Nuggets of Hope

When I decided I wanted to be a teacher, I had grandiose thoughts of inspiring the next generation to thrive in their learning!  I expected classrooms full of shining faces anxious to hear all I had to share with them.  I just knew that I could help them love reading, embrace math, and become flourishing writers!  Years later, I must confess that those dreams are quite tarnished and reality has firmly ground out the spark of this naïve educator’s lofty goals.

Please don’t judge me harshly. I’m sure there are some who’ve had much better experiences than myself.  But the reality is that today’s public schools are filled with students who accurately reflect the failing family structures in our communities.  As the family units continue to disintegrate, the impact on the school system as a whole and the educators who daily pour into those students is intense.  Most teachers I know are exhausted, frustrated, and downright discouraged.  Yet, we come back each morning with a renewed hope that today will be a better day!  In all honesty, it’s hard to keep that upbeat attitude in the midst of it all. Yes, the struggle is very real!

This week, my near-breaking point arrived as I was looking over a stack of essays.  I’d spent a significant amount of time meeting one-on-one with nearly 50 students to discuss areas of success and growth potential prior to this new writing.  As I skimmed through the stack, the lack of progress and even regression was utterly disheartening!  I felt the dark stain of hopelessness oozing over my heart.  “Why bother?  I’m not making a difference! The need is so great, I don’t know where to even begin!”

If you know me, you know that this attitude is generally unlike me.  I’d like to say that I’m able to always rise above it all, but that’d be less than honest.  Those who walk in shoes like mine well know the feelings I was experiencing! 

Such hopelessness is compounded by the sense of fighting a battle alone. This is why we need each other!1 

We need to have others in our life that are there to prop us up when we are ready to tumble!  And we need to be there for others who find themselves slipping down the slope of discouragement.2  For me, it was one of my co-workers who is well aware of all we face.  She listened to me lament and then encouraged me to stop looking at the vast needs and focus instead on the points of success.  She reminded me to be willing to accept and encourage the steps forward instead of demanding the leaps… of myself and of my students. 

Her simple admonishment was just what I needed to hear.  I long to be the miracle worker my students need, but honestly, the weight of such expectations will keep me tethered to frustration on a daily basis.  So, I again settle in my heart that I just can’t fix it all. BUT I can be the beacon of hope my students need in the midst of their reality… no matter how they perform, which choices they make, or what emotions we encounter in our day.  I need to be the one to search for and find those rays of hope. Those steps of success, no matter how small, are worth celebrating as progress!

It’s like mining for gold!  Each student, each co-worker, each day… harbors nuggets of gold, virtual treasures waiting to be discovered!3  These gold nuggets are reasons to hope, reasons to be thankful, reasons to press on.  That is the hope I need to remember and cling to when a breaking point looms on the horizon!  “Gold mining” is an attitude I can and need to share with others who feel suffocated by the overwhelming reality of our chosen profession.

But it’s not educators alone, is it?!  You may find yourself drowning under the flood of life’s demands… physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, or financially.  Don’t give up hope!  And don’t go it alone!  There are hope-carriers around you that will remind you to look for the gold nuggets in the dark and suffocating places.  You may have to search a little harder on some days than others, but they are there! The world needs you!  Don’t jump ship!  Find a beacon of hope on the dark days. Be a beacon of hope whenever the need arises.4 Together we can search for gold… reasons to hope and celebrate!

I’m not just a teacher, I’m a treasure hunter!  How about you? You’re not just a _____________, you are a treasure hunter too!

Live Loved,

1Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. NLT

2Galatians 6:2 Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. NLT3II Corinthians 13:11 Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. NLT

3Psalm 139:14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. NLT

4II Corinthians 13:11 Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. NLT

To Hope Again…

This week was a rough one at school.  Each passing year seems to bring us an increase of defiance and a decrease of initiative. The deep emotional, educational, and physical needs of our students overwhelm their desire for knowledge and hinder their ability to learn.   Our administrators have more need of running shoes than fashionable heels.  And the teachers… we wear exhaustion and discouragement like a water-logged cloak.

That was our week… and truth be told, we endure many weeks just like this.  At lunch, we share our war stories and roll our eyes at some of the funny and not-so-funny antics we’ve been forced to endure.  This week, like a dark stain, I felt their hopelessness—my hopelessness–creeping up to steal the breath from my typically resilient heart.

I wonder… is it worth it?  Will my efforts really impact the future?  Will the students understand all that I’m trying to share through my words, my attitude, my compassion?  Will any of what I am teaching really translate to a positive future for them?  I wonder…

What about you?  Have you wondered if what you are doing matters? Does your hard work seem hopeless?  Do you feel like giving up? Has your sense of confidence been slipping?  Do you, like me, wonder if we are just plodding up the same hill again and again with no signs of successfully reaching the other side?


As I wondered…  these are the words I felt God whisper into my heart:

Don’t become weary of doing what is good… there will be a harvest if you don’t give up! (see Galatians 6:9)


Like a breath of fresh air, I felt hope rush in!  Sowing and reaping is a natural law! When I sow into the next generation, there will be a harvest!  Just like a farmer, my sowing requires steadfastness, consistency, and commitment.  I’m “planting” life and truth through my words and actions and I can be confident that good is going to come as a result.  The best part is that I don’t have to do this alone! The Holy Spirit functions as a coach, shouting encouragement from the sidelines and strategically aligning others to work along with me.

It’s time to hope again!  Whatever struggles are sapping your energy and peace, it’s time to refocus the eyes of your heart! Whatever your career path, whomever your life impacts, do it for the glory of God and go full tilt knowing that you will harvest great rewards!  Refuse to give up or back down!  After all, you and I, we are not quitters!

Stand strong, leaning into the voice of the One who created you to excel!  It is through His instruction that we find our footing.  It is His grace that weaves through our actions the very fabric of hope that will bring us through the difficult days.  It will be worth it… and we will find out just how much… if we don’t give up!

As my feet hit the floor on Monday morning, my mind will ring out this anthem: “I am a prisoner of hope!  I refuse to give up!  I will see the goodness of the Lord in my life and world!”

Dive Deeper:  Psalm 27:13-14, Romans 5:1-5, Galatians 6:7-10

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Live Loved,