To The Point Tuesday: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Relationships… they can be a tremendous blessing or a massive challenge. Sometimes, they are both!

This Sunday, my pastor taught on “How to Get Along with People1.” He focused on three fundamental components needed to get along with others within our homes, workplaces, and even long distance: Respect, Humility, and Communication.

This three components are not mutually exclusive. You cannot have respect without authentic humility; you cannot have open communication without respect; and humility is required for true communication! As I processed the teaching and Scriptures2 we focused on, I was challenged to examine various relationships and to be purposeful about making some adjustments! Here are a few of the thoughts that rose in my spirit…

Relationship is the heartbeat of the Father, not just our relationship with Him, but also our relationships with others.

I find that I’m not that different than most Americans, when we communicate with others, we are comfortable declaring our thoughts and opinions to all who will listen. But the minute that others express differing opinions, we lift invisible fingers to plug our ears. How we handle this common dilemma varies depending on our level of respect and humility.

As believers, we are more prone to err in the area of humility. Pastor Eric outlined three components of humility: quietness, speaking the truth in love, and strength demonstrated through patience. I’d like to add two more components of humility: being willing to admit when we are wrong and maintaining a teachable heart. Because we have the mind of Christ, our tendency is to believe that our thinking is correct… correct in spiritual matters, personal matters, financial matters, and political matters. But humility will help us remember that perfect revelation and understanding is not available this side of Heaven. We are learning, growing, applying, and maturing each and every day, if we maintain a teachable heart!

If you are struggling in personal or professional relationships, please take some time to listen to Pastor Eric Lehmann’s teaching. I know it will encourage (and challenge) you!

Live Loved and Teachable,

1How To Get Along with People by Pastor Eric Lehmann of Freedom Church, Wesley Chapel

2Scripture references: Ephesians 5:21, Romans 13:1, Matthew 7:1-2, Romans 14:13, Luke 6:27,31, Mark 12:31, I Thessalonians 4:11-12, Ephesians 4:15, I Corinthians 13:4, James 1:19-20, Proverbs 15:1, 16:15, Romans 12:10, Philippians 4:13, I Corinthians 2:16

On the Other Side of the Storm

Storms, like most natural phenomena, carry their fair share of beauty… the dancing breezes, showers of raindrops, brilliant displays of flashing light, and commanding rumbles of thunder.  In Florida, our summers are known for daily doses of thunderstorms.  Most of the time, it’s a manageable inconvenience that we weather our way through (pun intended!) knowing the sunshine will chase away the remnants of the storm soon enough.  But sometimes those storms are not inconsequential and are not quickly followed by the sunshine.  

If you have lived more than a decade or two, you are well aware that life carries storms much like the Florida skies.  Some storms are intense yet brief and are quickly followed by smooth sailing. Other storms leave us feeling marooned on an island of pain and confusion, wondering if we will ever feel soul-healing sunshine again. 

As I look back on my journey, there are several distinct times that I remember feeling very storm-ravaged by life’s circumstances.  During those times, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me and I was flat on my back wondering where it had all gone wrong.  If that’s where you are today, I want to encourage you!  There is a clear horizon on the other side of the storm!  Keep moving forward, moment by moment, day by day, knowing that you WILL come through this storm and you will have a story to tell!

In Mark 4, we read the account of Jesus and His disciples taking a boat trip.  When they were in the middle of the lake a violent storm whipped the boat around and the disciples were sure that death was upon them so they ran to wake Jesus.  “Teacher, Teacher, wake up! Don’t you care that we are going to die?”  Jesus brought perfect calm in the midst of the storm,  then turned to His disciples and asked, “Why are you so afraid? Haven’t you learned to trust yet?”1 They were awe-struck!

In the midst of this storm, the disciples got a revelation!  They encountered the truth that this Jesus was no ordinary man. He wielded power over the wind and waves!  When they crossed over to the other side, their minds were eager to see more evidence of who this amazing Teacher was.  AND they had a story to tell!  Two chapters later, we see Jesus sending them out to preach and to demonstrate the power that they had seen in action.

What does this storm story bring to your stormy situation?  Be encouraged!  Your storm isn’t worthless.  God can take any difficult situation, even ones caused by our own choices, and bring good out of it!  Here are some proven “Storm Tips:”

Rest: Jesus, the son of man slept; but Jesus, the Son of God, never sleeps!  He is always available to you!  While He may not change your circumstances, He will calm the raging seas of confusion and doubt in your heart.  He will bring supernatural peace in the midst of chaos allowing you to rest in Him.  He is trustworthy!

Revelation: In the storm, Jesus revealed His power to the disciples up close and personal!  Storms are perfect places to encounter Jesus!  He will reveal Himself to you in new and tangible ways during the difficult times.  The best thing is, no one can take that revelation away from you!  Your new understanding of who He is becomes part of your firm foundation enabling you to stand in the midst of any storm owning your faith.

Readiness:  No storm lasts forever!  Your skies will clear and you will get to the other side of this situation.  As you embrace the process of dealing with the debris your storm has left behind (healing, forgiving, rebuilding), you will find yourself ready to go to another level of understanding and victory.  You will have a story to tell about the Storm-Stabilizer!   

Remember I mentioned those times that I had felt very storm-ravaged by life’s circumstances?  As I allowed my mind to look back and mull over those difficult times, I realized a few things that are encouraging:

  • My pain has faded as a result of forgiveness, time, and healing.
  • My understanding of the Lord as Father, Healer, Friend, and Lover of my soul is so much deeper.
  • Experience and increased faith allow me to encourage others in their storms.
  • I have stories to tell!  He has seen me through every storm to the other side!  Let’s meet for coffee some time and I’ll share one!

There is no wasted pain when we submit it to the Father!  There’s beauty… even in the midst of the storm… when you realize you’re with the Storm-Stabilizer!

On the other side of the storm, someone needs to hear your story.  Be alert and ready to be used by the Lord to help someone else weather their storm!

Live Loved,

P.S. Please comment and share if this encouraged you! Blessings!

1Mark 4:40 The Passion Translation

Be the Gold!

Recently, I wrote a blog called “Nuggets of Gold.” It was an encouragement to each of us to search for rays of hope in our life and situations that will help us keep pressing on!

Yesterday, after another rough day in 5th grade world, my husband reminded me of this Japanese art philosophy: kintsukuroi. He said, “You’ve said the public school system is broken and you’re right! But you are the gold that fills in the broken cracks! Keep doing what you’re doing because you make the difference!” What a blessing his encouragement was to me!

This morning, as I sat in a meeting, he shot me a text reminding me that I’m the gold! His timing was impeccable as I sat across from a teary-eyed colleague whose struggle of self-doubt and discouragement mirrored my own. I was able to share the value of what we do and who we are to our students! Truly, we are the gold in a broken system.

As I determine to be a treasure-hunter, looking for gold in the dark and hurting places, I don’t want to forget to be the gold too. Join me in this: don’t just look for the gold in your difficult circumstances and challenging obstacles. BE the gold in whatever hurting system you are in! Brokenness can be made beautiful when it brings opportunities for problem-solving, healing, and growth!

Live Loved and Golden!

A New Year’s Revolution!

You read that correctly… forget New Year’s resolutions and go for New Year’s Revolution!

Rev·o·lu·tion noun: to revolt, to forcefully overthrow in favor of a new system.  Out with the old and in with the new!

Not everyone needs a revolution.  Some need affirmation.  Some need encouragement. Some just need a reminder.  Only you know what you need as we charge headlong into 2019!  So, read on and take what you need…

As you contemplate the closure of one year and the opening of another, consider these words of wisdom:

Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be His sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness {being set apart}, experiencing all that delights His heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.” Romans 12:1 tPt

I am so incredibly thankful for the unending mercies God has extended to me in 2018!  And, I’m excited to live for Him another year, realizing that my journey in Him will bring delight to His heart!  The second verse brings us to that revolution…

“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes.” Romans 12:2 tPt

How do we truly throw out the old that needs to go… the old way of thinking, unwise spending, wrongfully treating others,  judgmental attitude, devaluing ourselves, fearfully weighing the future, etc.?  In what area of your life do you need a revolution?  That’s the area that needs a new way of thinking! 

Most New Year’s resolutions involve behavior modification, a pattern of choices that change our less desirable habits.  However, as many will testify, rarely do these changes “stick” for the long term.  Why?  Because authentic change in our behavior will only result when our thinking changes!  If you want long term results, go to the heart of the matter!  Ask the Lord to change your thinking so that you are able to discern His will and live a life of abundancy (more than enough)! 

What is the best way to revolutionize your thinking? I’m so glad you asked!  😉 We need to embrace His truth as our truth!  God speaks to us through His Word, through Jesus’ life, and through the Holy Spirit in us.1  Any and all of these will give us foundations for needed change in our lives.  Dig into the Word of God and spend some time listening for His input and He will download divine strategies that will revolutionize the areas of your life that need it! 

How can you and I practically embrace His truth as our truth?  🙂 Great question! The Word of God (both logos and rhema1) goes deep when we apply it to our lives! It will empower us to revolutionize the areas of our lives that are not reflective of the person God created us to be.2  Don’t stop at just reading the Word of God, practically apply it to your life by writing out verses, memorizing them, creating positive declarations based on the Truths you’ve explored.  When God speaks into your heart, write it down!  Pray into those revelations and celebrate His affirmations.  Remind yourself of His declarations of love! 

God’s Word is filled with “strategies” to help you and I align our thinking with His.

In Jesus, I am a new creation!  I am made in His image.  I am righteous and beloved.  I walk in grace and peace. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and I have the mind of Christ. 

That’s just a taste of some revolutionary thinking!  But it’s an amazing start!  Where will you declare revolution in your life? Overthrow the stinkin’ thinkin’ by purposefully embracing Divine thinkin’!

Live Loved!

1 For deeper understanding, study: God’s Word-Greek: logos, Jesus modeled for us a lifestyle full of demonstrations, Holy Spirit’s guidance, living word-Greek: rhema

2“For we have the living Word of God, which is full of energy, and it pierces more sharply than a two-edged sword. It will even penetrate to the very core of our being where soul and spirit, bone and marrow meet! It interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts.” Hebrews 4:12 “Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness.” II Timothy 3:16 tPt