Life Happens

As my daughter and I snuggled together for a bedtime chat, she shared some of her “adulting” struggles, needs, and frustrations.  My silent tears filtered into her hair as I said, “I wish I could make things easier for you.”  Her response was so quintessentially her… “If life was easy, then I wouldn’t be the strong person I need to be.  But (insert a sigh here) I wish things could be easier too.”  I heard the tears in her voice. I did what my Mama’s heart knew to do, held her tight and whispered encouragement. Together, we laid our burdens at the feet of the One who told us not to worry about tomorrow.  But still, my heart ached for all she was facing.

Do you ever feel like that blow-up boxing toy that gets hit and keeps coming back for more? Sometimes life is just hard.  There’s no pat answers; pretty platitudes don’t make it better.  Easy fixes are a rarity and it’s a lot easier to plop down and whine than stand strong and throw some smack talk at your circumstances!  It’s in those turn-tail-and-run moments that I need to be held… Held by the One who could take away my struggles, but knows that enduring them will make me stronger.


The Lord takes no delight in watching us struggle with life.  His heart breaks when we reap pain from the choices we make or others make for us.  He grieves with us when the blows of circumstances sideswipe normalcy.  How He longs to draw us into His embrace and allow His peace and comfort to flow into all the rough and hurting places in our heart.   Matthew 11:28 encourages us, “So everyone, come to me! Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” (TPT)

The Lord, however, does take delight in watching us grow and thrive as a result of being willing to journey through those difficult places.  He will hold us and allow His tears to mingle with ours as we press on.  When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is there and His light will lead us out!  It’s not easy; but it will be worth it.

You might feel tired, depleted, and on the verge of knockout.  But…

Don’t stay in the valley~~~~keep walking!

Don’t plop down in despair~~~~rise in determination!

Don’t journey alone~~~~align yourself for success!

Life happens… sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it’s not.  So, if it’s not, take heart… you’re not in the final chapter.  My Father says that all the events of my life will work together for good because I love Him and He has a purpose for me! (Romans 8:28) The same goes for you… So, if It’s not good, it’s not over yet!


Stand strong!  Throw some smack talk back at your circumstances!  Remind them that God has good plans for you!  He treasures you! He likes you, He really likes you!

Dear Father, Bless this reader, I pray.  Strengthen them where they feel weak, guide them where they feel unsure, heal their hurting places.  Restore and refresh them with the joy of knowing they are deeply loved and created for amazing purposes!  Be their Daddy, their Champion, their Counselor, their Provider, their Healer, and the Keeper of their heart.  Thank You, Faithful Father!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Dive Deeper: Psalm 37:3-9, Psalm 103, Ephesians 3:14-21

Live Loved,

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Dare to be Different!

Going against the flow is intimidating for most people.  It’s much easier to ride the waves of the norm and “fit in” with what’s expected. But rarely do we grow… or shine… when we’re in that mode.  Stretching ourselves is a challenge, yet it can bring great rewards!  Not only will we find that doors of opportunity open but we blaze pathways of confidence for our future selves and those who watch our lives.

That’s not to say that there won’t be failures.  Sometimes taking risks causes painful results.  It’s part of the journey.  Speaking up against a bully, literally or figuratively, can result in a sock to the nose!  Yet, if we don’t take a stand for what we believe, we risk living a wishy-washy whiny existence that’s wrapped in dissatisfaction.

How can you stretch yourself… just a bit today or this week?

For me, it was entering a chili competition. This was out of character for me as I generally avoid anything that smacks of competition (aside from a good game of Dominoes!).  Though I enjoy cooking, I don’t consider myself a “foodie.”  But since this was a church event and we were raising money for the youth, I threw myself into it.

The result: I won!


I created my own version of chili and called it “Pittsburgh Comfort Chili.”  I stretched my creative muscles and came up with a unique black and gold dish that was hearty and satisfying!  I have to admit that winning my cute little Chili Cook-off trophy and hearing the compliments was rather exciting!  (Side note: Kudos to all the entrants at Freedom International Church as there were many unique yummy ones and the youth definitely benefitted!)   This risk paid off!

What about you?  How do you see yourself going against the norm for the good?  Could it be speaking up when your co-workers are trashing a peer?  Maybe it’s speaking out against an intense book that your middle schooler is expected to read. Possibly, your risk might be encouraging someone who is consistently rude to you.  How about buying the lunch of someone who is behind you in a line?  Today, I watched a 3rd grader share something with another student who had been tormenting him just an hour before.  Doing the unexpected or unprecedented is not an easy choice.  But it may be one that brings success, confidence, and a deep satisfaction that you stepped out and stepped up your game.  It may lead to the extraordinary!

My beliefs about who I am impact how I choose to live.  I Corinthians 2:16 reminds me that I have the mind of Christ.  Genesis 1:26 declares that I’m made in the likeness of God.  I’m wonderfully and uniquely created according to Psalm 139:14. I Peter 2:9 in The Passion Translation says this: “But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience His marvelous light, and now He claims you as His very own. He did this so that you would broadcast His glorious wonders throughout the world.

I’ve been designed to stand up and stand out!  Not to attract attention to myself, but to impact the world around me for good!  When the air feels heavy with death, I will speak life.  When darkness feels pervasive, I will shine light.  When best intentions drag from discouragement, I will build confidence.  I will go against the status quo to make my world a better place.  The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the extra we put into it!  I hope my kids are watching… I want them to be trail blazers too!

Dive Deeper: Psalm 139, Ephesians 2:10

Recipe: Pittsburgh Comfort Chili

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Live Loved,

You are Enough!


You are enough!  Yes, you, the one reading this… a unique, divinely created, inspiring, talented person!  The world has a one-of-a-kind spot that was designed for you alone!  And you are enough… right now, just as you are… to fill it!



You were born with an innate sense of worthiness!  Who took it away?  At what point did your 4-year-old “I can conquer the world” confidence begin to dwindle?  Who convinced you that you don’t measure up?

Most likely it wasn’t a “who,” but rather a series of events or experiences that compounded through the years, sending you a message that you eventually believed.  You… and I… came to the conclusion that we are not enough.  We are not worthy of just being loved and accepted.  We have decided that we need to do more, be more, give more, and change more in order to be enough.

We’ve fallen victim to a lie!

In reality, you and I were created in the very image and exact likeness of the God of the Universe!  He created us and blessed us!  He gave us dominion over the earth.  He looked at us, His creation, and said that we were very good!  He lovingly crafted us to look like Him, to reflect His nature, His character, His integrity, His worth.   We are worthy of being loved because God deemed it so!  He IS love and created us to be love as well!

Our worth is not found in what we do, but rather in who we are and Whose we are.  We are creations, images even, of the Living God!  It’s time that we look in the mirror and see what the Creator sees! No matter the journey life takes us on, the mistakes we make, the hurts we endure…  we will always be made in the image of God, His creations and reflections!  Nothing can change that!

God is perfect!  And we are not.  That truth exists as well.  But it is not to be the basis upon which our worth is determined.  Why can I so confidently declare this truth?  Because I know that Jesus willingly gave Himself up for me…!

In fact, Hebrews 12:2 says this: “for the joy set before Him, He {Jesus} endured the cross.”  What was that joy?  I believe it was two-fold… the privilege to do the will of the Father and the knowledge that by His sacrifice, all mankind, present, past, & future could be reconciled to our Creator!

As Jesus walked the rocky road to Calvary, dragging the roughly hewn cross, He was not focused on the pain He was enduring.  His mind searched through the haze of blood for the eyes of the ones for whom He was giving His life!  His eyes saw through the ages, capturing snapshots of you and me!  WE are the joy for which He endured the cross! 

Jesus’ loving heart as portrayed by Bruce Marchiano

You are enough! Had you been the only fallen soul on earth, Jesus would still have endured the cross for you alone!  He would have given it all for me alone! Oh, to be able to wrap my mind around that truth!  How could I not love the One who has loved me since before time began?  The One who lovingly crafted me in His likeness?  My heart is captured by His grace and passion for me!  I am enough!  You are enough!

Dive deeper: Hebrews 12:1-2, I John 4:7-21, Isaiah 62:3-5

Lord, I pray that each person reading these words would feel Your loving presence right now!  Embrace them with Your all consuming love and whisper your delight in their ears!  Enable them to grasp the knowledge that they are lovable and worthy of love! Take them deeper in their relationship with You so that Your love will surround them and flow through them!

Thank You, Jesus!

Live Loved… because you truly are!

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His Celebration, His Way

  • But that’s the way we’ve ALWAYS done it…
  • We can’t change that, it’s tradition!
  • The way we did it last year is fine; if it’s not broke, why fix it?
  • At our old church (school, office, etc.) we did it this way…

Do any of these sound familiar?  Have you introduced an idea just to have it cast aside in favor of “the way we’ve always done it?” Or are you the one who has been shaken up by the idea of doing something different than you have in the past?

As humans, we are habitual creatures.  We sit in the same seats at church, our morning routines are consistent, and we buy the same spaghetti sauce we always have.  So, when the Holiday season rolls around, it’s not surprising that we tend to celebrate in the same ways, give to the same charities, and attend the same events that we have each year before. There’s something to be said for embracing family traditions that build unity and a sense of stability.  But when traditions hold you captive and stifle growth and change…

It’s time! It’s time to shake things up!  Look for new direction! Explore possibilities that we have ignored till now!  Why?  Simply put, we need freshness in our lives!  We need to see the world around us with a new perspective from time to time!

More clearly, we need to see the world around us with HIS perspective!  After all, it is the Lord that we should be focusing our thanksgiving on…  And it is His birthday that we are celebrating!  Do you think that maybe He has some ideas about what He wants us to do?  Could it be that He has plans for how He wants to spend time with us?

I do!  I think He has some great ideas!  I think He has some people on His heart that He would like us to bless; or maybe He wants us to open our hearts to be blessed by others.  I imagine that He would like to show us some clear ideas of what His heart holds.  I’m thinking that there’s a new song He’d like to hear and a fresh opportunity He’d like to present to you and your family.  But how will we ever know if we are so caught up in doing things the way we always have?  If we are locked into routine and tradition, we leave no opening for the Lord to give us His perspective.

As time marches us towards this special time of year, explore new possibilities!  Embrace fresh perspective, listen for clear direction, and open your eyes to new opportunities!  The Lord is an endless Source of dreams, visions, and ideas!  When you turn your ear in His direction, He will pour out His heart and share His passions!  He will whisper to you the delight He takes in spending time with you and how it blesses His heart when you share His love!

Dive Deeper: Proverbs 2:6-11, Hosea 10:12

I could give you some ideas… but I suspect you won’t need my suggestions!

As for me… I’m already feeling inspired to drop some bits of blessing in a new way this year!

Please share your thoughts and ideas to inspire others by clicking on the bubble near the title!

Live Loved,






Recalculating Route…

Modern technology has left me asking more times than not… how did we ever manage before this came along?  A trip to an unknown destination is made much easier by the use of GPS system!  Of course, even the best-planned course can run into errors, snafus, and detours.  Then come those words that bring calm into the confusion, “Recalculating route.”

Life is full of unknown destinations!  When we think we know the route, suddenly, we are presented with a change in course!  Maybe your wrong turn came as a result of a poor choice you made.  Maybe the detour was the fault of someone else’s decision.  Or that abrupt shift was simply the reality of life happening to you.

We’ve all been there.

As we sit at the corner of Upset Street and Wrong Way Boulevard, we throw our hands up in despair!  “What now?!?” we exclaim in agitation and even fear.  This is not how we’d planned it!!  This wasn’t supposed to happen!  God, why did you let this happen?


And with that statement, we hit the very heart of our dilemma.  If God is good… if God is watching over us… why did this happen? 

I’m sorry to say that I have no easy answer to this.  In fact, I think most times there is no easy answer.  We live in a fallen world shaped by the sin, sickness, and the pain of free choice.  God allows that pain to touch our lives during different seasons.  We don’t have to understand God’s ways or the whys in order to choose to trust Him.  It’s a dilemma as old as mankind: Fear vs. Faith.  Will we whine, complain, worry, demand, manipulate, and rage… or will we rest in the faith that God is in control?  Will we tap into the truth that God authentically, deeply, unconditionally loves us?  Will we take comfort in knowing He journeys through the valley with us?

When our Heavenly Father knew you and I in the womb of our mother, when He wove us together in intricate beauty, He knew the route He had laid out for our lives.  He also knew each detour, wrong turn, and pitfall that we would face.  He does not exclaim in shock when you turn left instead of right!  He does not gasp in fear when I ignore a bridge and choose a side road instead.  He does not throw His hands up in terror when someone sideswipes us.  He reaches down in love, wraps us in His arms, and waits… He waits for us to turn to Him with the questions in our eyes.  He waits for us to find our equilibrium.  He waits for us to ask Him, “What now, Daddy?”  Then He assures our hearts with the simple words, “Recalculating Route!”

Nothing takes our Dad by surprise!  He knows what we will encounter and when. God understands the pain, abandonment, loss, and longing.  And He patiently provides us with a re-route when we are ready to trust His plans for us.  I’m convinced that He is trustworthy!  When loss impacts our dreams, He is not lost!  When confusion muddles once clear plans, He is not confused! When failure marks the precious relationships in our lives, He will not fail us!  When we submit our lives… the good, the bad, and the ugly parts to Him… He will cause all of it to come together for our good.  Why?  Because we love Him and He loves us!  (Romans 8:28)  It’s that difficult and that simple.

Dive Deeper: Jeremiah 17:7-8, Genesis 45:3-8

Declaration:  Heavenly Father, You are so faithful, even when I am faithless!  Thank you for being trustworthy!  Forgive me for the times I’ve gone astray and made choices that took me off the route You had planned for me.  Help me to forgive others who have failed me.  I ask You to take all of the failures, hurts, and disappointments… mold them into the plan for good that You have for me!  Even when adversity comes, I pray that I would hear and obey Your voice behind me saying, “This is the way.” (Isaiah 30:19-21)  Thank you, Daddy!  I love You!!

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Live Loved,

Excerpted from “Reflections from the Valley” by Joy Morey

To Hope Again…

This week was a rough one at school.  Each passing year seems to bring us an increase of defiance and a decrease of initiative. The deep emotional, educational, and physical needs of our students overwhelm their desire for knowledge and hinder their ability to learn.   Our administrators have more need of running shoes than fashionable heels.  And the teachers… we wear exhaustion and discouragement like a water-logged cloak.

That was our week… and truth be told, we endure many weeks just like this.  At lunch, we share our war stories and roll our eyes at some of the funny and not-so-funny antics we’ve been forced to endure.  This week, like a dark stain, I felt their hopelessness—my hopelessness–creeping up to steal the breath from my typically resilient heart.

I wonder… is it worth it?  Will my efforts really impact the future?  Will the students understand all that I’m trying to share through my words, my attitude, my compassion?  Will any of what I am teaching really translate to a positive future for them?  I wonder…

What about you?  Have you wondered if what you are doing matters? Does your hard work seem hopeless?  Do you feel like giving up? Has your sense of confidence been slipping?  Do you, like me, wonder if we are just plodding up the same hill again and again with no signs of successfully reaching the other side?


As I wondered…  these are the words I felt God whisper into my heart:

Don’t become weary of doing what is good… there will be a harvest if you don’t give up! (see Galatians 6:9)


Like a breath of fresh air, I felt hope rush in!  Sowing and reaping is a natural law! When I sow into the next generation, there will be a harvest!  Just like a farmer, my sowing requires steadfastness, consistency, and commitment.  I’m “planting” life and truth through my words and actions and I can be confident that good is going to come as a result.  The best part is that I don’t have to do this alone! The Holy Spirit functions as a coach, shouting encouragement from the sidelines and strategically aligning others to work along with me.

It’s time to hope again!  Whatever struggles are sapping your energy and peace, it’s time to refocus the eyes of your heart! Whatever your career path, whomever your life impacts, do it for the glory of God and go full tilt knowing that you will harvest great rewards!  Refuse to give up or back down!  After all, you and I, we are not quitters!

Stand strong, leaning into the voice of the One who created you to excel!  It is through His instruction that we find our footing.  It is His grace that weaves through our actions the very fabric of hope that will bring us through the difficult days.  It will be worth it… and we will find out just how much… if we don’t give up!

As my feet hit the floor on Monday morning, my mind will ring out this anthem: “I am a prisoner of hope!  I refuse to give up!  I will see the goodness of the Lord in my life and world!”

Dive Deeper:  Psalm 27:13-14, Romans 5:1-5, Galatians 6:7-10

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Live Loved,




All Embracing Love… Really?

Tolerance… it’s what our society is calling for…

Tolerance is the willingness to tolerate or allow the existence of someone else’s beliefs or opinions. That means we tolerate other opinions about sexuality, politics, parenting, finances, and even the best pick-up truck. It’s reading someone’s political post or raging social commentary and allowing their thoughts to stand.

If society is calling for tolerance… what are believers called to do?

Well… is God tolerant? Did He allow Adam to do what he believed was right in the Garden of Eden? Did the Lord entertain Moses’ opinion on saving Sodom & Gomorrah? Did He permit the Israelites to have a king that He never wanted them to have? The answer to these questions is “Yes.” Then the implication is that God is tolerant of our opinions and beliefs. Why? Because He outfitted us with the ability to decide for ourselves and He is faithful to His word in allowing us to choose, even when we choose wrongly! Believe it or not… He wouldn’t even block us on Facebook!

There’s a boatload of difference between tolerance and approval. We can tolerate the beliefs and opinions of others without extending our approval. That works out fairly well as most people have no interest in gaining our approval anyway. But somehow, we still find ourselves in the place of trying to decide if we do or don’t approve of someone.

Please, stop… don’t bother with that internal conversation any longer!

Instead, ask yourself, what does Jesus see in this person?
I believe that He would not only tolerate them, but He would embrace them! He DOES embrace them! He embraces us! He steps into our mess and wraps His arms around us… warts and all… our laziness, bad choices, addictions, unfaithfulness, complaining, cussing, sensuality, political rhetoric, prejudices, sports-obsessions, and self-righteousness. Jesus is not standing back deciding whether or not to offer His approval. He purposefully steps towards you and I, opens His arms, tells us He loves us, and asks us to follow Him!

Jesus came as Light and Life so that He could pour into us and send us forth as light and life to a lost world… even a social media world. (John 1:4-5) The precious people in our realm of influence experience His embrace through us!

Skip Morgenson, right, says a prayer while embracing other congregation members during a prayer vigil for the Charlottesville victims at Cornerstone …

We are called to love! Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time for correction, teaching, and wisdom… but most often those opportunities come AFTER relationship is established (and not via social media!) If we cannot embrace others in their mess, we will never get to the point of relationship when we have earned the authority to speak into their lives. Without love, our well-meaning rhetoric grates the ears like clanging symbols! (I Corinthians 13:1-8a)

This embracing love is effectively demonstrated when we don’t see eye to eye with someone we encounter… when their beliefs or opinions don’t line up with ours. Yet, we can still look them in the eye and value who they are simply because they are made in the image of our Heavenly Dad.

Social media is a tool that can drive wedges in relationships or a tool to build bridges of relationships.

Don’t waste your time with foolish arguments; redeem the time for His Kingdom! Be passionate about people, because our Daddy is!

Dig Deeper: II Timothy 2:20-26, I Corinthians 13, Colossians 1:9-14

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Live Loved,

Want to read more? Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement, Unoffendable

Want to hear more?  Listen here: Designed to Impress

Standing in the Storm

“Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious.]” Ephesians 6:13 AMP

As the crisis of Hurricane Irma bears down on us, the manic news reports flash everywhere and the panicked purchasers wipe the shelves clean of storm necessities.  Before long, even the calmest person can feel the rise of stress and worry choking out the confidence that God truly is in control.

As I struggled with this rising fear of calamity, I felt the Lord whisper in my ear, “Having done all else, stand firm.”  Just minutes ago, my family and I walked around our property, declaring trees will stay put, commanding angels to stand guard over board-less windows, speaking a shield over our vehicles, and praying a hedge of safety around our chickens.   Now, I sit here, truly having done all I can think of and can manage to do with what limited supplies are available.

Breathing deeply, I choose to embrace peace that passes all understanding.  My confidence is not in my preparations or the piles of supplies.  My confidence is in my Faithful Father.  He has promised me that no matter what comes my way, He will cause all my life’s circumstances~the good, the bad, and the ugly~ to flow together for my good because I love Him and He loves me!

Standing firm is not a passive stance that bears the lackadaisical attitude of an amusement park attendee.  Rather, it is a purposeful stand.  When we stand firm, we stand in expectancy.  We stand ready.

There is purpose and power in our stand.  We stand on truth, we stand in hope, and we stand believing that God’s Kingdom will come and His will be done in our current situation.  This faith stand declares emphatically that we trust our Dad… No.Matter.What!

In our lives, storms will come!   Isaiah 43 reminds us:

“But now, this is what the Lord says—
He who created you, Jacob,
He who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze”

Note this: When you pass through the waters… when you walk through the fire… it’s not a question of if, but when.

Your storm may seem overwhelming right now… turn to Him.  Grab ahold of His beard and look deep into His eyes!  He loves you.  When you climb into His arms, you will find that deep inner peace your heart desires!  In fact, you will find yourself planted right smack in the center of where God wanted you to be!  His plans are never to harm us; rather, His plans our purposefully and intricately woven to give us an incredible future!

Let the storm rage around you!  But stand firm in the knowledge that God, your God, is in control.  Wait in expectancy and hope for Him to give you strength and direction.  Stand declaring His goodness and faithfulness.  Watch Him come through for you with His mighty right hand!  He loves you SO MUCH that He will work on your behalf when you submit your life to Him.

Dig deeper:  Jeremiah 29:11-13, Ephesians 6:10-20

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Live Loved,                    

The Power of Perspective

But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:10

It’s developing a habit, really…  Choosing to look at circumstances from all sides as if you were inspecting a possible purchase.  What looks awful from one side may look beautiful from another.  I’ve been accused of looking at life through rose-colored glasses.  I’m not offended by that… in fact, I think everyone should have a pair!

You and I can view life through the lens of trials or through the lens of opportunities.  It’s all in our perspective, really…  consider Mary and Martha.  I’d venture to say that both women loved Jesus and both were most likely hard workers.  Yet in the scenario in Luke 10:38-42, we find them at odds with one another.  Why?  They had differing perspectives of Jesus’ visit!  Martha saw the problem; Mary saw the Provider.  Martha saw the duties; Mary saw the Deliverer.  Martha saw the situation; Mary saw the Savior!  Martha wanted Jesus to feel comfortable; Mary took comfort in the presence of Jesus.  Jesus knew what Mary and Martha needed… Himself!  Martha just hadn’t figured it out yet (I’d like to think she caught on soon!).

Consider the scenarios in your life.  How easy it is to focus on the problems and needs!  But, oh!  When we lift our vision higher, we focus on the Provider, the Comforter, the Divine Orchestrator whose very presence fills our lives!  We can sit at His feet, leave our burdens there, and find the comfort that only He can offer.  Yes, there is still work to be done! No, we cannot abdicate our responsibilities.  But, we can keep our eyes on the One who knows what we need, opens the door of access to the Throne room, and whispers His perspective into our spirits!

Sure, sometimes circumstances drain the pep from my step, but if I am purposeful to readjust my focus, I get a peek of the Son shining through life’s clouds! Slip on those rose-colored glasses and lift your vision higher!  There’s life to be found in every situation!

Dig deeper: James 1:2-6, Psalm 34:8-18, Philippians 4:6-8

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Live Loved,

What is Steampunk Again??


Hi!  My name is Joy… and I’m a Steampunk Junkie!  I can’t find a support group because… well, I can’t seem to find many other SP Junkies like me!  In fact, most people ask me to define Steampunk, and I mumble a few adjectives such as industrial, futuristic, Victorian, eclectic…  and then promptly show them an image or two on my phone!

So, why do I enjoy this creative style?  I’m glad you asked! I’ve asked myself that same question!  What is it about the rusty, copper-colored menagerie of gadgets and gizmos that make my pulse stir?

When I look at a Steampunk piece of art, my creative juices begin to bubble!  My imagination flourishes and my desire to create an original work of art goes into overdrive!  Before long, I have a pile of odds and ends, glue, paper, and trinkets just begging to be set into place.

Steampunk art… Unique… colorful… intricate… and NOT perfect!  It’s an art filled with discarded tools, torn edges, crumpled papers, broken chains, and stained pieces.  Yet, when a designer puts those components together, they become a beautiful, one-of-a-kind display of art.

Steampunk art is a reflection of me!  It’s an outward display of the intricately woven ribbons of my life.  Torn moments, wounded memories, delightful snapshots, discarded choices, bursts of color and dreams, all threaded together by the Master Designer into a masterpiece!  I confess, sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty when the work is in process.  The chaos and brokenness just don’t seem usable.  However, that’s all the more reason to trust the Master Designer!

Your life is also a work of art in progress!  The Master Designer began that work the day you were conceived. He has not forgotten you! He promises to take all the torn and broken pieces and merge them with the beautiful, glittery ones in creating a complete and precious work… if you allow Him to!  “…being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”  Phil. 1:6 NKJV

This Master Designer, the Creator of the Universe, the Lover of your soul, Jesus…  go to Him, lay it all at His feet in surrender and watch Him begin to piece the threads of your life together into the work of art that is you.  You won’t be disappointed!

Dig Deeper! Genesis 45:3-7, 50:19-20, Romans 8:18-28

Make a Declaration:

Lord, You are a faithful God and the Master Creator! You are also my Father.  Help me to trust You and Your plan for my life.  Take all my broken pieces, my hurts, my mistakes, and weave them together into the good You promised for my life.  I love You, Lord!  Thank You that You’ve called me according to Your purposes.

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Live loved,