is not for me.  I’m the kind of girl that likes a whole roll of paper towels on my table and the full bottle of dressing nearby!  I prefer the “more than enough” mentality!

I’m so thankful for a Heavenly Dad who gives us more than enough!  He is not stingy with His love, His comfort, or His healing.  He is the Redeemer who goes above and beyond to bring us restoration!  He gave His life for us so that we could spend eternity in fellowship with Him!

But He didn’t stop there!  Because Our Redeemer is a “more than enough” God!  He provides healing for our souls too (Psalm 34:22). Healing from difficult hurts often takes much longer than you and I would like.  Sometimes we feel like we should be able to slap a bandage on life’s pain and when we pull it off a few days or a week later, “Tada!” all signs of the wound are about gone.  However, emotional healing is a more lengthy and rather inglorious process.  Even years into my own healing process, I found that certain memories were tainted.  Something simple like a location or an innocent comment would trigger a painful memory.

So it was the other night when I drove past a particular road.  The enemy tried to blindside me with painful thoughts and I squashed them down as I’ve learned to do.  Just then, I felt a prompting to stop by a friend’s house in that same area to drop something off.  After that quick errand, I started to drive away and saw a lovely work of art in the sky!  I felt like the Lord said, “See, I am still redeeming what you thought you’d lost!”  Right then, He blessed me with a new memory!  It’s not the first time He’s done that and I know it won’t be the last.  He is the Abundant Redeemer!  He will fully restore all that the enemy has stolen!

“O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, And with Him is abundant redemption (Psalm 130:7 NKJV).”  The Passion Translation of this verse says this:O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting, and keep waiting on the Lord, for He is tenderhearted, kind, and forgiving. He has a thousand ways to set you free!”

My “more than enough” God has a thousand ways to set me free!  He has and will redeem painful memories, hurting relationships, and the bruises of a tender heart.  What He does for me, He will do for you too!  Do you need some things in your life redeemed?  Have you had memories stolen or dreams smashed?  Have you had relationships ripped apart or peace obliterated?

Praising YHVH Ga’al (the Lord my Redeemer)
Meghan Williams, Dyed4You Art

Then borrow some of my faith and latch onto these truths:

God restores the soul! (Psalm 23:2

He redeems our mind, will, and emotions (Psalm 69:18)

Our Dad heals the brokenhearted! (Psalm 147:3)

The King of kings creates beauty from ashes

He trades a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Our Lord will fill you with joy! (Psalm 16:11)


He is a good God and a good Dad!  He loves you and wants to abundantly redeem all the hurting places in your life!  How deeply I love my Heavenly Dad!  He continues to show Himself faithful!

Live Loved,

If I can agree with you in prayer for a healing in your life, please let me know!  I would be honored to pray for and with you!

Reduce, Reuse and… Upcycle?

“I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of the Lord.” Psalm 118:17

Make a lamp from a broken table, create a roof out of plastic bottles, shape a Thai coconut into a plant holder…  all projects that fall under the umbrella of upcycling.  Upcycling is taking unwanted or wasted materials and converting them into a useful, beneficial product.  I confess to catching a bit of the fever.  I’ve turned thrift shop t-shirts into trendy scarves and old crates into an eye-pleasing display shelf.  It was in the middle of a Pinterest scavenger hunt that the Lord began to speak to me about His version of upcycling.

He reminded me of a conversation I had been having with a friend earlier that day.  We had been talking about life’s ups and downs.  She had stated that one of her family’s mantras is “No wasted pain.”  As soon as that phrase left her lips, it took root in my heart.  We ALL have endured painful circumstances!  No one is exempt. How can it be used… upcycled to become something purposeful?

Painful experiences can reduce us to broken, useless vessels. They can cause us to reuse past experiences as excuses to stay in a broken state. Or past pain can be upcycled and used to benefit others!  You see, my friend, as children of the King, we are more than survivors… we are thrivers!  We can take the painful blows we’ve been dealt and lay them at the feet of our Savior!  As we walk humbly before Him, seek forgiveness and healing, as we trust His work in our lives…  we build a testimony!  Step by step, we move forward into healing and victory!  Then, the “WOW” factor is when we begin to share the witness of how God brought us that healing, restoration, provision, and vision in spite of our painful circumstance!  When we submit ourselves (all the mistakes, hurt, betrayal, anger, & fear) to Him and His ways, He upcycles this “junk” and creates a work of art… a Testimony of His goodness and mercy!

Lord, I don’t want to waste the pain I’ve had to walk through!  Help me to stay close to Your heart, listening, obeying, healing, so that this struggle can be upcycled for Your Kingdom and glory!  Thank You that You love me and are a Faithful Father!

Dig Deeper: Mark 5:25-34, Genesis 50:20, Revelation 12:11

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Live Loved,