Be the Gold!

Recently, I wrote a blog called “Nuggets of Gold.” It was an encouragement to each of us to search for rays of hope in our life and situations that will help us keep pressing on!

Yesterday, after another rough day in 5th grade world, my husband reminded me of this Japanese art philosophy: kintsukuroi. He said, “You’ve said the public school system is broken and you’re right! But you are the gold that fills in the broken cracks! Keep doing what you’re doing because you make the difference!” What a blessing his encouragement was to me!

This morning, as I sat in a meeting, he shot me a text reminding me that I’m the gold! His timing was impeccable as I sat across from a teary-eyed colleague whose struggle of self-doubt and discouragement mirrored my own. I was able to share the value of what we do and who we are to our students! Truly, we are the gold in a broken system.

As I determine to be a treasure-hunter, looking for gold in the dark and hurting places, I don’t want to forget to be the gold too. Join me in this: don’t just look for the gold in your difficult circumstances and challenging obstacles. BE the gold in whatever hurting system you are in! Brokenness can be made beautiful when it brings opportunities for problem-solving, healing, and growth!

Live Loved and Golden!