What Type of Culture are You Facilitating?

Culture… It can be defined as the customs, beliefs, values, and celebrations of a particular group of people. While we typically associate culture with a country’s people group, there is a myriad of other cultures.

Family cultures vary in birthday celebrations, entertainment choices, discipline styles, faith commitments, and vacation destinations.  Churches, restaurants, towns, and workplaces also have their own versions of culture.

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a teacher, a waiter, a welder, a consumer, or a football fan, you are contributing to some culture, most likely several cultures! So, what are you adding to the cultures in your realm of influence as you go through your day?

I ask this because cultural contributions are a topic close to my heart. Each part of our day gives us an opportunity to choose between positive and negative contributions. As we drive to work each morning, we can positively or negatively impact the traffic culture. (Let that sink in… is your horn a tool or a tactic? Do you wave someone on or wag a finger at them?)

In the busy coffee shop, we can stir up discontent or exemplify patience. Yes, even that seemingly small choice will make a difference in the atmosphere while we wait. Cultural contributions are evident in our facial expressions, our words, our actions, and our attitudes. (When stressful moments come, what we carry in our heart is what comes pouring out… but that’s a topic for another blog!)

While your daily contributions do impact the culture around you, facilitating a culture takes our responsibility further. If you’ve read this far, don’t stop now! 😊 Think of the top 2 or 3 places you spend most of your time. These are the places where you have a role in culture facilitation.

I’ve worked jobs that felt like I was working with family. There was laughter, encouragement, and a boatload of inside jokes. I’ve also worked at jobs that felt like eggshells were scattered all over the floor and stepping on even one would lead to disaster. You had to be careful of what you said, who you said it to, and what tone you used. Similar contrasts can be seen in every culture that we engage in. A negative culture will multiply stress, decrease fulfillment, and increase a sense of aloneness.

My current school has been my work home for over 14 years. We’ve had our ups and downs and the student population we serve comes with more challenges than many. And yet, I have no desire to go to a more affluent school, higher paying district, or one with more accolades. Why? Because I am part of a staff that has worked to develop and maintain a positive culture even through administration changes. Is everyone 100% all in? No… rarely does that happen. Is everyone trustworthy or positive or culture-focused? Nope! BUT, the majority–from admin to cafeteria staff to custodians to teachers–are committed to giving their best day to day. And… don’t miss this… there is an attitude of togetherness, support, and “I’ve got your back” that sets our school culture up for continued success even when the changes, the data, the challenges, can feel smothering and disheartening. This positive culture was not built by one, but by many. It didn’t happen overnight, it happened when individuals chose to show up, give their best, and seek the good of the whole consistently.

Is this type of work or school culture feel foreign or unattainable to you? Do you want to help facilitate a positive culture but you’re thinking: “You have NO idea what my workplace, home, or school is like!” Let me encourage you… YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Maybe the macro level is out of your realm of influence, but the micro level is not! You can facilitate a positive culture in your home, your office, your workshop, your classroom, your worship center, or on your team!

The starting point is this: Treat others the way you’d like to be treated (not the way you’ve been treated)!1

How did Cindy Lou Who get through to the Grinch? By showing kindness that he did not expect or deserve!2

In addition to kindness in the face of crudeness, consider these commitments needed to facilitate a positive culture:

  • Be humble-We all make mistakes, don’t be afraid to own up to yours!
  • Be generous-It will come back to you!
  • Be honest-Lies and half-truths will eventually bite you in the behind and ruin your reputation!
  • Be respectful-The CEO and the janitor deserve the same level of respect, manners are important!
  • Be nonjudgmental-Rarely do we know what others are walking through!
  • Be cautious with your words-Talking about others negatively reflects more on you than on them!
  • Be encouraging-Celebrate the successes of others, big or small!
  • Be compassionate-Life can be challenging for all of us even on a good day!
  • Be teachable-No one knows it all or likes a know it all!
  • Be integrous-Doing the right thing will help you sleep well at night and make you the type of person that others trust and appreciate!

Be the change! Choose 1 thing you can do today or tomorrow that will bring a positive vibe to your realm of influence. You won’t regret stepping up your game when it comes to facilitating a positive culture at home, school, work, or on the field. When you lay the groundwork, others will join you. You truly can make a difference!

My students say a chant with me every day. It starts with: “I am one of a kind! I bring something to this world that no one else can.” We declare some other things over ourselves and then end the chant like this: “I am a world changer!” So are you!

You are amazing!

1Jesus (Luke 6:31)

2The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss

Mercy triumphs over Judgment!

It was like a kick to the gut….

Hearing that a precious young woman, a family friend, had been sexually assaulted. As I listened to the story unfold, my chest ached with the knowledge of the painful blow that had been dealt, physically and emotionally, to this dear girl and her family too. Aware of the need, I asked if counseling was in the works. Thankfully, it was; however, she had requested a non-Christian counselor because she didn’t want to be “preached at” instead of counseled. This perception of Christians, coming from a young lady who had been raised a believer, deeply grieved my heart.

I asked the Lord, “Why?” “Why do Christians… literally “Christ-like” people… have such a bad reputation in many people’s minds?” Almost immediately, I felt Him say, “My people do not understand that mercy triumphs over judgment.”

Whether we are believers or not, it’s so easy to judge. We look at the car someone drives, the clothes they wear, the way they wear them, the bag they carry, the job they work, the hairstyle they sport, the words they speak… and we judge, sometimes rightly, sometimes not. But when we choose to make judgments, we are setting ourselves up as unauthorized judges instead of effective ambassadors of Kingdom love.

Let’s look at these two versions of James 2:12-13 for deeper perspective on God’s desire for His people.

  • So speak, and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of freedom. For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. NASB
  • So we must both speak and act in every respect like those who are destined to be tried by the perfect law of liberty, and remember that judgment is merciless for the one who judges others without mercy. So by showing mercy you take dominion over judgment! TPT

You and I as believers are judged by the law of freedom. Are you familiar with the law of freedom? This is the law that sets us free: It is the law of love! Matthew 22:37-40 tells us that all the laws are summed up in these two: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself!  We learn more about the law of love in I John 4:17: Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world [Carriers of love!]. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. (emphasis mine)

When Jesus walked the earth, the people weren’t afraid of Him because love and mercy exuded from Him! He set an amazing example for us! He demonstrated mercy over judgment in His encounters even though He had the right to judge!

  • When the adulteress woman sat before Him, He was merciful.
  • When a cheating tax collector sought His company, He was merciful.
  • When an unclean woman touched His clothing, He was merciful.
  • When approached by the lame, the blind, the wounded, the possessed, Jesus showed mercy!

Consider Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4. Even though He spoke about “all she had done,” she did not feel condemned, but rather she felt known! She was drawn to His mercy and compassion and the result was many in the village believed! What power when we choose mercy over judgment!

Judgment Vs. Mercy!! Who Will Win?

You enter a room and there’s a jug of milk spilled on the floor… as it glugs out you get to choose:  judgment or mercy.  Judgment demands to know who knocked the milk over, why it happened, and who’s going to pay for it. On the contrary, mercy jumps into action, helps to clean up the mess, and comes up with ways to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Mercy doesn’t negate consequences, but offers a compassionate shoulder to lean on while journeying through the consequences.

  • Judgment assumes guilt, mercy offers grace
  • Judgment looks to blame, mercy looks to set things right
  • Judgment looks at the actions, mercy looks past the actions to the person
  • Judgment disregards humanity, mercy accepts humanity
  • Judgment values self-righteousness, mercy values redemption
  • Judgment looks at the past, mercy looks at the future
  • Judgment focuses on the mess; mercy helps clean the mess up

James declares the winner when He states: Mercy Triumphs over judgment!

Jesus judged by the law that sets us free! How can we do any less?

If we choose to judge by the law of Moses, that’s the law we will also be judged by. I sure don’t want to be judged under the law of Moses, but rather the law of freedom!

The world is filled with self-righteous, self-appointed judges. Jesus gave His life so that we could be judged by the law of freedom! You and I as carriers of His Spirit must be agents of mercy in our interactions with others. It is the Father’s desire that we be Kingdom ambassadors demonstrating a love that casts out fear of judgment and paves the way for the law of His love!

Jesus stated that His mark on our life would be demonstrated in our love towards one another (John 13:35). This is the reputation that needs to be associated with Christians: a reputation of truth wrapped in compassion, mercy, and love! A people who are willing to help clean up messes and value redemption! This is the type of love that will lead others to the Father.

When our agenda is to demonstrate the heart of the Father, all of Heaven will back us up!

I’m so thankful that mercy triumphs over judgment in the Kingdom of God!

Live Loved,


You don’t need to look far to see it. It’s running rampant on the internet… Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, in news articles, and most definitely in the comment section off all of the above. Hate, anger, disrespect, name-calling, accusations, insults, character defamation, sarcasm, hate. I think if people could snarl and spit nails over social media, we’d see that too!

Internet anonymity seems to bring out the inner hulk in too many of us!

It’s not okay! It is one thing to have strong feelings and opinions, it’s another thing to attack people because their beliefs differ from ours. It’s not okay to call people names because they disagree with you and me. It’s not okay, to defame their intelligence because they don’t see things our way. It’s not okay to “scream” insults with our keyboards while telling our children to “sprinkle kindness like confetti” and “don’t be a bully.”

The more comfortable that people (including us) become with verbally destroying one another on social media, the more readily it will manifest in person! Think about it, the rioters who are looting and destroying… Do you think this is their first go-around with attacking others? I’m not going out on a limb to say, “No way!” They’ve done it online already if not in person, but they now feel that world events make it socially acceptable to take it to another level regardless of the consequences.

How do we manage to ask a whole nation of social media experts to hold up, think carefully, choose a better pathway? I wish I knew. But we have to start somewhere.

Somewhere is here: #wipeouthate Wednesday.

#Wipeouthate Wednesdays is a chance for us to remember that we are more alike than different! I can wax eloquent here in listing the gazillion ways we are alike! But for brevity, here are some biggies:

  • We love
  • We want to be loved
  • We feel pain
  • We hurt others
  • We seek happiness
  • We work to achieve goals
  • We want freedom
  • We appreciate respect
  • We have values and beliefs
  • We have melanin in our skin, hair, and eyes
  • We prefer health over sickness
  • We prefer life over death
  • We love

#Wipeouthate Wednesdays for Social Media means:
NO to: political posts, hot topic or current debate posts, conspiracy posts, accusation posts, or even face mask posts! (No rude comments either.)
YES to: encouraging words, kind thoughts, celebrations, positive artistic expression, hopeful ideas, and cute pet pictures! (Lots of positive comments too!)

Think about it… choosing to set aside the things that divide us and focus on the things that unite us??? That’s like a gooey, warm stream of salted caramel sauce pouring over vanilla bean ice cream! Let’s do this!

Live Loved!

Please share on social media!

Faith Over Fear: A Practical Guide to Mindset Management

It seems that unless you are living in a cave, you, like me are being inundated with talk, texts, or posts about COVID-19.  My social media world is comprised of parents, teachers, pastors, and young adults trying to come to grips with making decisions in the light of constantly changing information and directives.

If we are not careful, our curiosity, boredom, or just need to be “in the know” will reap a harvest of fear, uncertainty, and paranoia.  For some of my readers, you may already be there! 

This is no time to fear!  Throughout history, when times of stress, trauma, war, and upheaval have come, it’s then that heroes emerge, leaders arise, and problem-solvers create!  Instead of seeing COVID-19 as a curse, it’s time to view it as in impetus! When we look back on this time in history, what will you and I have done to make our world a better place? When we reflect on these world events, will we be able to see beauty arise from the ashes? If we want to be part of the beauty, we will need to conquer the fear!

Overcoming Fear

So, how do we tackle the fear?  It’s all about our Mindset!  Circumstances can help assuage our fear, but they will not alleviate it long-term.  Sure, several rolls of toilet paper can help you breathe a sigh of relief, but that relief only lasts as long as the loaf of bread, or the jar of peanut butter, or the money in the bank.  There will always be a circumstance that can rear its head and thrust us right back into fear. Only managing our mindset will enable us to maintain peace regardless of our circumstances.

Mindset Management 101

  • Be thankful! When your heart and mouth are filled with thankfulness, it becomes hard to complain! Start each day by listing 10 things you are thankful for… clean water, eyes that see, food in the cupboard, fresh air… you get the idea!  Model thankfulness for those around you.  They will catch on. 🙂 When you are thankful, your mindset shifts from complaining to celebrating!1
  • Be busy! Jammies are cozy, the couch is comfortable, relaxing is important! But set boundaries for yourself (and your kiddos!). Get dressed, go for a walk, clean out a cupboard, play a game, learn a language, create, build, read! When you are engaged in life, your mindset shifts from problems to productivity!2
  • Be purposeful! Do you remember that old saying: garbage in=garbage out? It still holds true today.  What you allow into your eyes, ears, and heart will determine what your mind focuses on.  Shut off the 24 hour news loop! Stop reading all those fear-inspiring articles on the internet.  Change a complaining conversation into a constructive one.  When you are purposeful about guarding your home and head, your mindset shifts from cluttered to centered!3
  • Be kind! This should go without saying, but when the world goes topsy-turvy, sometimes our priorities get scrambled and we forget that we are not the center of the universe! Everyone has trials they are navigating; avoid judging journeys that are different than your own.  Smile more, criticize less. Post an encouraging word. Make a “just because” phone call.  Share a square. 🙂 When you are kind, your mindset shifts from self-centered to other-centered!4
  • Be positive! This is a big one, so bear with me! I know that we all have different personalities.  Some of us tend to look at life with rose-colored glasses, while others of us can’t seem to get the dark shades off.  But YOU are in control of YOU!  You can choose to swing your tendency from negative vibes to positive ones.  This will probably be very challenging for those who are chronically negative. Determining to find and focus on the positive may require you to enlist some help.  Ask a family member or friend to help you identify negative ideas and phrases as they come out of your mouth.  Then consciously rephrase your thought to reflect a positive idea.  When you’re tempted to point out the faults in others, pause and look for good instead.  As you grow in this process, you will feel like the sun shines a little bit brighter, people seem somewhat kinder, and the sky really isn’t falling!  Build your positive focus by listening to uplifting music, reading biographies of social heroes (biography.com) and practicing looking for the good around you. When you focus on the positive, your mindset shifts from barrenness to beauty.5
  • Be faith-filled! Being positive is big, but finding faith is foundational! There are not many things in this world worth trusting. People fail, systems fail, finances fail, marriages fail, contracts fail, doctors fail. But my God has never failed me!  There were times when I felt lost or forgotten; but He has never left me.  It has taken me much of my adult life to grasp how deeply and unconditionally my Heavenly Father loves me! I trust in that love.  It’s my faith in His love that enables me to punch fear in its face! If you are struggling to find faith in this season, you’re not alone!  And I happen to know that God loves you deeply and unconditionally. Ask Him to show Himself to you, He will show up for you right where you are! When you begin to grasp how deeply the God of Heaven and earth loves you, your mindset will shift from fear to faith!6

No matter where you find yourself on the fear to faith spectrum, you are never stuck there unless you choose to be! Circumstances may appear to be out of control, but you are not without power! Proactively manage your mindset and find peace… then share it with those around you!

Live loved!

1I Thessalonians 5:18

2Luke 16:10

3Isaiah 26:3

4Romans 12:10

5Philippians 4:8

6Psalm 36:5-7, Ephesians 2:4

What Language Do You Speak?

I don’t know about you, but when I’m alone in the car, I talk out loud… I talk to the Lord, I talk to the other drivers, I talk to myself, and I talk to the radio!

It’s possible that I looked a little cray-cray when I heard this song on the radio the other day! The beat grabbed my attention, but the lyrics…. Oh my! The lyrics resounded loud in my spirit and I couldn’t help pumping my fist in agreement!

Native Tongue by Switchfoot is a powerful statement about who we are and Who we came from! If we marry these two verses, you’ll see what I mean:

God is Love + God created mankind [us] in His image (I John 4:8, Genesis 1:27)

We were created to look like our Dad! He is love, He speaks love, He functions in love! Love is our native language! Take a listen: Native Tongue

We are born with the capacity to function in love and demonstrate love, but too often we are taught to function out of self-preservation, pain, and judgment. It’s time to go back to our native tongue!

Back before we learned the words to start a fight
Back before they told us that the haters were right
He spoke the truth, “let there be” and there was
Love is the language, love is your native tongue

My heart is a beating drum
My head in oblivion
My soul, such a long way from
My lips, my lungs, my native tongue

My friend, where did we go wrong?
My Lord, we forgot our sound
My soul, such a long way from
My lips, my lungs, my native tongue

So sing it loud, get loud, get
Louder than the voices in the crowd, yeah
Even when they tried to drown you out, eh
Your lips, your lungs, your native tongue

So sing it out, get loud, get
Louder than the darkness and the doubts, eh
Louder than the curses and the shouts, yeah
Your lips, your lungs, your native tongue

Songwriters: Brent Kutzle / Jonathan Mark Foreman / Timothy David Foreman
NATIVE TONGUE lyrics © Downtown Music Publishing

What a challenge! Lord, Take us back to the Place where we were created from: Your heart! Teach us to communicate like You! Help us to function as You created us to, out of love, instead of pain, judgement, or pride! Help us to “get louder than the voices in the crowd!”

Live Loved! And you will impact those around you with love!

P.S. If this blessed you or encouraged you, please share on social media! Drop me a comment too! 🙂

Mic Drop Monday: Food For Thought!

What do you think of when you remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?  Many of us heard the story as children and knew that those people didn’t love God or serve Him.  However, in looking at it through the eyes of adults, we often think that these two cities were condemned for their sins of perversion.  At least that’s what I thought… till I read these verses in Ezekiel 16:

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

Did you see that?  Did you see what it was that saddened God’s heart?  Yes, detestable things, pride and arrogance.  But that’s not what jumped out at me.  Look again!  “Overfed and unconcerned with the poor and needy!”  Some versions say they did not help the oppressed.  The people of Sodom & Gomorrah hadn’t just grieved God because of their wickedness (hearts twisted or bent on doing wrong!) but because they overindulged in themselves and did not care for those in need.

Similarly, in Jeremiah 5, God addresses His concerns about Israel to Jeremiah:

2 “Their evil deeds have no limit;
    they do not seek justice.
They do not promote the case of the fatherless;
    they do not defend the just cause of the poor.

Now meditate on these verses:

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

When we purpose to help those in need, defend the oppressed, and care for the needy, we are seeking justice! Jen Toledo defines justice in this way, “Justice is God’s correction of every violation of love.”  What violations of love do you see around you?  Racism, prejudice, bullying, belittling, loneliness, need?   To see God’s Kingdom come into our realm of influence, we need to be ambassadors of His love, bringing justice and righting wrongs whenever the opportunity arises!  Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s whispers and stomp on the enemy’s injustices!*


I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to be lumped in with the likes of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Even more, I want to please my Daddy!  I want to purpose to seek justice, defend the oppressed, and walk humbly!  Recently, I’ve heard God whispering an idea to help those in my part of the world.  I will be moving in that direction soon and I’ll post when I do!  What about you?  Is God dropping ideas in your heart too?  I’d love to hear them!



Live Loved!

*The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Romans 16:20

If this challenged and blessed you, please share on social media!

Mic Drop Monday: Are You Naked?

Hmmm, I’m wondering, how many Jesus followers are walking around naked?

Here’s the test:

Does my heart harbor unforgiveness? Prejudice?  Pride? Self-righteousness? Judgement? Anger? Ungratefulness?

Do I allow myself to have foul conversation? To talk unkind about others? Be impatient? Rude? Bitter? Complaining? Vengeful?

Then I am walking naked!

Colossians 3 reminds us of what should be in our closet!  We need to put on the clothing of love:

 But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language. Don’t lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. 10 Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. 11 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us.

12 Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.

OK, I experienced a few ouch moments reading that, how about you?  Let me go get dressed…

Live loved and Dressed too! 

Let It Go!

“Do you remember that time that you _________  (fill in the blank with any poor choice)!”

How painful it is when someone reminds us of our past mistakes!  Just when you think life has moved on and your royal screw-ups have been forgotten, someone pulls out their shovel and digs it up again.  We wish that memories could be wiped clear and clean slates were mandatory.

Back in the day, there was a Christian music artist that I didn’t care for… not because of her style or voice, but because she had allowed herself to be sponsored by a disreputable company.  Recently, I heard her name in connection with a current project and immediately that memory surfaced, along with my dislike.  The Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, “When do you allow someone to grow past their errors?”

His voice was so gentle, but I felt the strong conviction of truth.  I knew that the Lord was challenging me to go to a new level in my desire to be more like Him.

It’s human nature, really.  Whether we’ve been personally hurt by someone or their reputation leaves a bad taste in our mouths, rarely do we allow our opinions of someone to change, even years later.

  • We still think of the high school bully as an adult bully.
  • We still imagine that the man caught in moral failure continues to be unfaithful.
  • We still believe that the person who stole in the past is a thief today.
  • We still consider that wild girl from college as promiscuous.
  • We still look at the man down the street as the punk teenager who was disrespectful.
  • We still remember the hurtful words spoken even after the apology.

When will we allow others to grow past the errors of youth, ignorance, stupidity, and selfishness?

It’s time to make like Elsa and let it go! 

People change!  But even if they don’t, you and I are responsible to move beyond the status quo and offer grace and forgiveness.  Just as God gives us new mercies every morning*, we can offer others a clean slate in our minds and hearts.

Now don’t get me wrong… God gives us wisdom!  If a neighbor stole money from me last year, I’m not going to leave my purse open for their perusal.  If a family member negatively impacted a child in the past, I’m not going to give them unguarded access again**.  Caution isn’t a wrong choice, but assumptions that people can’t, don’t, or won’t change is.

Forgiveness isn’t a prize we present.  Grace isn’t a reward given to the worthy.  They are non-negotiables for those who call themselves followers of Jesus.  How you and I view others does not ultimately affect them; it does, however, reflect the condition of our hearts.

If we call ourselves Believers, followers of Jesus, the Body of Christ, then we are called to a higher standard, to live a life worthy of our calling as Kingdom Ambassadors. Ephesians 4 challenges you and I to:

  • Think humbly
  • Treat gently
  • Love generously
  • Embrace unity
  • Reflect righteousness
  • Be honest
  • Choose rightly
  • Speak encouragingly
  • Offer kindness
  • Release anger
  • Forgive consistently

There are no boundaries placed on these expectations… we don’t get to pick and choose who we treat this way!  In fact, we are to even treat ourselves this way!

Do we still think of our own failures as permanent stains on who God intended us to be?  Again, when will we allow others, and ourselves, to grow past the errors of youth, ignorance, stupidity, and selfishness?

Today is the day to let it go!


Ask the Lord for a new lens, a lens of love and forgiveness, with which to view yourself and others.  You may not see the results of that new lens in the lives of others, but you will see the effects in your own heart.  As compassion, peace, and thankfulness well up, you can’t help but reflect the heart of the Father to others!  This is the life of the Kingdom culture that will impact our world and bring Heaven to earth! 

Live Loved,

*Lamentations 3:22-23

**God never intends for us to place ourselves or others in a place to be repeatedly hurt.  You can offer forgiveness and grace and still set boundaries that limit the access of others to your life.  Learn more about being a powerful person in the book “Keep Your Love On” by Danny Silk.

The Ripple Effect

In our area, we are truly blessed to have not only one, but three, wonderful Christian radio stations.  I love to turn the volume up and sing along (even when I don’t know all the words).  I enjoy the various DJ personalities, join in with the discussions (though they can’t hear me!) and appreciate the moments of prayer.  Many times, songs have ministered to my heart with words that just touched me right where I was at in my journey.

The other day I was listening to a catchy new song when the chorus line caught my attention.  “Dream Small” the artist sang, causing me to suddenly become alert to what was playing.  Dream small?  Wait… what?  Are you nuts? No, no, no! We should dream big, huge, ginormously!

Not wanting to judge quickly, I listened to the verses and chorus again.  I discovered that the song writer wanted people to realize that ministry need not wait for global opportunities but can happen daily by simply being kind, giving, listening, being faithful, and living well.


I agree, please do ALL of those things, but DON’T.DREAM.SMALL!! Don’t sell short the impact of what those “small” things can do!

Anyone who has read a few of my posts or has heard me preach or teach knows that touching people in our realm of influence is a theme I’m passionate about!   I wrote about impacting others in All Embracing Love as well as being Sweet and Savory.  Touching the lives around us is a desire that is close to God’s heart too.  We hear His encouragement sprinkled throughout Scripture:

  • Be kind to one another (Ephesians 4:32)
  • Be generous (Proverbs 11:25)
  • Be thankful (Colossians 3:15)
  • Be peaceful (see above)
  • Be gentle (II Timothy 2:24)
  • Be patient (I Thessalonians 5:14)

And above all this, we are to pursue, go hard after, be purposeful about, deliberately love (I Corinthians 14:1).

To the untrained eye, these “random acts of kindness” may indeed seem small.  It may feel like we are just making a dent in the work of reaching a hurting world.  BUT GOD!

When we reach out to touch others with compassion and kindness, it is no small thing!  Have you ever tossed a pebble into a lake?  That “small” piece of rock causes a ripple effect, sending out multiple rings of movement on the lake’s surface and even below as it descends.


As we are faithful to impact our realm of influence, God is faithful to send others to water or harvest the seeds we planted (I Corinthians 3:6-8).  Or maybe we are those that water; we may even have the opportunity to reap! What you and I do when we are kind, faithful, consistent, patient, and giving… creates a ripple effect in His Kingdom because God gives the increase.

Don’t dream small!  Act small…  sowing acts of grace towards others… then, Dream big!!!  Believe that the ripple effect from your kindness, faithfulness, and gentleness will reach farther than you ever imagined!  After all, it’s our Father, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, who gives the increase.  And He is really good at multiplication!

Close your eyes… well, read this and then close your eyes… picture in your mind a big, loveable, dog who has just jumped into a vat of blessing.  Climbing out, it excitedly gives a full-body shake that spreads droplets of blessing on everyone in a 20 feet radius.  That blessing-sharing character is you!  Jump into your Father’s love, soak up some blessing, and go shake it all over everyone you meet!

Live Loved, it makes loving others easier!

Please comment and share on social media!  We are blessed to be a blessing!

His Celebration, His Way

  • But that’s the way we’ve ALWAYS done it…
  • We can’t change that, it’s tradition!
  • The way we did it last year is fine; if it’s not broke, why fix it?
  • At our old church (school, office, etc.) we did it this way…

Do any of these sound familiar?  Have you introduced an idea just to have it cast aside in favor of “the way we’ve always done it?” Or are you the one who has been shaken up by the idea of doing something different than you have in the past?

As humans, we are habitual creatures.  We sit in the same seats at church, our morning routines are consistent, and we buy the same spaghetti sauce we always have.  So, when the Holiday season rolls around, it’s not surprising that we tend to celebrate in the same ways, give to the same charities, and attend the same events that we have each year before. There’s something to be said for embracing family traditions that build unity and a sense of stability.  But when traditions hold you captive and stifle growth and change…

It’s time! It’s time to shake things up!  Look for new direction! Explore possibilities that we have ignored till now!  Why?  Simply put, we need freshness in our lives!  We need to see the world around us with a new perspective from time to time!

More clearly, we need to see the world around us with HIS perspective!  After all, it is the Lord that we should be focusing our thanksgiving on…  And it is His birthday that we are celebrating!  Do you think that maybe He has some ideas about what He wants us to do?  Could it be that He has plans for how He wants to spend time with us?

I do!  I think He has some great ideas!  I think He has some people on His heart that He would like us to bless; or maybe He wants us to open our hearts to be blessed by others.  I imagine that He would like to show us some clear ideas of what His heart holds.  I’m thinking that there’s a new song He’d like to hear and a fresh opportunity He’d like to present to you and your family.  But how will we ever know if we are so caught up in doing things the way we always have?  If we are locked into routine and tradition, we leave no opening for the Lord to give us His perspective.

As time marches us towards this special time of year, explore new possibilities!  Embrace fresh perspective, listen for clear direction, and open your eyes to new opportunities!  The Lord is an endless Source of dreams, visions, and ideas!  When you turn your ear in His direction, He will pour out His heart and share His passions!  He will whisper to you the delight He takes in spending time with you and how it blesses His heart when you share His love!

Dive Deeper: Proverbs 2:6-11, Hosea 10:12


I could give you some ideas… but I suspect you won’t need my suggestions!

As for me… I’m already feeling inspired to drop some bits of blessing in a new way this year!

Please share your thoughts and ideas to inspire others by clicking on the bubble near the title!

Live Loved,