A Teachable Heart

Knowledge is not the same as wisdom.  In fact, some of the wisest people you’ll encounter may have little to no formal schooling while some knowledgeable people lack the understanding to know when it’s time to listen rather than talk!  So, what’s the dividing line between smart and wise?  It’s certainly not gray hair!

So, at what point do we stand and say, “I’ve arrived!  I now wear the crown of wisdom and no longer need to learn!”?  Is it when you’ve earned your doctorate?  When you’ve raised successful children?  When you’ve achieved x number of milestones in your career?  When you’ve written a best-selling manual?

I would say that no such point exists! 

One who is thought of as wise would be characterized as being willing to learn, considerate of the thinking of others, and humble enough to realize that they really don’t know it all!  Interestingly, as I read the word of God, I see wisdom repeatedly linked to willingness to learn!

When I first started working in the public school system, I came with 16 years of experience working with children and teens.  During that first semester, I shared a classroom with a teacher that was fresh out of college.  How easily I could have placed myself in the mentor role, relegating the fresh-faced graduate to being my mentee.  But wisdom wouldn’t allow me to dismiss all that she brought to the table!  Her updated understanding of pedagogy, combined with her knowledge of current educational resources, were just what I needed to navigate my first year as a public school teacher.  In turn, this new teacher was also open to my ideas and suggestions learned through years of experience.  We made a great team then, and I still learn from her today! 

Wisdom is so much more than knowing stuff!  Being able to spout off tidbits of knowledge or information will cause us to do more talking than listening!  This “rolodex syndrome” can keep us focused on hearing our own voice instead of valuing the art of listening and learning from others.

The heart of the wise will easily accept instruction. But those who do all the talking are too busy to listen and learn.”  Proverbs 10:8a TPT

Worse than the “rolodex syndrome” is the “I know better delusion.”  This is the idea that we know ourselves so well, or we have so much experience, or we are plenty intelligent (or old) enough to not need input, direction, or correction from anyone else.  This lack of humility breeds disdain for the ideas of others, even those who should have the opportunity to speak into our lives.*

Knowledge is having information.  Wisdom is knowing when and how to apply that information effectively!  Sometimes that means tapping into others and learning from their experience and understanding.  Sometimes that means delaying action based on the Lord’s direction or the counsel of a wise friend.  Sometimes that means taking our plans to the Father and simply leaving them at His feet. Always, wisdom requires that we humble ourselves and value input that comes from outside of us!  What we do with that input is dependent on the Lord’s direction.  But being willing to receive that input is the mark of wisdom. 

It grieves my heart when I encounter someone who is unteachable.  I’m sure you’ve met a few people like this too.  They are not interested in growing as a person and see no need to glean wisdom from others.  This heart posture waves off instruction and misses the opportunity for deep understanding.  No one offers them input that is valued as higher than their own.  Honor is only their expectation, not their gift for another. 

Conversely, being teachable is a beautiful attitude of the heart!  One who is teachable glows with expectation and appreciates time invested in them.  A teachable heart and mind is equally delightful in the old as well as the young. When I encounter teachability in another, it makes me want to reflect that character trait even more!  Proverbs 21:11 in the Passion Translation says that the wise are teachable.  I want to jump up and down and say, “That’s me! That’s me!”

Wisdom is so valued by the Lord, that He had Solomon write repeatedly about its value.  James reminds us that if we feel that we lack wisdom, to ask for it!  But in asking for wisdom, you and I must humble our hearts to receive that wisdom, even if it doesn’t come from where we’d expect it.  The ultimate source of wisdom is the Holy Spirit!  James 3 tells us that wisdom from above is always pure, considerate, willing to yield, and teachable.  It is filled with love, peace, and mercy.  When you receive input, correction, or direction from others, the Holy Spirit will enable you to know if, how, and when to apply that knowledge.

Teachable heart check:

  • Do I think I’m always right?
  • Am I willing to receive ideas from others of any age, any ethnicity, any gender?
  • Is the goal of my communication to convince others to believe the way I do?
  • Am I open to conversations with those of a different religious persuasion?
  • Do I honor my peers or only those in authority?
  • Am I willing to hear the thoughts of someone whose opinion is different than mine?
  • Do I value political agreement more than relational connection?
  • Am I a respectful listener, regardless of who is speaking?
  • Do I believe that I know more than most of those around me?
  • Am I authentically engaged or am I rolling my eyes on the inside?

Amen or oh my? I’m challenged to purposefully choose to be teachable in heart and spirit!

As we enter into a new year, we have a new opportunity to choose to be teachable again! 

Dear Father, I choose a heart posture that honors You and allows the Holy Spirit to have His way in me!  May my teachable heart and spirit enable me to grow in every area and receive the blessings found in honoring others that You place in my life! Make me more like you, Daddy! Amen!

Live Loved,

P.S. If this blog challenged and encouraged you, please share on social media! I welcome your input as well, so please comment. 🙂

*Caveat: Not everyone should have the authority to speak into your life.  But hopefully, you’ve cultivated honorable relationships that allow others to speak truth, challenge, and encouragement to you!

Surrendering Our “Little”

Sitting beside my grieving uncle, I listened as each person stopped by to pay their respects for my Aunt Kate.  As one put-together woman walked away with tears in her eyes, my Uncle Dan said, “She was an addict on the streets and your Aunt Kate ministered to her day after day.  Look at her now.  Your aunt was amazing!”

As the Memorial service progressed, person after person testified regarding the impact that my aunt had on their lives, families, and churches.  For me, the jaw-dropping moment was when my uncle stood up.  He told us that my precious aunt didn’t even believe she had any gifts!  She saw herself as simply there to serve my uncle in his ministry role.

But, oh, what a powerful gift she had!  Authentically encouraging and loving each person that the Lord placed in her pathway.  Much like the widow’s response to Elisha’s* question, “What do you have in your house,” my aunt looked at her skillset and said, “I have nothing at all… only a little bit of oil.”  But that oil, when submitted to her Savior, became the answer that so many needed!  That oil of submission became the kindness, grace, truth, and encouragement she daily poured out on others.

What about you?  What do you have in your skill set?  What can you give?  You may not carry the gift of singing, the anointing for preaching, or the grace of a Sunday School leader… but you bring a uniqueness simply by being who God designed you to be!

Each one of us has been blessed with something… some skill, some talent, some ability, some strength.

Your “little bit of oil” may be covered in a layer of fear.

It could be buried in the closet of insecurity.

Or hidden by walls of destructive lies.

It may be a well-hidden treasure yet to be found!

No longer!  Today is the day of discovery!

Quiet yourself before your Savior… Let Him unearth the treasures He has placed inside of you!  Listen to His whispers; follow His prodding; allow Him to pour His anointing on what you discover!

Walk free from fear and insecurity in the knowledge that you are designed to reflect the image, or character, of your Creator!  (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 139:14)  His creativity knows no bounds!  Dig deep to discover what He wants you to give… today, now, to those in your realm of influence!  When you are faithful with your “little,” He will give you more!**

Aunt Kate may have thought she gave little, but what she gave was all!  The Lord multiplied her surrender creating a harvest that far exceeds what my gentle aunt could ever have imagined!  For her, it was as simple as being an authentic friend.  For you, it may be baking cookies for the lonely, weeding someone’s garden, smiling at the grumpy, or reading to the elderly.  The world needs YOU!  Give your all, sweetly surrendering, your “little bit of oil,” knowing that our God is one of multiplication!

Declaration: Lord, I ask that You would open my eyes to see what gifts You’ve placed in me to bless those in my realm of influence.  Help me to walk in boldness, freedom, and truth, knowing that You have created me in Your image!  Thank You for the gifts You give.  Enable me to hear You clearly and obey You completely!  I love You, Lord!  Thank You for your strength, anointing, and grace!

Dig Deeper: Romans 12

*II Kings 4

**Matthew 25:14-23

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Live loved,

My Precious Aunt Kate! Kathleen Hall Lewis, loved by many and loved many!

Reduce, Reuse and… Upcycle?

“I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of the Lord.” Psalm 118:17

Make a lamp from a broken table, create a roof out of plastic bottles, shape a Thai coconut into a plant holder…  all projects that fall under the umbrella of upcycling.  Upcycling is taking unwanted or wasted materials and converting them into a useful, beneficial product.  I confess to catching a bit of the fever.  I’ve turned thrift shop t-shirts into trendy scarves and old crates into an eye-pleasing display shelf.  It was in the middle of a Pinterest scavenger hunt that the Lord began to speak to me about His version of upcycling.

He reminded me of a conversation I had been having with a friend earlier that day.  We had been talking about life’s ups and downs.  She had stated that one of her family’s mantras is “No wasted pain.”  As soon as that phrase left her lips, it took root in my heart.  We ALL have endured painful circumstances!  No one is exempt. How can it be used… upcycled to become something purposeful?

Painful experiences can reduce us to broken, useless vessels. They can cause us to reuse past experiences as excuses to stay in a broken state. Or past pain can be upcycled and used to benefit others!  You see, my friend, as children of the King, we are more than survivors… we are thrivers!  We can take the painful blows we’ve been dealt and lay them at the feet of our Savior!  As we walk humbly before Him, seek forgiveness and healing, as we trust His work in our lives…  we build a testimony!  Step by step, we move forward into healing and victory!  Then, the “WOW” factor is when we begin to share the witness of how God brought us that healing, restoration, provision, and vision in spite of our painful circumstance!  When we submit ourselves (all the mistakes, hurt, betrayal, anger, & fear) to Him and His ways, He upcycles this “junk” and creates a work of art… a Testimony of His goodness and mercy!

Lord, I don’t want to waste the pain I’ve had to walk through!  Help me to stay close to Your heart, listening, obeying, healing, so that this struggle can be upcycled for Your Kingdom and glory!  Thank You that You love me and are a Faithful Father!

Dig Deeper: Mark 5:25-34, Genesis 50:20, Revelation 12:11

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Live Loved,