To the Point Tuesday: Will you ever… ?

Ephesians 3 rocked my world! Crazy, right? I mean, it’s not like I hadn’t read it before. In fact, I could have quoted several of the verses.

But this time, just… wow! It wasn’t so much that Paul willingly accepted jail time because he could see the purpose in it. It wasn’t even that God’s plan for Salvation and unity were made perfect in Jesus, or even that we now have confidence to go freely before the throne of the King of kings. As awesome as those Truths are, it was Paul’s prayer for you and me that gripped my heart and brought a new hunger to my spirit (3:14-20).

So I ask: Will you ever grasp the magnitude of the love of Christ for us? Will I? This love that is deep, intimate, all inclusive, endless, far reaching, and extravagant? I truly hope so! We need at least an inkling of it because it’s that understanding that leads us to experience God’s presence and fullness in our lives!

Don’t worry, though, we are not alone in our journey to grasp His love for us! In verse 16, Paul prays that all believers will be strengthened and empowered by the Holy Spirit in the very core of our being (innermost part) so that Christ will dwell in our hearts through faith. Sometimes we think this is the end-goal of the Gospel: to have Jesus in our hearts as our ticket to Heaven. But, if we stop there, we miss out on the incredible richness of a relationship with Abba… Daddy!  We miss out on developing a relationship with Jesus, our Co-heir and Groom. We spend our days trying to be “good enough” instead of living life with the Holy Spirit as our Coach, Comforter, and Counselor.

God has SO much more in mind for us!

As we become secure in the idea that Jesus loved us enough that He gave His life for us (head knowledge), we want to know Him! We choose  to grow in intimacy with Him through relationship. It is in that journey that the Holy Spirit enables us to KNOW the love of Christ… he takes it from head knowledge to heart knowledge! We begin to grasp that He loves us, ALL of us, deeply, intimately, endlessly, and extravagantly! With that deep understanding, we become filled with the very presence of God in all of His fullness! Wow! Yes, please!!

Paul closes out his prayer glorifying God and declaring praises from every generation from now till eternity. And in that closing, don’t miss this incredible reminder and promise: The God that we serve, our Abba, is able to carry out His purpose for us! He is able to do superabundantly, infinitely, immeasurably more than you and I can ask, imagine, think, hope, dream and pray! Now I ask, are you dreaming? Are you asking? Are you hoping? Are you praying? I sure hope so. Let’s declare, “Yes, and Amen!” to this promise!

On your behalf and mine, I pray in agreement with the prayer in Ephesians 3:14-20. Here is that prayer in The Passion Translation:  “So I kneel humbly in awe before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, 15 the perfect Father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth. 16 And I pray that He would unveil within you the unlimited riches of His glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with His divine might and explosive power.

17 Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of His love will become the very source and root of your life.

18–19 Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!”1

Live Loved,


To the Point Tuesday: Did You Ever…?

Last week, I asked you… Have you ever felt chosen? Ephesians 1 declares that ALL of us have been chosen to have relationship with God. Ephesians 2 takes us further and so I ask…

Did you ever?

Did you ever accept the invitation to live in grace? It is God’s grace that allows us to truly live and be reconciled by the sacrifice of Jesus.  And it’s only by grace… not anything you or I can be or do.

Many people, like me,  grew up with the “pull yourselves up by the boot-straps” mentality. Our motto is: We can accomplish what we set our minds to do. So, it can be challenging and humbling to realize that there is no way that we can achieve salvation on our own. But it is also freeing! Because if we can’t gain it on our own, then we can’t lose it on our own either! Our Salvation rests in what Jesus has already done for us and our willingness to accept the invitation to live in God’s grace. Wow!

Yes, it’s that simple and yet profound! Say “yes” to the invitation to live in God’s grace… there’s an abundant supply of His mercy and grace available to you. When you realize how very much God loves you, you’ll stop wondering if you are “good enough” to be His kid or “bad enough” to even need Him. Instead you’ll rest in the knowledge that you are His workmanship, His masterpiece, His poetry! And then you’ll want to get to know Him better and learn the desires in His heart for you. (vs. 10)

There’s so much more to learn in Ephesians 2! Read on to learn about how the blood of Jesus:

  • Gives access to the Father through the Holy Spirit
  • Brings unity
  • Fulfills the requirements of the law
  • Break downs the walls of prejudice
  • Abolishes ethnic barriers
  • Makes us citizens of Heaven!

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.” Vs. 13

I hope you say, “Yes!”

Live Loved,

To the Point Tuesday: Have You Ever…?

Lately, I’ve felt compelled to dig into the book of Ephesians. I armed myself with multiple versions, a notebook, and my favorite colored pens.  After digesting the first chapter, I had to ask you, my readers…

Have you ever?

Have you ever felt chosen? wanted? pursued?

The truth is, no matter how you’ve felt, you are all of those things!!

You are Chosen! You are Wanted! You are Pursued!

In Ephesians 1, the Holy Spirit assures us that before the very foundations of the world, before Adam and Eve listened to lies, before sin became the norm, God designed a plan to restore our relationship with Him!

ALL OF US! Please don’t miss the ALL!* God knew what you were going to be like before your first breath. He knew about my struggles before I was formed. He knew the good, the bad, and the ugly about all of His creations before Adam and Eve opened their eyes.

Yet, He wants to have a relationship with us! He delights in us! You see, the same love He has for Jesus, He has for ALL of us. He longs to have relationship with each and every person He created. We are His kids, made in His image!

Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we are adopted and restored as His very own. He has co-seated us in the Heavens with Jesus! This is just a taste of what we are invited to participate in! Dig into Ephesians 1 for yourself! Ask the Lord to stir a hunger for a deeper relationship with Him.

Live Loved,

*John 3:16, II Peter 3:9, Romans 10:12

To the Point Tuesday: Is Your Heavenly Dad Proud of You?

Have you ever wondered if God is proud of you? As parents, we tend to tell our kids that we are proud of them for working hard, accomplishing a goal, or making wise choices. Agreed? As children of the Heavenly King, it makes sense that we’d want Him to be proud of our choices and efforts, right?

A quick dive into the Word of God reveals the following:

  • When God created man, He looked at His creations and said, “They are very good.” (Genesis 1:26-27)
  • We are to “walk” through life in a way that is pleasing to God. (I Thessalonians 4:1)
  • We have right-standing before God in Jesus. (II Corinthians 5:21)
  • God loves us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)
  • He declares that He delights in us. (Isaiah 62:4)
  • Our Father will lift us up if we choose to walk in humility (I Peter 5:6-7)
  • He rejoices over us with gladness and singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
  • We are blessed when we give praise to the Lord. (Psalm 89:15)

So, I don’t know if God is proud of you and me. But I do know this….

We are blessed when we choose His ways!

He loves us deeply and unconditionally because we are made in His image!

The righteousness of Jesus covers us giving us access to His presence!

When we love Him, walk in obedience, and love others, He is pleased with us!

He adores us and rejoices over us!

Let those thoughts roll around in your spirit! Your Daddy delights in you! Why wouldn’t we want to live in a way that lights up His face with a smile?

Live Loved,

To the Point Tuesday: I Speak Jesus!

Have you heard this song? Has it gripped your heart like it has mine?

The beauty of this song is that it is a simple, yet powerful, Truth!

‘Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire
1 (Additional lyrics below)

When we speak the name of Jesus, there are ripples of power that radiate through the spirit realm!

Evangelist Steve Hill testified that at his lowest point, proclaiming himself an atheist, in the midst of drug-induced convulsions, he called out the name of Jesus until minutes later, he found himself sitting upright, completely delivered! There’s power in the name of Jesus!

When I think of how the world abuses the name of Jesus, it grieves my heart. How it must hurt the ears of the Lord! Conversely, imagine the oil of beauty that flows over His ears when we speak the name of Jesus in faith and confidence! Imagine the joy that fills His heart when we ascribe honor and glory to His name! How that must bring a smile to His face!

Jesus! What an incredible name! What a glorious name! What a powerful name2! The authority inherent in the name of Jesus is available to us! We are welcome to come boldly before His throne, ask in His name, and stand in faith believing that He will meet us right where we are!

Live loved,

1Songwriters: Jesse Reeves / Dustin Smith / Abby Benton / Raina Patt / Kristen Dutton / Carlene Prince

I Speak Jesus lyrics © Integrity’s Praise Music, Here Be Lions Publishing

“I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over every heart and every mind
‘Cause I know there is peace within your presence
I speak Jesus

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Till every dark addiction starts to break
Declaring there is hope and there is freedom
I speak Jesus

Shout Jesus from the mountains
Jesus in the streets
Jesus in the darkness over every enemy
Jesus for my family
I speak the holy name

‘Cause Your name is power
Your name is healing
Your name is life
Break every stronghold
Shine through the shadows
Burn like a fire 

I just want to speak the name of Jesus
Over fear and all anxiety
To every soul held captive by depression
I speak Jesus

Source: Musixmatch

2 Philippians 2:5-11,

To The Point Tuesday: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Relationships… they can be a tremendous blessing or a massive challenge. Sometimes, they are both!

This Sunday, my pastor taught on “How to Get Along with People1.” He focused on three fundamental components needed to get along with others within our homes, workplaces, and even long distance: Respect, Humility, and Communication.

This three components are not mutually exclusive. You cannot have respect without authentic humility; you cannot have open communication without respect; and humility is required for true communication! As I processed the teaching and Scriptures2 we focused on, I was challenged to examine various relationships and to be purposeful about making some adjustments! Here are a few of the thoughts that rose in my spirit…

Relationship is the heartbeat of the Father, not just our relationship with Him, but also our relationships with others.

I find that I’m not that different than most Americans, when we communicate with others, we are comfortable declaring our thoughts and opinions to all who will listen. But the minute that others express differing opinions, we lift invisible fingers to plug our ears. How we handle this common dilemma varies depending on our level of respect and humility.

As believers, we are more prone to err in the area of humility. Pastor Eric outlined three components of humility: quietness, speaking the truth in love, and strength demonstrated through patience. I’d like to add two more components of humility: being willing to admit when we are wrong and maintaining a teachable heart. Because we have the mind of Christ, our tendency is to believe that our thinking is correct… correct in spiritual matters, personal matters, financial matters, and political matters. But humility will help us remember that perfect revelation and understanding is not available this side of Heaven. We are learning, growing, applying, and maturing each and every day, if we maintain a teachable heart!

If you are struggling in personal or professional relationships, please take some time to listen to Pastor Eric Lehmann’s teaching. I know it will encourage (and challenge) you!

Live Loved and Teachable,

1How To Get Along with People by Pastor Eric Lehmann of Freedom Church, Wesley Chapel

2Scripture references: Ephesians 5:21, Romans 13:1, Matthew 7:1-2, Romans 14:13, Luke 6:27,31, Mark 12:31, I Thessalonians 4:11-12, Ephesians 4:15, I Corinthians 13:4, James 1:19-20, Proverbs 15:1, 16:15, Romans 12:10, Philippians 4:13, I Corinthians 2:16

Power & Love-A Balancing Act

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.  Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This quote packs a serious punch! One right to the gut and one that challenges us as believers. Meditate on the truth that MLK Jr. shares… it reflects the heart of the Father. Micah 6:8 states: “He {God} has shown you, O mortal {you and me}, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Jesus seconds this expectation when He declares His passionate expectation: Love the Lord with all of our being AND love others as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39).

The POWER: We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be Truth carriers, wonder-workers, agents of justice, and disciple-makers.

The LOVE: It’s love that paves the way for His Truth and His power to effectively impact our realm of influence! When His heart beats in us, we reflect His attitude, His motives, and His compassionate mercy to those around us.

The bottom line: We have no authority in situations where we refuse to demonstrate love (I Corinthians 13). But, love empowered by truth produces healing and growth!

Live Loved,

Note: This article was originally published here on August 31, 2021

To the Point Tuesday: Pray for Protection!

This month, the Lord has protected loved ones from not one, but two, falling branches that could have potentially killed them. Not only that, but He protected us from a potential house fire resulting from a clogged dryer vent. How many other things has the Lord protected us from this week of which we are not even aware?

Psalm 91 tells us that God has given His angels charge over us. Isaiah 54:17 tells us that no weapon formed against us will prosper. Daily, Andy and I purposefully use our authority in the spirit realm to declare protection in the name of Jesus and to release protecting and warring angels to surround our family, church family, schools, and friends.

Consider this: The tax refund you expect drops into your savings account. That provision is of no benefit to you unless you decide to appropriate it by making a purchase or paying a bill.  Jesus shed His blood on our behalf to provide forgiveness, healing, and protection (that’s provision). It’s our responsibility to tap into His provision (that’s appropriation)! Make no mistake, there is an evil plan at work against you and me. John 10 clearly states that Satan has a goal to kill us, steal from us, and completely destroy us! BUT JESUS! 

Our position in Christ provides us authority (read Ephesians 1) in the spirit realm. We must appropriate or apply that authority in our lives daily. Will bad things still happen? Well… do we still live in a fallen world? Of course. (Matthew 5:45 tells us that it rains on the righteous and unrighteous.) However, we can rest in the knowledge that when we come boldly before His throne, request His protection, and release His angels, He will protect us from known and unknown dangers and be with us when the hard things do come into our lives. He is faithful!

Need some encouragement to speak it out? Listen to this song: Champion by Dante Bowe

Live Loved,


My gym workouts are made bearable by three things: I know I need them, I go with my handsome hubby, and I watch podcasts that feed my spirit!

Today’s teaching came with a challenge*:

“Become unoffendable!”1 

Wow… Think about that for a bit.  I know it made me pause and process.

Our current American culture seems to be looking for offense around every rock and tree.  People of all ages and socioeconomic levels are embracing the tendency to be offended by any opinion that differs than their own.

As believers, we should be different, right?

Sadly, Christians have a well-deserved reputation of being easily offended.  We (and I use that word broadly) may find offense in how people dress, their political views, their colorful vocabulary, their opinions, and so on.

Conversely, Jesus was not offended… not by the poor, or by the demon-possessed, or by the coarse laborers, or by those caught in sin.  In fact, Jesus was not even offended by the doubters or the soldiers that nailed Him to the cross.

Jesus was and is the epitome of “Unoffendable!”

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with a new friend and felt a real connection to them?  They like the same music as you, share the same tastes in food, and even have similar views on raising kids.  You think, “Wow, this is a great person. I hope we can hang out again!”  But then, a subject comes up that throws a wrench in that plan… a strong moral opinion, an opposing political view, a different stand on social topic, etc. and you emotionally slam on the brakes.  “Woah, I guess we are not as in sync a I imagined! I can’t believe they think that way.”  Thus begins an emotional withdrawal process because they are not as like us as we originally thought.

When we encounter people like ourselves, we feel validated.  Our human tendencies are to gravitate towards people who are similar to us.  We like when we see ourselves reflected in others!  However, we give ourselves permission to dislike or disassociate ourselves from people who are different than us.  We may even allow ourselves to dishonor people who do not share our beliefs or our way of life.  This is not the example that Jesus set for you and I.

{Caveat: There’s a difference between honoring people and allowing people authority in our lives.  It is not wise or healthy to allow just anyone the opportunity to speak into our lives.  However, we should honor all people as valuable.}

Consider Philippians 2:3-5 in the Passion Translation:

Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves. Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests. And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation.

How easy it is for us, believers or not, to major on the minors!  As a friend recently said, “We tend to elevate the ways we are different instead of celebrating the ways we are the same.”2   Not only should we celebrate ways that we are the same, but we should choose to honor others in spite of or even because of our differences.  We don’t have to agree with others to appreciate who they are as a person. The beauty of diversity is the richness it brings to our sometimes ethnocentric lives.

WWJD is more than a slogan!  It is a reminder to us to think like Jesus thinks!  We as believers have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16) and the power of the Holy Spirit vibrating in us!  When we encounter people who believe differently than us, spout contrary opinions, or embrace a lifestyle contrary to our way of thinking, we can still choose to honor them and treat them with the love that the Heavenly Father carries in His heart for them.  We can choose to be unoffendable!

I’m convicted! I’m challenged!  How about you?

Live Loved,

1Listen to Danny Silk’s complete teaching on being unoffendable here.

2James Dodzweit teaches on Church Unity here.

*Originally published by on June 18th, 2018

Soundtrack Savvy

It happened again yesterday…

I was minding my own business when one of those songs came on. You know the ones, you haven’t heard it in 15 or 20 years, but suddenly you’re singing along with it like it’s a current hit. If you’re like me, you surprise yourself with how well you remember the words! (And often they aren’t the most uplifting lyrics.) Your mind may even flick to a memory that includes that song or the car you were driving in when it was a top ten hit.

Lyrics and tunes… for centuries the art of music has impacted the world; for decades (a few anyway!) it has impacted mine. Music has the ability to calm, agitate, uplift, restore, celebrate, annoy, and unite. Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.1 There’s power in music; there’s power in lyrics.

Music has never been more readily available than it is today. Literally, music is a tool at our fingertips that can be used as a melancholy, pity party tune or a stand tall, dig deep anthem.

What soundtracks do you have on repeat?

“Lyrics don’t matter.” I’ve heard this more times than I can count. But I beg to differ. Remember that song you haven’t heard for 15 years but you remember the words? Me too. Lyrics do matter and they stick in your mind for much longer than you’d imagine. When you find yourself in challenging circumstances, when you are feeling at your wit’s end, when you feel like no one else knows how you feel, music will draw you in… and it will either lift you up or drag you down.

Today our worship team sang an oldie but a goodie: Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture. As I sang along, the lyrics flowed out of me with such boldness, joy, and peace! My confidence came from 2 sources:

  • I have lived through a few things and have seen God come through on my behalf!
  • I recognized the lyrics as simply a poetic reassembling of the Truth found in God’s Word.

Take a few minutes and listen in: Your Love Never Fails. Listen and lean into the lyrical Truths found in this song2:

Nothing can separate (Romans 8:31-39)
Even if I ran away (Psalm 139:7-12)
Your love never fails (I John 4:7, I Corinthians 13:8)

I know I still make mistakes (Romans 3:23, Romans 2:4)
But You have new mercies for me every day (Lamentations 3:22-233)
Your love never fails

You stay the same through the ages (Hebrews 13:8)
Your love never changes (James 1:17)
There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5)

And when the oceans rage
I don’t have to be afraid (Psalm 112:7, Isaiah 43:1-2)
Because I know that You love me (I John 4:10)
Your love never fails

‘Cause You make all things work together for my good (Romans 8:28)
You make all things work together for my good2

Personally, I find that music has helped heal my heart, rejuvenate my faith, and put a spring in my step when I desperately needed it. Instrumental songs have their place and provide a soothing backdrop for me when in work mode. However, songs filled with lyrics of truth affirm my confidence in a faithful God and open the door for intimacy with my Heavenly Father. Other songs simply bring joy and reminders that the world still has a lot of good in it! Either way, I get to choose the soundtracks that roll around in my head, heart, car, and home!

If you’re reading this, you are old enough to make your own choices regarding what you will listen to. Choose wisely! Choose well for your soul, choose well for the other listeners in your home. Be encouraged to fill your heart and mind with music that uplifts and lyrics that inspire!

Live Loved,

P.S. If you enjoyed this, please share on social media and include your favorite uplifting song! 🙂


2 Songwriters: Anthony Warren Skinner / Christopher Andrew McClarney

Your Love Never Fails lyrics © EMI Music Publishing